by generalsjoes | Jul 20, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Q & A
Although a few days late (mostly due to SDCC prep, I’d imagine) the latest round of Q & A answers are starting to come in. This is what I received from the questions I asked:
1) During Botcon, Hasbro and the Transformers: Prime producers confirmed that the animated series might not be ready for The Hub’s debut in October. Do you anticipate the same situation for G.I. Joe: Renegades?
A) The new series will launch in the fall around the same time as the Hub network launches, though it is still too early to give specific release dates.
2) Looking at G.I. Joe toys produced in the early 2000’s compared to what we have now, the differences are night and day. What do you think are the core reasons for that? Is it technology, a new philosophy, or simply new sculpting and design techniques that have evolved over the past eight years? Has moving away from the o-ring format given you more flexibility in design and detail work?
A) Every year brings new innovations in design and every generation of G.I. Joe brings with it a new expectation for the level of detail and articulation. When the team looks back even to the original release of the G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary figures in 2007 and compares them to the Pursuit of Cobra figures of today – it is clear that there are differences in the level of sculpted detail and the acuity of the articulation. Certainly philosophy has played a part, but design in general is often influenced by the world we live in. The design team doesn’t rest at any one style, they know that there is always room for improvement. Technically speaking, the move away from the “o-ring” has allowed for a greater lever of flexibility and has allowed us to create details without having to worry about that detail hindering articulation. While we’re very pleased with the amazing figures the design team is delivering, as we look into the future, we know that the G.I. Joe line will only continue to improve in sculpting detail and design.
by generalsjoes | May 30, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Q & A, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Renegades, G.I. Joe: Resolute, Pursuit of COBRA
So the answers have all pretty much trickled in for the latest round of the Q & A, which I’ve archived much of right here. Honestly, it seemed like a somewhat drab round, without a whole lot of info. I know many of you will say that’s no surprise, but in the last round, I thought we got some great news nuggets, especially considering how close we were to Toy Fair.
This round there wasn’t much to get riled up about, but we did get some interesting information gleaned from the sites around the ‘net. These were some of the more interesting things discussed, in my opinion…click the “Read the rest of this entry” link below for the full run down.
by generalsjoes | May 21, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Q & A, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Renegades
It must be Friday afternoon, and the poor guys with Hasbro’s PR agency are now shipping out the answers to our burning G.I. Joe questions… here are GeneralsJoes two answered questions:
Q: The fandom seems pretty excited about the upcoming G.I. Joe: Renegades animated series, however it’s curious that the cartoon is starting this fall, with the toys not coming until the fall of 2011. Why is there this large gap, and what challenges does it provide producing a toyline based on an animated series nearly 10 months after it airs?
A: The timeframes for producing an animated series and a complete toy line are very different. In order for the Hasbro Design team to produce figures with accurate likenesses the character art and color palette needs to be final.
Q: Speaking of G.I. Joe: Renegades, with the series debuting in October, when can the public expect to start seeing some animated models or video? Is it possible we’ll see something at SDCC?
A: It is too early to comment on this but we hope to see you at SDCC!
By the way, make sure you keep visiting GeneralsJoes Q & A Page with links to all other site responses!
by generalsjoes | Mar 31, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Q & A
As part of the new Q & A process, Hasbro PR sends each site a full rundown of every question and answer sent to every site, and for your convenience, I’m mirrored the entire list below. It saves some time from hitting every different site, even with the GeneralsJoes easy to navigate Q & A Page. There are actually some decent answers this time around… Click the “Read the rest of this entry” link below to see the full list.
by generalsjoes | Mar 19, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Q & A
So, the Q & A answers have only started trickling in, and it already seems like we’re getting some better responses from Hasbro. Even if they’re not revealing future figures, the responses seem at least a bit less “canned” and more thought out, which is great to see. The following questions have already shown up on my radar:
- reveals in their session that Sgt. Slaughter has a new wrist joint, and Hasbro confirms it, reporting that they are going to feature that joint on a number of upcoming new figures. Awesome! I’m all for articulation improvements, and this looks like a good one. If you take a close look below, you can see what they’re referring to:

- JoeBattleLines got a couple of gems for us! They asked Hasbro about particular items that didn’t appear at Toy Fair and got confirmation that both Shadow Tracker and Ashiko with the Cycle Armor should be hitting retail in their Spring, 2011 line! They also promised to show more at JoeCon in Providence. Excellent! Another interesting tidbit from JBL is that Hasbro reports that they have started shipping Alpha Wave 3 Rise of Cobra vehicles, in spite of recent reports from BigBadToyStore. So we’re not getting the awesome Target exclusives, but we are getting the somewhat tired Rise of Cobra Wave 3? Yay?
- got Hasbro to talk a bit about the Pursuit of Cobra Duke’s headsculpt, and they confirm that it was inspired by Resolute, classic, and Valor Vs. Venom! Awesome to hear that they pulled from different era’s, and it’s almost a little confirmation that the Pursuit of Cobra is the first real new G.I. Joe universe if you set aside the film (which so many fans seem only to eager to do).
- ToyNewsInternational gets to the bottom of the COBRA Commander “Chase Figure” reports, and Hasbro admits that while the Commander is a chase figure, he will not be limited to 1 in every 10 cases as has been previously reported. He should be much more accessible than that. Great news there.
I know many fans were quick to jump on Hasbro a bit for their new, somewhat convoluted Q & A submittal process, but so far, so good. We’re getting some great answers and great information this time around, I’m really happy to see it. Don’t forget to keep checking GeneralsJoes Q & A Page for updates! Got a number of sites up there already.
by generalsjoes | Mar 19, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Q & A
We’ve just received our answers from the latest round of the G.I. Joe Q & A Session! Here are the questions and answers from GeneralsJoes:
1) Comparing what we saw at Toy Fair in February with what was shown at GIJoeCon last year, it’s evident that some figures are not currently being released as planned. What went into the decision on which figures to cut from assortments? Figures like Desert Battle Ripcord seemed to have a ton of fan love and looked like a terrific addition, not to mention lots of money invested in the additional tooling. Why would a figure like that get dropped from current release plans?
1) The majority of figures are being released as planned. If a figure is dropped, it could be because it was not fully tooled and it is no longer relevant to the theme or storyline.
2) What is the current status of the third wave of Target Exclusive vehicles, the RAM w/ Sandstorm, Whirlwind w/ Range-Viper, Trubble Bubble w/ Elite-Viper, and Glider w/ Ace? Are they still getting released?
2) Unfortunately there are currently no plans for their release.
Let me just say…
NOOOOOO!!! Man. I was really looking forward to those Target exclusive vehicles, but it sounds like they’re not being released as planned? THAT is a major bummer.