by generalsjoes | Apr 28, 2009 | G.I. Joe
Keeping up with the regular schedule, the next round of G.I. Joe themed Q & A sessions is right around the corner! If you have any suggestions for questions, feel free to toss them in the comments section of this post. Also, don’t forget there are scores of other sites around the ‘net who will be gathering questions as well. We are now limited to three questions total, and deadline for submitting your ideas is Saturday, May 2nd, by 12:00 noon.
Don’t forget to check GeneralsJoes Q & A archive to see what’s been asked in past sessions!
by generalsjoes | Apr 21, 2009 | G.I. Joe
Hasbro has posted some earning numbers that, on the surface, sound pretty scary, but in the long run, may not end up having the impact they would appear. While Hasbro has reported a 47 Million Dollar decline in revenue through the first quarter of this year, it was consistent with their expectations and did not come as a surprise.
Economic woes forced retailers to focus some attention on their restock strategies, Easter came later in the year, and a general decline in consumer confidence all most likely had an affect on these numbers. One nice bit of news is that the G.I. Joe brand was singled out by CEO Brian Goldner as being a good performer:
by generalsjoes | Mar 26, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Yesterday, eBay seller ws_toys posted auctions for a carded COBRA Commander, Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadow from the upcoming Rise of COBRA action figure line. Well, he has generously supplied more pictures (watermark free!) and I’ve got a gallery of those images below.
Credit goes to HissCommander of the Terror Drome for the heads up!
by generalsjoes | Feb 20, 2009 | Comics and Cartoons, Marvel Comics Toys, Marvel Media, Other Toys
While I have no plans nor intentions to be a news site related to Marvel toys, I figure since I linked to a post about the movie Deadpool figure at yesterday, I might as well post a follow up, because a poster on scored some MUCH better pictures of this figure. Once again I’ll put pics after the break so as not to spoil anything.
Along with pics, I’ll post my thoughts, too.