by generalsjoes | Mar 17, 2013 | 40 Days until G.I. Joe: Retaliation, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Twelve days left! Twelve very long days as we approach the finish line. We blast into the dirty dozen in violent, explosive fashion thanks to Twitziller who provides this very compelling reason to catch G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

First Paris, and now London… by the time G.I. Joe 3 is done, all of Europe will be a crater!
In all seriousness, I found this to be a pretty bold and dramatic move on the part of the film makers, who essentially turn London into a parking lot as a show of Cobra force. Slamming a tungsteon rod deep into the heart of Britain, Cobra demonstrates their ruthlessness and their willingness to push the envelope. I think a certain amount of destruction is expected in these big blockbuster films, but I found this to really be impactful, and by using one of the world’s most famous landmarks that only makes the impact even more potent.
Cobra is not playing around. This isn’t the “world class buffoon” we’ve seen in previous iterations. G.I. Joe has to take the fight to Cobra and quick, or there may not be much of a world left to save.
Follow Twitziller on Twitter for the remaining 11 installments, and keep it locked on GeneralsJoes as well!
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by generalsjoes | Mar 16, 2013 | 40 Days until G.I. Joe: Retaliation, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Less than two weeks…is this even possible? I think it’s really going to happen this time. Twitziller thinks so, too, and he gives us the 13th reason why the film will be worth the wait.

I think Twitziller has been trying very hard to avoid throwing Rise of Cobra under the bus during this process, and I appreciate that. Rise of Cobra was certainly far from perfect, but it had its fun moments as well. Even the most ardent Rise of Cobra supporters, though, will agree that the costume design could have used a LOT of help. I’m a huge fan of Sigma 6 as folks know, but that uniform design really should not have been considered for the first ever representation of G.I. Joe on a movie screen. I didn’t mind the reactive armor look, but it just didn’t scream “G.I. Joe” in my eyes. The combination of spandex and khaki pants on Snake Eyes really didn’t work either (not to mention the lips) and don’t even get me started on Cobra Commander.
I should say that I actually really loved the design of the Rise of Cobra Cobra Commander, but as the first installment of the G.I. Joe franchise, they needed something more traditional.
Well, from all appearances, G.I. Joe: Retaliation has taken many of the complaints about costume design from the first film and completely scrubbed them from people’s minds. The almost seamless transition of standard military combat uniform and state of the art layered body armor works extremely well in all cases. These soldiers look like they’re soldiers, but they also look separate from more “normal” soldiers, much in the way you’d expect a real world G.I. Joe organization to look. And, again… Cobra Commander this time around is pretty much perfection. The battle helmet is down perfectly, and his black leather trenchcoat offers just the right amount of sinister bad ass. I didn’t even mention Snake Eyes, who looks infinitely better than he did in the first film as well.
Keep following Twitziller on Twitter, and me here on GeneralsJoes as we continue this journey right down to the last day! Previous entries can be viewed below.
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by generalsjoes | Mar 15, 2013 | 40 Days until G.I. Joe: Retaliation, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
It seems like just yesterday we were starting at the number “40” and counting down the reasons to see G.I. Joe: Retaliation when it hits theaters… and now here we are, with only two very short weeks left to go. Amazing. Twitziller goes in a very blunt and clear direction this time around. As he has been doing every Friday, today is all about a particular character:

You’ll notice there is no fancy title and no thorough description of a reason for this choice. Do you want to know why?
Cobra $%#$! Commander, that’s why.
Keep following Twitziller on Twitter for the latest updates, and keep it here on GeneralsJoes as well. Previous entries can be seen below!
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by generalsjoes | Mar 14, 2013 | 40 Days until G.I. Joe: Retaliation, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
After the massive influx of video and images yesterday, you can’t help but know that the movie is fast approaching! Twitziller is keeping right up to date as well, bringing us the 15th reason, and it’s one that we are all very familiar with at this point.

