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Ghost Recon figures on pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store

Okay, first a post about potential custom fodder with Avengers toys, and now talking about Ghost Recon?  It’s “everything but G.I. Joe” day here at GeneralsJoes!  In all seriousness, anyone who has played the Ghost Recon games knows the aesthetic they go for, and it’s very “G.I. Joe” in theme.  So the fact that not only does Unimax have the license to it, but there are figure cases on pre-order is pretty cool.

Granted, there are no images as of yet, but based on Unimax’s track record with Crysis and Assassin’s Creed, I think we could be due for some very neat custom fodder or generic soldier troop building with this line.  Heck, maybe just the accessories…

Check out the pre-order right here, and I’ll keep everyone posted once we actually get some images!

Online reveals of Avengers toys provide potential custom fodder, fandom panic

Yes, panic is a strong word.  In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen any real panic from anyone yet, but I do think what we’re seeing already from some Avengers toys being shown on Toys “R” Us Canada’s website might be something we want to keep in mind as we prepare mentally for Toy Fair in a couple of weeks.  I will admit, I did panic a little bit myself, mostly over articulation concerns, but in all honesty, I don’t think we have much to worry about with the mainline G.I. Joe releases.

As for the product itself, the first thing is the appearance of a clear image of the Avengers Quinjet:

Originally there was some hypothesis that maybe the Quinjet was retooled from the canceled Sigma 6 Thunderhawk and Rise of Cobra Phantom X90, but upon closer inspection that’s not the case.  The surface is completely different, and while there are some structural simularities, I think the vehicles themselves are different molds.  If you look at the cockpit area, the surface is much smoother on the Quinjet without the vents near the rear, and the wing assembly looks like it’s all one piece, and not modular like on the other planes.

Regardless of the construction, the Quinjet looks pretty neat, and could make for some potentially cool custom fodder.

Next up, is this weird Ground Assault Vehicle:

This thing is actually pretty darn cool, design-wise, as long as it’s larger than the picture indicates (I think it probably is).  If it’s close in size to the RHINO or even a bit smaller, it could make for a pretty awesome Cobra vehicle, with some fresh paint applications.

Another potential source of cool custom fodder is revealed with the appearance of Captain America:

Yes, the figure looks great, the webgear looks awesome…but…  where’s the articulation?  We’ve got single-joint knees and no torso joints whatsoever.  Curious…  I know some folks were wondering about this last week when Marvel leaked a few early images of the Avengers figures, but now seeing a finished model looking the same way is a concern.  Granted, if your only worried about the accessories, this isn’t a big deal, but it is somewhat disappointing, especially considering it won’t necessarily match aesthetically with the rest of the Marvel movie figures that have been revealed so far.

Granted, Marvel figures aren’t necessarily known by their extensive articulation, but still…  I have an Ultimate Captain America, Iron Man, and Nick Fury all in this format already, it is kind of too bad the Thor and potential Hawkeye figures won’t match it.

So even beyond folks being excited for G.I. Joe toys in 2012, the potential is there for some awesome customizing above and beyond the Retaliation brand.  More info will come in a couple weeks from Toy Fair, and GeneralsJoes will be there as always to cover it!

IMPORTANT JoeCon Announcement – New dates and location announced!

This just in straight from the Collectors’ Club:


Please note that due to circumstances beyond our control with the anticipated venue for the convention, the dates of GIJoeCon will now be June 28-July 1 at a new venue, the Hilton New Orleans Riverside. We apologize for any problems or issues this change of date has caused. We hope to see you all in New Orleans June 28-July 1 at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside. Convention (attending and non-attending) registrations will start sometime in February.  Again we apologize for any problems or issues this change of date has caused


You can now make your hotel reservations at

Anyone who has asked for vacation time, looks like you’d better adjust your request.  Registration starts in February!

G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club posts 360 degree video of Footloose

Were folks wondering what the GIJCC Exclusive Footloose looked like from all angles?  Wonder no more!

The Collectors’ Club has posted a great YouTube video featuring their 2012 exclusive incentive figure Footloose, and finally gives us a good look at all sides of this great looking figure, including the backpack.

Check it out embedded below.

If you think the figure is cool, hit up to join the club before March 16th!

EDIT – The GIJCC has also sent along a nice close up image of the Club exclusive figure, too.  Looking GREAT.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation Cobra Motorcycle revealed!

In the trailer for G.I. Joe: Retaliation a specific scene with a mysterious individual jumping a motorcycle and firing a machine gun brought about some questions…who was it?  What were they doing?  What the heck were they riding?

Well a couple of those questions have been answered, courtesy of the 80s Tees Facebook Page!

The folks at 80s Tees posted on Facebook saying they’d seen some unfinished footage for G.I. Joe: Retaliation because of their licensing arrangement with the G.I. Joe brand.  This is what they had to say on Facebook:

“One of the best parts of my job is that every once in a while I get to feel like a bit of a Hollywood insider. This is because licensed product needs to be prepared before a movie gets released. Earlier this week I was treated to some unfinished scenes from GI Joe Retaliation. I can tell you that it looks like a ton of fun, and it’s packed with great action movie actors. It is now one of my more anticipated summer movies for 2012.”

Sounds promising!  Of course along with this great description, 80s Tees also provided a great image of the Cobra motorcycle that was featured in the trailer!  Very cool!  Check out the mirrored image below, and be sure to check out 80s Tees as well.

A big thanks, too, to Fred from JoeBattleLines for pointing this out!