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G.I. Joe: Retaliation Kamakura Review Addendum

So I posted the review for the upcoming Ninja Showdown 3-Pack Kamakura yesterday, and received a few questions from members.  Questions that I thought should be addressed here as well, because I had to tweak the review a bit and add some images.

There was some concern about the hood, and as I thought about it, I really couldn’t understand why the hood didn’t fit better.  Kamakura does have Resolute Storm Shadow’s head, after all.  Well, I experimented a bit last night, and it looks like the initial hood issue was probably temperature related.  For folks who aren’t aware, my review station is in my garage, which is unheated.  Trying to fit the hood on Kamakura was a fruitless endeavor, and the material was very stiff.

Well, I brought everything into the house, and once the hood softened up, it fit MUCH better, so I felt obligated to update some images in the review, and also post some more pictures here. Also, when considering homages to Kamakura, I focused a lot on the Devils’ Due look and his original uniform, but as Shin Densetsu pointed out…  Kamakura’s Valor Vs. Venom look is actually not too far removed from what we got.  So I tossed a comparison of that up there, too.

Check out the review for some added text and images, and I’ve also mirrored those new images below.  Sorry for any confusion!

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A first in hand look at G.I. Joe: Retaliation figures launches today with Kamakura!

Over the span of the next few days, GeneralsJoes will be bringing you an exclusive look at some upcoming G.I. Joe: Retaliation figures, courtesy of Gyre Viper.

Both Gyre Viper and I thought long and hard about showcasing these images, considering product isn’t due on store shelves for a little while yet, but ultimately a desire to inform the community won out.  The G.I. Joe online community has been extremely divisive in regards to Retaliation toys ever since information began leaking out.  Concerns about articulation, marketing strategy, and overall figure quality was brought to the forefront.

With an ultimate goal of informing the community and giving these toys closer scrutiny, Gyre Viper decided to bring these figures to light.

There is so much great information that can be gathered here…figure construction, figure quality, articulation enhancements (as well as subtractions) and it just seemed with so much community based indecision over the past month or so, this was a great time to do something for the community.  I strongly believe a closer look at these figures shows that even with the disagreement among the fandom, Hasbro has done some terrific things design-wise and execution-wise, and I think Gyre Viper’s decision to showcase these figures for the G.I. Joe community as a whole was a good one.  Shifting the discussion from missed articulation to a focus on fantastic new designs and sculpting is a good plan, and I’m hoping these images showcase that.  It’s not all peaches and cream, and there are some concerns to be voiced here, but the important thing is being educated and well informed, which is what we are hoping to accomplish here.

Once again, thanks to Gyre Viper for getting these out in the open and giving back to the community.  Hopefully these images spurn some good, healthy discussion and discourse and prepare us for more of what’s to come.

I’m starting off slow, with just Kamakura right now, but will ramp up over the next few days, bringing you guys all six figures in the two upcoming 3-Packs.  Of course this also means the launch of the G.I. Joe: Retaliation Review Page.  Click there, or just click the link directly below to check out this exciting first look!

GeneralsJoes Kick Ass Custom – Pursuit of Cobra Kamakura

Ya know, I haven’t posted one of these in a while…  I’ve seen plenty of awesome customs around, but just didn’t get a chance to post them up.  But this PoC Kamakura from HissTank member Mythic has prompted me to change that tune.
My recent review of the Pursuit of Cobra Jungle Assault Snake Eyes left me thinking that there were absolutely zero redeeming qualities about that battle-action Snake Eyes figure.  Well, Mythic has proven me completely and totally wrong.  This Kamakura is amazing.
Check it out here and some of the images are mirrored below.

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Hubworld posts G.I. Joe: Operation HISS Episode 9

Along with information on their upcoming television network, is also airing much of the content ported over from Hasbro’s MonkeybarTV video site.  Included with that run of episodes is the ninth installment of G.I. Joe: Operation HISS.  Featuring a follow up to the last episode with Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Kamakura, and Storm Shadow, this continues to universe started by G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.
You can find the episode on and I’ve also mirrored some screen caps below.  This certainly won’t take the place of G.I. Joe: Renegades, but it’s the best we got until December, by the looks of things.

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G.I. Joe: Operation HISS Webisode 8 Online Now

Along with the aforementioned Baroness focused episode, Hasbro has also posted the 8th installment of G.I. Joe: Operation: HISS, this time featuring a showdown of Storm Shadow vs….  Kamakura?!  Sweet.  Love seeing those somewhat obscure Joes getting their due.
And yeah, as much as the G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra video game didn’t inspire much love among the fandom, I did enjoy the costumes they used (a neat mixture of the movie themed Reactive Armor, and some more toy-centric colors).  Since these are obviously the same models they used for the video game, it’s neat to see Kamakura sporting those togs here, too.
Check out the episode right here, and I’ve mirrored some images below.

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And yes, if I go through the trouble of screen-capping even these cheesy mini-webisodes, can you just imagine the kind of treatment Renegades will get once it hits?  It’ll be epic, I promise you.