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G.I. Joe fans – let your voice be heard! The Concept Case survey starts here!

That’s right!  With a huge thanks from GeneralsJoes reader Chris, who greatly assisted in setting this up, we have launched a SurveyMonkey survey based on what Hasbro showed in the Concept Case at the G.I. Joe Convention last weekend.

Please keep in mind, this is not a Hasbro sanctioned poll or an official data gathering system!  This is all being done by GeneralsJoes, and is simply a way of gathering some empirical data to send off to  Hasbro.  According to Marketing Director Joe DelRegno, Hasbro will likely be launching their own online polling system as well, but rather than wait for that to be coded (I believe they only made the decision to do it last weekend, based on the overwhelming response from G.I. Joe fans) we figured we’d get a leg up and start this sucker early.

As we’ve seen many times in the past, toy collecting is very much a “what have you done for me lately” scenario, and with a desire to strike while the iron is hot, GeneralsJoes is doing their own survey while emotions are raw and at the surface.  You can either click the banner above to check out the survey page, or click right here.

Linked on the survey page is also a very easy to follow gallery of all of the unproduced items shown with clear identification.  Chris and myself worked hard to make this as simple and straight forward as possible.  Please check it out, and please take a few minutes to answer.  I know this isn’t official, but the data from this survey will be gathered and sent to Hasbro, so there WILL be a voice.  Let it be yours!

Coverage of IDW Comics Panel from 2012 G.I. Joe Convention

The whole Convention weekend is such a whirlwind, I often don’t have time to reflect on things I missed until afterwards.  And unfortunately I missed a pretty big one this past weekend when I was pulled away during the IDW Comics panel on Saturday.  I had been looking forward to the panel, especially considering Carlos Guzman was the speaker, and he edits my favorite book these days, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero.  However, the quick pace of the Con pulled me elsewhere at that same time.

Thankfully, someone was there to bail me out!  Anyone who has read this site or listened to What’s on Joe Mind is probably familiar with Jay, who runs  Well, his wife Mo (who you can actually hear on the “Ladies’ Night” Special Edition Episode of What’s on Joe Mind) attended JoeCon, and as a huge comic buff, she was front and center for the IDW panel.  I reached out to her, and she was very kind enough to write up a fantastic piece on the IDW panel.

I cannot thank her enough.  I strive to try and have the most in depth and thorough coverage as a I can, and I’m quite disappointed in myself that I wasn’t able to make the IDW panel.  Thank you, Mo, for yanking my butt out of the fire.

Click the Read the Rest of the Story link below for the full write up, with pictures included!


G.I. Joe Convention 2012 – the Hasbro Diorama and Retaliation Posters

A few left over stragglers from my image onslaught over the weekend.  Set up in the middle of the Hasbro showroom at the Convention this year was quite the impressive diorama.  A double sided display with two scenes on the near side and one large mountain scene on the far side, pretty much every element of recent G.I. Joe releases were captured.  The far side brought the mountain side ninja combat into 3 dimensions, while the near side featured a Benzheen battle as well as a peek inside a Cobra base.

Some really great scenes throughout, and I took a ton of pictures.

Also included in this gallery are shots of various G.I. Joe: Retaliation posters that were scattered on display cases and the wall, many of which featured large sized artwork we had not necessarily seen, especially in such a big format.

Check out the gallery below.

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G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2013 Toy SuperPage has been created

With the news and information coming out of the G.I. Joe Convention in New Orleans, I have totally revamped the G.I. Joe: Retaliation toy SuperPage to reflect the new assortments, the release dates, and updated images from the showroom floor.

If you see any obvious mistakes, please let me know as this is a work in progress and I’ve been working on this pretty late at night over the past few nights.

Check out the new and updated SuperPage right here!

What’s on Joe Mind round table with the Hasbro G.I. Joe Team at GIJoeCon 2012

Yes, here is Special Edition #16…a very special edition indeed.  Back when I hopped on this little internet radio show, it seemed like a very fun way to kill some time and explore the G.I. Joe fandom in different ways, but that’s really all it was.  Even as it felt like our bonds were growing closer with each episode and our barriers were coming down, I never really thought the show would necessarily evolve to anything…it was still just four buddies BS’ing about G.I. Joe.

Over the next many months, the show would lose a friend to other commitments, but gain another, and along the way make connections with voice actors, G.I. Joe comic professionals, and even the director of a certain major motion picture to come in March, 2013.  Through it all, it was just four guys having fun.

Well, this past weekend these four guys having fun got a very rare opportunity to sit down for a lengthy 25 minute round table discussion with several members of Hasbro’s design and marketing team.  The folks directly responsible for those four inch pieces of plastic that decorate your house in such vast numbers.  I can’t quite express how cool it was for Hasbro and for Justin Aclin from Hunter PR to make this all happen.  In normal circumstances, even having a chance to talk with one person from the Hasbro team would have been amazing.  But on Sunday morning, we were fortunate enough to sit down with not one…  not two… not even three…  we had a great round table discussion with four members of the Hasbro G.I. Joe team.

John Warden, designer mastermind of the G.I. Joe line.   Dave Proctor, sculpting manager and the sculptor of one of everyone’s favorite G.I. Joe figures ever, the 30th Anniversary Storm Shadow.  Erik Arana, an input designer, and along with Wayne Park, one of the geniuses behind the G.I. Joe: Resolute 7-Packs as well as design elements of the Slaughter’s Marauders and Dreadnoks 7-Packs.  Last, but absolutely not least we spoke with Joe Del Regno, the current Marketing Director for the G.I. Joe line.

During this discussion, we covered a wealth of topics including the controversy behind the “Concept Case” as well as how fans can get their voices heard and express their desire to see certain figures come to light.  We speak about G.I. Joe: Retaliation, upcoming releases for 2013, and much more.  It was a very fun discussion, and was the highlight of the entire weekend for the What’s on Joe Mind team.

Cold Slither came close, but in the end, the Hasbro team won the vote.

This is a very quick episode, only about 25 minutes so even folks who don’t listen to the podcast should check it out and learn some cool things that you may not have known otherwise!

I’m certain I speak from everyone on the What’s on Joe Mind team when I say THANK YOU to John, Dave, Erik, Joe, and Justin for all working so hard together to get us that slot of time and for devoting their precious time to the show.  It was extremely exciting for us, and hopefully exciting for the Joe community as well.  Check it out on Podbean, or listen via the embedded players below:



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