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What’s on Joe Mind G.I. Joe Convention Coverage – Day One

Not even here for 12 hours yet and already a quick podcast episode under our belts!  Golden Ticket holders got a chance to get their mitts on the boxed sets today, which also included the convention comic.  This Con Comic outlines the rest of the attendee exclusives that we are receiving tomorrow and the artwork also reveals some potential details about the items being offered.

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G.I. Joe Con 2012 Attendee Exclusives revealed

As has become the custom, thanks to the Golden Ticket early pick up and the Convention comic (which contains a listing of exclusives as well as the comic art itself) we are getting a clear picture about what to expect from the G.I. Joe Convention exclusives tomorrow night.

First and foremost, the attendee exclusive was revealed to be an Oktober Guard themed repaint of the Rise of Cobra Snarler Cycle, pictured below.

Along with this reveal, we also discovered that the Convention Exclusive attendee items for 2012 are the following:

  • Annihilator 3-Pack (LE 650)
  • IG Ground Assault 2-Pack (LE 1,000)
  • Cobra Stealth Paratrooper (LE 500)
  • OG Attack Helicopter (LE 600)
  • Soviet Convoy Truck w/ 3 Tops (LE 500)

Based on what we see withn in the comic, I think it’s a fair guess that the Annihilator 3-Pack will feature 3 Annihilators, most likely using the backpack helicopter that came with the 25th Anniversary Matt Trakker.  From some pieces of the comic art it looks as if they will use some Iron Grenadier parts, based on the back of the legs and the gauntlets.  The helmet in the far away shot almost looks like an Ice Viper or other Rise of Cobra large-visored head sculpt.

Because of his prominence throughout the Con comic, it’s also a no-brainer that Darklon will likely be a part of the IG Ground Assault 2-Pack and he looks to have a new head sculpt, the same webgear as the Marauders Taurus figure with a healthy dose of Pursuit of Cobra Firefly parts underneath.  The other figure is sort of a mystery.

No ideas about the Cobra Stealth Paratrooper other than it’s most likely the parachute figure and will not be available for sale until after the parachute drop on Friday.

Oktober Guard Attack Helicopter appears to be a repainted Rise of Cobra Dragonhawk, while the Soviet Convoy truck looks like the truck from Indiana Jones, which actually works fairly well in this regard.

I’ll be honest, this is a LOT more exclusives than I expected.  Two vehicles and two separate figure packs, not to mention carded Footloose.  Speaking of carded Footloose, the Club has brought 500 of them to the Con and they are limited to ONE PER PERSON including Golden Ticket holders.  The reason for this according to Brian Savage is that they are not convention items, they are Club items, and they are specifically holding some back to sell after the Convention, something that is sure to please a number of fans out there.

Conspicuous by his absence as well is Dragonsky, who has been a hotly desired part of this Con set, but it looks like he will not come with this particular set.  The reason I assume that is that he does show up in the Convention comic, but his uniform is based on the 2004 Comic Pack version, with no updated designs that might meld him into the modern set.  He also appears to get wounded in the convention comic, which would account for the fact that he is not a major part of the story.

Check out some images below of the comic art, reflecting some of these things that I mentioned.  Looking forward to seeing more tomorrow!

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A huge thanks to MadMac41 of  JoeBattleLines for the info and the picture assistance!  He came through big time.

G.I. Joe Convention Attendee and Non-Attendee 3 3/4″ packages are SOLD OUT

This actually happened last night, but I was a bit wiped after my all day work travels, and frankly a little browbeat over the rampant assaulting of the Collectors’ Club.  But it’s news, so here goes!

The G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club has officially announced that all attendee and non-attendee 3 3/4″ Oktober Guard Convention Packages are sold out.  This has, of course, caused somewhat of a frenzy from collectors who are disappointed that they didn’t get a chance to get their hands on these sets.  While that disappointment is certainly justified, I will say that it can be difficult to judge numbers and just because everyone thinks a set is a sure fire home run, that doesn’t necessarily guarantee a quick sell out.  It’s easy to play armchair Toy Collector Quarterback with someone else’s checkbook, but it can be something totally different to take a risk, ramp up production, and increase the possibility of taking a bath on the sets.