Popular sentiment at this point, especially among G.I. Joe fans, is that there is a tendency for ninja overload in the G.I. Joe universe. The marketing angle for G.I. Joe: Retaliation has been very Arashikage focused, and that’s hit the fandom a bit the wrong way. But like it or not, the ninja elements are huge in A Real American Hero. The entire foundation of the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow dynamic depends on it. Certainly I’d agree that tying in Firefly and even Destro and Baroness to an extent, was overkill, but the base ninja fundamentals are pretty critical to G.I. Joe lore.
For that reason, I’m glad there is a very specific Snake Eyes vs. Storm Shadow duel planned in the film, even if we have seen a lot of it already through various clips, trailers, and TV spots. These two characters have a long and varied history, from blood-enemies to sword brothers, and they need to be closely linked. The duel accomplishes that nicely, from what we’ve seen.
Follow Twitziller on Twitter for the latest updates, and keep watching GeneralsJoes as well. Previous entries can be seen below.
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by generalsjoes | Mar 13, 2013 | 40 Days until G.I. Joe: Retaliation, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
How fitting as we prepare to launch into March Madness, the “Sweet 16” ends up being how many days we now have left until G.I. Joe: Retaliation, and today marks the 16th reason why the film will rock. Twitziller continues on a roll today and puts his crosshairs firmly on a central Cobra character!

Firefly is one of those characters that appeals to a lot of people. At one time considered the “Boba Fett” of the G.I. Joe universe, he was a highly paid and capable freelancer who was a man of sheer mystery. A consummate professional who did his job, then slunk back to the shadows, his early history revealed him to be someone dangerously protective about his identity. Over time, he lost some of his air of mystery, revealed to be a member of the Arashikage clan, much to the Joe fandom’s dismay. In G.I. Joe: Retaliation he has a chance to rebuild some of the rich character elements that so many fans latched on to.
Obviously he has spent a lot of time throughout the trailers completely unmasked, so he doesn’t appear quite so protective of his face, but his personality has also shone through in a big way. Discarding urban camouflage for what looks to be an Alligator skin coat, this bayou operative brings the term “swampfighter” to a whole new level. As Twitziller says, it’s these individuals who really make up the essence of Cobra’s dynamic. I’m looking forward to seeing how Firefly evolves throughout this film.
Follow Twitziller on Twitter or keep it on GeneralsJoes for the latest updates, and take a peek at previous entries below.
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by generalsjoes | Mar 12, 2013 | 40 Days until G.I. Joe: Retaliation, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
With the premiere happening yesterday in Korea, and a new influx of film clips, the excitement is certainly building for the release of G.I. Joe: Retaliation and Twitziller is feeding on it. Another update was posted today, looking forward towards March 29th. We’ve seen the below vehicle throughout several trailers and TV spots, and it certainly belongs on this list.

Something that the last G.I. Joe film perhaps missed the “boat” on (no pun intended) was using existing G.I. Joe hardware as a template or building block when designing their vehicles. There was certainly some state of the art technology and vehicles in The Rise of Cobra, but most of them appeared totally conceived out of thin air. From all appearances, G.I. Joe: Retaliation will have at least a bit more base in vehicular reality. The HISS has already gotten a lot of attention, and the Water Moccasin above certainly serves attention as well. Some will make connections between the Cobra helicopter and the FANG as well. It only makes sense.
Granted the fan boat you see above isn’t a true real world equivalent to the Water Moccasin but it takes that foundation and really ramps it up. I love how Twitziller puts some attention above specifically on water based vehicles as well, considering how prevalent they were in the Cobra motor pool. From the Water Moccasin to the Moray, the Piranha, BUGG, and Hammerhead, Cobra was not shy about watercraft, and I’m glad that is being explored in the film.
Keep following Twitziller on Twitter for the latest updates, and keep watching GeneralsJoes as well. Previous entries can be seen below.
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