The guys over at The Terror Drome have dug up a very nice image of the upcoming Toys “R” Us Exclusive Pursuit of Cobra Doc and Shipwreck (Arctic Threat) figures. It’s assumed these two figures will be part of the third wave of Toys “R” Us exclusive “Headquarters for Heroes” assortments. Check out the images mirrored below.
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Love that Doc. Really colorful, but also has the familiarly colored pants that kind of bring it back to the vintage look at least a little bit. I dig it.
Big thanks to GeneralsJoes commentor m6d for pointing out that now has the Rockslide “Past and Present” 2-Pack IN STOCK now for $24.99! Click here to grab it before it’s gone.
I know it’s been a really long time coming, but I finally am ready to announce the two winners of the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Edition) contest that I ran a little ways back. There were so many great entries that it was really tough to choose the primary winner based on the submitted articles. But I’m happy to announce that the winner of the “Which Era is your Favorite” entry is: Scott Nacey!
He submitted a great essay about the Real American Hero line, and really broke down each era and subset of G.I. Joe very nicely. I will be posting his great article next week.
In second place was an email that was chosen randomly, who will also get a copy of the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Edition), and to choose that winner, I required some assistance…
So, the winner of the second copy is… James Strickland! I will be notifying the winners via email shortly to get mailing addresses, etc… I want to thank everyone who submitted articles and entries to GeneralsJoes’ first contest. Congratulations to the winners!
To any folks who didn’t win, it’s still available for a great price at!
The contest for the free Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Edition) ended a loooong time ago, and I’ve been pathetically lax in getting notification out to the winners…mainly because…well, I haven’t picked ’em yet. :shifty:
Life got a little crazy, and I lost track, but rest assured, by this time next week I will announce the winners of the two books just as the Sideshow Cobra Commander and Hunt for Cobra Commander contests are rounding off. Have no fear, those prizes will be turned around a HELL of a lot quicker.
Thanks to everyone for their patience on this one, it’s on me. They’ve all been great reads so far, and I’ve got my “Top Three” lined up, but I’m still making some final decisions. You guys will be the first ones to know!
Kudos to Snake Eyes from for digging up a really cool video that’s been posted at called “The G.I. Joe Phenomenon”. Featuring some terrific looks at old school commercials, comics, and toys, Hasbro employee (and G.I. Joe enthusiast) Derryl DePriest gives a great rundown at the history of the toyline leading up to the Rise of Cobra. A must watch for any Joe fan.
Check it out at, the link entitled “The G.I. Joe Phenomenon”.
Word has been passed along to me from my buddies over at TS118 of an incredible looking new project called “Sidewinder”, designed as a modular diorama! Check out the awesome details by clicking on the “Read the Rest of this Entry” link below! This thing looks amazing.