I know it’s popular to say that Pre-Orders are the way to go, but I think there are simply too many moving pieces and the Club is too small an operation to be able to handle that responsibly.

Of course, if you really want to attend the Convention, you can still order the 12″ Adventure Team Heavy Weapons set, which actually looks pretty awesome as well, and that will get you admittance to the Convention and allow you to do everything you want to do.

Congratulations to you folks who got them, a bummer for folks who missed out, and I’m looking forward to seeing what else is in the works down in New Orleans!

For all the latest information on the G.I. Joe Convention, keep your browser pointed to!

G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club shows off complete 3 3/4″ Convention Set

So, I figured covering each release individually got me up to speed on talking about the 3 3/4″ convention set, but Twitter buds kenny and Twitziller brought it to my attention that I did post about the 12″ set in general, once the club revealed the full image, so it really made a lot of sense to look at the 3 3/4″ set as one cohesive set and see how my perspective might have changed.

The Collectors’ Club did reveal the full image of the set, and that image can be seen at and also mirrored below, and it gives me an opportunity to talk about this set as a whole, instead of piecemeal.

Now, pretty much all of my responses have been positive throughout all the single figure reveals, so I can’t help but maintain that positive opinion when looking at the set in its entirety.  The portion of the set that really strikes me, though, is the Iron Grenadier side of the house.  Seeing the individual figure reveals kind of put a tight focus on the figures as stand outs themselves, and you don’t realize how cohesively they do all fit together.  Even with Voltar’s somewhat purple coloring on his armor, it ties in pretty nicely to some of the red components on the Iron Grenadier Troopers themselves.  While I’m still not 100% sold on the Iron Grenadier Troopers, I do love the Heavy Weapons guys and the Elites, and I think the red is the great unifying color that ties them all together nicely.  Various shades of gray are prevalent throughout, which only further ties the figures together.

For the Oktober Guard, I know there was some concern about Horror Show and his green uniform standing out among his teammates, but I don’t see that issue at all.  Beyond Horror Show, every member of the Oktober Guard here meshes together almost to perfection.  Iron Bear, Daina, and Schrage all work flawlessly, while Brekhov and Stormavik balance with each other as well.  Even the brown figures have those hints of dark green to match the webgear of the other two, and Horror Show’s jacket.  A definite unifying theme that works really well.

As a whole, I think this set is terrific.  I have voiced my concerns with the Iron Grenadier Troopers, and I maintain those…it’s probably the canceled Iron Grenadier Troopers that keep this set from being pretty much one of the best Convention Sets ever.  But that award still goes to the 2005 MARS Attacks set, and I doubt that will ever be surpassed.

That being said, this figure set is still extremely strong, very well done, and remarkably impressive for the operation that the Club is.  A ton of new tooling, a great array of unreleased characters and fan wishes, and unlike many folks out there, I welcome the infusion of “new blood” like Iron Bear.  Great stuff, and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for New Orleans to come and more Con goodies to be revealed!

What’s on Joe Mind Episode 55 is online

You know I almost didn’t post this, because as usual, I missed an episode with a famous Sunbow voice actor, and the guys took the opportunity to rib me about it…so screw ’em, right?

Nah.  I’m nothing if not forgiving, so I’ll play nice and post the latest update for the What’s on Joe Mind podcast.  This episode the guys are joined by Sunbow voice actor Neil Ross, who voiced the indelible Shipwreck, one of the most popular characters in the G.I. Joe mythology!

They also tackle all the latest news and information, and talk about the GIJCC 2012 Convention Set in its entirety. I’m jealous that I didn’t get the chance to share my .02.  Ah, well, maybe I’ll make them revisit it tomorrow night.

Check out the latest episode on our Podbean page, or via the embedded player below, and don’t forget to hit the jump for our show notes.



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