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Adrianne Palicki talks (a little bit) to Crave Online about G.I. Joe: Retaliation

I always enjoy it when a G.I. Joe: Retaliation star has another movie coming out, because that opens the door for some interviews, and in this case, while promoting Red Dawn, Ms. Palicki spoke with Crave Online, who touched on the G.I. Joe: Retaliation delay.

When G.I. Joe: Retaliation got delayed, did you think, “Here we go again?”

[Laughs] Yes, it’s the third movie that’s done that to me. Legion as well was like two years after or something. Yes, but in that case G.I. Joe’s different because it was coming out within a year that we wrapped. It was coming out super early so now it actually makes more sense when it’s coming out and they’re going to convert it to 3D which I think will make the movie much, much better but I definitely don’t have the same fear with G.I. Joe.

Do you have to reshoot anything for G.I. Joe?

Not as of now, no.”

And really, that’s it.  No ground breaking news… but clearly it’s Adrianne Palicki’s fault that G.I. Joe: Retaliation was delayed…seems to be an epidemic around her!

Check out the full interview on Crave Online, make sure you are following Adrianne Palicki on Twitter, and thanks to for the info. interviews an array of G.I. Joe: Retaliation personalities

With CinemaCon come and gone a couple of weeks ago, online sites are now starting to reveal the video interviews they did during the event.  Yesterday we saw a great interview with Jon Chu, and today Coming Soon posts a nicely edited series of conversations with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Adrianne Palicki, DJ Cotrona, and director Jon M. Chu.

They all reflect nicely on the film’s place in G.I. Joe continuity (a “reboot” without really being a “reboot”), and how much the toyline and comic influenced the story they are telling this time around.  Quite interesting to note as well is The Rock speaking about Roadblock’s time training with Snake Eyes, and specifying that the character does not have an Arashikage tattoo in the film, but he may have one for “the next film”.  He says that with tongue firmly in cheek, but it was certainly cool to see it mentioned.  Sounds more and more like the whole Roadblock as a ninja element is something being much more marketed for toy purposes, and not so much a major part of the film itself, especially since we already saw Roadblock train with Snake Eyes in the IDW Prequel limited series.

Check out the interview on, or the embedded video below.

We’ve seen our share of video interviews…  this one is exceptionally well presented and has some great information and insight.  Definitely check this one out.

Collider speaks to DJ Cotrona and Adrianne Palicki about G.I. Joe: Retaliation

There has been a slight flurry of interviews over the past few weeks in regards to G.I. Joe: Retaliation, but I think this one has been one of my favorites.  DJ Cotrona and Adrianne Palicki talk to Collider about the tone of G.I. Joe: Retaliation, what they used for inspiration and what homages we can expect.  Cotrona talks about some of his parkour training and they break down the realistic tone of the film, while still trying to maintain a sense of fun and excitement.

Check out the embedded video below, or check out Collider itself.

Machinima interviews the cast of G.I. Joe: Retaliation

I should have known the news wouldn’t stop just because I was finishing a seminar in Kansas City and flying back home…  got some catch up posts to do tonight, so expect a mini barrage of catch up.

In celebration of the trailer’s launch Machinima sat down and spoke with the cast (and director) of G.I. Joe: Retaliation, and interjected plenty of humorous outtakes as well.

Jon Chu does explain why there is no video game planned, and we learn all about DJ Cotrona’s hot crotch.  If that’s not a “must watch” I don’t know what is.

Check out the embedded video below.