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Let your voices be heard ROUND TWO – The Concept Case Survey Continues

I gotta be honest…  I was stunned at the turn out for Round One of the Concept Case Survey.  I’ve always suspected that the online G.I. Joe community was fairly small, and while we’re obviously vocal and enthusiastic, I had my doubts about how many folks would be motivated to sit through a 10 minute survey.

Turns out over 1100 of you were, and I’m very thankful for that.  Truth is, the more folks that vote, the more impact the votes have, and if Hasbro sees the fandom taking the time to let their voices be heard, the more likely they are to take our input into consideration.

So, you all voted… you all saw the results of Round One…and now we’re off to Round Two!  All of the selections from the various sections have been narrowed down to a single list of 20.  It’s now up to the fans to take that list of 20 and tell Hasbro WHAT YOU WANT.  Go for it!

Any Excel Guru’s in the house? Help requested with Survey Analysis

I’ve been getting a lot of questions privately and in the comments about analysis for the Concept Case survey when it comes to the “Write In” section.  Unfortunately as it stands, in order for Survey Monkey to perform a proper text analysis, I have to be on their “Gold” level platform, which you can only do by signing an annual contract to the tune of $300.

Now, I love getting this data together as much as the next guy, but I can’t swing that.  But what I can do is take all of the individual responses and copy and paste them to an Excel spreadsheet.  The only issue with that is it also gathers some other extraneous text as well.  In the interest of trying to gather as consistent data as possible, I would love some assistance with the following:

  • Deleting every other row in an Excel spreadsheet.  Any formula writers out there?
  • Comparing the write in entries to gather consistent numbers

This is not a small task.  If you think about the fact that 1200 people took this survey, and there were 10 different write in sections (5 for figures, 5 for vehicles) you can appreciate how much data this is.

Granted, not everyone filled in all of the write ins, so that lessens the numbers a bit, but there is a lot of data there.

Anyone out there willing to assist?  I think this could be a great community-building project.  Either comment on this thread with some contact info, or drop me an email – justin AT generalsjoes DOT com and maybe we can all work together to get this data out to the community.

Thanks in advance!  Round Two preparation is under way.

GeneralsJoes Concept Case Top 10 – Number 3

Getting down to the nitty gritty, which is where you’ll find this particular figure on most people’s want lists.  To be honest, if I had been asked a month ago what my most wanted figure would be, this guy would be pretty much have hit the top of the list without any competition.

Well, when Hasbro unveiled the Concept Case at this year’s G.I. Joe Convention suddenly there was a LOT of competition.  Vehicles, figures, ideas…  it almost relegated this guy to the “been there, done that” pile.  But not quite.

One close up look at this figure will tell you that even for folks who don’t really care for the character are still getting a very good G.I. Joe toy.

3 – G.I. Joe: 30th Anniversary Kwinn

Of course one might ask, among a team of heavily armored, heavily equipped, future tech sporting super-soldiers, where does an Eskimo with shorts, a khaki shirt, and a weasel skull necklace fit in?  That question has obviously been asked a lot, especially by Hasbro themselves as this poor guy (who is a fully tooled and ready for release figure) still has not gotten an opportunity to be released yet.

I think Hasbro pushed fans near the breaking point when they actually displayed him in a case full of unused (and perhaps never-to-be-used) concepts, but based on conversations with Hasbro at JoeCon, I think chances of Kwinn being released are probably around 85 – 90%.  This is not a guy you need to worry about never getting your hands on.  Regardless, he still stands proud pretty close to the top of my Top Ten list.  Admittedly, though, based on responses I’m seeing from the Concept Case survey, I am in the minority for putting him this far back, which should be good news for all of you Kwinn fans out there.

Check out the images from JoeCon below.

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Reminder – Concept Case Survey Round 1 ENDS FRIDAY

Just wanted to drop a line to remind folks that the Concept Case Survey is still rolling along, and Round 1 will end Friday, July 20th.  Responses from Round 1 will be tabulated and I will post the actual SurveyMonkey charting to ensure 100% transparency.

Based on those results, I will set up Round 2 of the Survey to kick off, most likely next Monday, where the winners of Round 1 can face off against each other to get an idea of what the fans want!

Meanwhile, propaganda has started appearing online…the political machine is already at work.  Ladies and gentlemen…Joe fans…I encourage you to vote with your hearts.  But if you’re easily swayed…

Please be aware, as a neutral party, I believe in equal opportunity…if you have a candidate you want to endorse, find a creative way to express that, and let me know!

I approve this message!

What’s on Joe Mind Returns from New Orleans with Episode 62

From one Convention right into another.  Fresh off of our return to normal broadcasting schedule from the 2012 G.I. Joe Convention, the crew from What’s on Joe Mind immediately jumps to the next convention, this time the familiar ComicCon in San Diego.

With not much G.I. Joe news likely there, we bring in Arune Singh to talk about Marvel’s presence there and what we might expect from the House of Ideas.  We also bring in Moira Hunger to talk in more detail about the IDW seminar at JoeCon and comic nerdery in general.

But it’s not all about Comics, there is a healthy helping of G.I. Joe talk as well.  Check out our latest episode on our Podbean Page, or via the embedded players below.  Show notes as always are after the jump.



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