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Korean G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer features .04% more Storm Shadow

Okay…don’t ask me how this happened, because I remember watching this trailer a couple of weeks ago, and I could have sworn I also posted a story for it, but apparently I’m smoking something.  Or I was smoking something.

Regardless of my potential drug habit, this Korean version of the initial G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer hit the ‘net at least a couple of weeks ago, I believe, and is mostly unremarkable, with the exception of a few brief glimpses of more Storm Shadow.  In Korea, Byung-Hun Lee is pretty hot stuff, so it only makes sense that the trailer for that market would have more Lee and less shirt.  Ya know, for the ladies.

Check it out embedded below, and I apologize for somehow missing this.  You’ll also find it mirrored on the G.I. Joe: Retaliation Film SuperPage as well.

Black Dragon appearance in upcoming Resident Evil film?

I know the design for the Black Dragon helicopter is based on the concept for the V-22 Osprey, which was a dual-propellor aircraft being conceived for the American military that never really evolved to the point that the government anticipated.  But I was under the impression that while it was inspired by the Osprey, it wasn’t necessarily a direct representation of it.

Well, I was cruising Super Hero Hype looking at the new Avengers action figures, which are totally going to help contribute to my bankruptcy in 2012, and I saw this image for the upcoming Resident Evil: Retribution:

Now is it just me, or are those pretty much clones of the Black Dragon helicopters?  Those slanted vents on the wings (which don’t seem to be present on the Osprey) and the sleek, aerodynamic designs…not to mention the bombs coming from the under-wing containers, just like the Cobra aircraft.

Probably a coincidence, but a pretty damn cool one, I think.  I always love seeing these cross-platform connections.  Check out more about Resident Evil: Retribution over on Super Hero Hype.

Adrianne Palicki talks G.I. Joe: Retaliation with MTV

The well of G.I. Joe: Retaliation news has been a bit dry over the past few weeks since the trailer, so undoubtedly I want to jump on every little tidbit I see.  The folks over at MTV had a chance to talk with Adrianne Palicki, who is playing Lady Jaye in the upcoming G.I. Joe motion picture sequel, and she seems pretty jazzed about being the middle of the G.I. Joe fracas.

Speaking about the G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer, Ms. Palicki says

“It was a pleasant surprise, because this is a reboot. It’s scary going into the shoes that have already been worn. We wanted to do something really unique and special. With such an amazing group of talented actors, you don’t want it to fall flat. How many people reached out, it’s unbelievable to hear the comments that they’re so excited, that the trailer is better than the first movie was. Just really cool reactions that you’re going, “OK, hopefully we don’t let you down.” I really don’t think we will. I think it’s going to be a really fun ride for everybody.”

Well, technically it’s not a reboot, but we’ll give her a pass on that one.  If anyone had any doubts about the enthusiasm and energy that Jon Chu brought to the table, Palicki puts those to rest as well:

“Jon Chu, he’s this genius. The thing that’s so special about him is that he might be the biggest G.I. Joe fan on the planet, so that really came in our favor. He’s young and interesting and full of ambition. We really did things that were super exciting and super scary, and I really feel everything’s going to come out really, really well.”

I’m very impressed with how the cast members appear to be handling this film.  For The Rise of Cobra, there seemed to be many allusions to a more “goofy” era of G.I. Joe, but I sense a bit more hard-edged and gritty realism here.  Much more of a traditional action film.  I think that’s a good place to be as we come in on the good side of six months from the film’s debut.

Check out these comments and many more over at  G.I. Joe: Retaliation hits US theaters June 29th, 2012.

Top Ten…err… Eleven… significant G.I. Joe events of 2011

I figure there are lots of folks probably doing the whole “Best of” lists for 2011 (myself included eventually!) so I figured I’d take a somewhat different approach.  Rather than considering only the “best” or “worst” I figured I’d take a look at significance.  And because I’m wishy washy, I couldn’t narrow it down to just 10, I had to sneak an 11th in there just for discussion purposes.

Click the “Read the Rest of this Story” link below for the full article.


Scratch Sienna Miller off the Rise of Cobra Sequel cast list

I think many of us suspected that Sienna Miller might not return in the sequel to G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, but even if we weren’t certain about that, an interview with Britain’s “Time Out” magazine pretty much confirms it outright.  As reported by IMDB, Miller feels as if she “compromised values” in her role as The Baroness in the G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra film.
The actress says “I’m not very good at fighting. And I’m not very good at guns. And I’m not particularly aggressive. I had to wear sunglasses because every time I shot my gun I would blink. I was completely out of place, like this little midget running round in black leather winning fights, which was just absurd. They did a wondrous job with my wardrobe to make me look threatening…”
From the sounds of it, she wasn’t really invested in the initial film, and certainly doesn’t seem to be interested in returning to the Hollywood Blockbuster realm.  She continues on with “…G.I. Joe (was) a great pay cheque. If, financially, I’m okay – which luckily I am – there’s no point in doing stuff that’s not right for me. It’s too much time away from home.”
So yeah.  I’d say her days in black leather are done.  Well, at least in the G.I. Joe franchise. :shifty:
I have no problem with this.  Granted, I think she was actually very good in her role and I was pleasantly surprised, however I hated the way The Baroness was written into the first film as Duke’s fiancee and Cobra Commander’s sister, so I think if they are going to separate from Sienna Miller, chances are all the better that we might get a more “proper” Baroness this time around, if she appears at all.
Big thanks to GeneralsJoes reader m6d for the intel.  Once again, check out the entire article on IMDB right here.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra sequel still on the fast track

We hadn’t heard a whole lot of buzz about the supposedly upcoming sequel to G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, but today, the Hollywood Reporter sheds at least a little bit of light.
They report that indeed, the sequel is moving forward as planned with a script by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and that Lee Byung-hun is set to reprise his role as Storm Shadow.  None of this is especially interesting…these facts were reported quite a while ago.  The interesting part is the following line, directly from Hollywood Reporter:

“Lee will head to the U.S. to begin shooting in June, with the film slated to open in the summer of 2012.”

I don’t believe we’d heard a concrete shooting date of June mentioned before.  I know they’d talked about a summer 2012 release, but I honestly thought that was a little ambitious.  I still think it’s a little ambitious.  Still no director, still no word about Channing Tatum, Dennis Quaid, Christopher Ecclestein, Rachel Nichols, Sienna Miller, Ray Park, or most importantly (in my mind), Joseph Gordon-Leavitt.  I think most of these folks signed contracts for a multi-film deal, but given Leavitt’s recent critical and financial success with Inception, it would be interesting to see how he reacts to being thrust back into potential B-Movie cheese.
Looks like the next 18 months are going to be an interesting roller coaster ride as usual.  Being a Joe fan is never boring.