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Loose images of Pursuit of Cobra Target Mini-Vehicles emerge

We’ve seen other images already, but they were pretty low on detail…now has some loose images up which are looking at least a bit better and clearer.  Mirrored below are images for the following:

  • Cobra Twin Battle Gun w/ Range-Viper
  • Flight Pod w/ Elite-Viper
  • RAM w/ Sandstorm
  • Glider w/ Capt. Ace
  • Water Moccasin w/ Copperhead & Swamp-Viper

When Hasbro does good, they do really, really good, but when they do bad, it’s pretty bad.  And I gotta say that Glider and Water Moccasin, in my opinion, are pretty damn bad.  I mean, Capt. Ace with a moustache?  That’s Tripwire’s head anyway, so why the heck paint a fake moustache on there for a guy who’s not supposed to have one?  Or if you must paint one on there, why not just make this Slipstream?  I gotta tell you, too, I’m feeling pretty sorry for poor AVAC…he keeps getting saddled with terrible paint schemes and new specialties.  First he was a pretty bad ass red and silver, then he turns into pukey purple with the CLAW, and now he’s poop green and brown as a “Swamp-Viper”.  Enh.  Not high on my list.

The others, though, are impressive.  Love the Range-Viper and Whirlwind…that Elite-Viper in red is pretty damn cool, too, I gotta admit.  Hell, even Sandstorm with the basic Reactive Armor torso and desert camouflage pants is pretty bad ass, and he’ll fit in real nice with the Toys “R” Us Troop Builder packs.  Considering I haven’t loved any of the Target exclusive mini vehicles I’ve seen yet (except the SNAKE) these are looking really nice.  Check out the images yourself:

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Images of upcoming third wave of Target Exclusive vehicle packs

We got a very light glimpse of this third wave of Target Exclusive vehicles during JoeCon a couple of months ago, but the images were shoddy at best and impossible to see at worst.  The sounds and overall look of the packs seemed like winners over all, but I was reserving judgement until we saw some actually legible images.

Well, thanks to HissTank, we’ve got some images now, and I am SOLD.  Capt. Ace w/ the Glider leaves me totally cold, but the other three sets all have some very nice redeeming factors, especially if these hit at the same price point as past Target exclusive vehicles.  This is what we’ve got to look forward to:

  • Cobra Flight Pod w/ Elite-Viper; Damn!  Elite Viper looks GREAT with the red armor and the red camouflage pants.  I love this look…really love it.  The crimson Trubble  Bubble is iffy, but the figure more than makes up for it.  Very impressed with this.
  • RAM w/ Sandstorm; Hell yeah.  I love the RAM, and seeing it in desert paint scheme is pretty cool, but again, it’s all about the figure.  He looks like your basic Reactive Armor Joe with the Resolute Duke helmet and some desert camouflage pants, but I think the look is still great.  The fact that the Pursuit of Cobra Zartan supposedly comes with a Sandstorm costume only furthers the “legacy” of this new character as well.
  • Cobra Twin Battle Gun w/ Range-Viper;  WOW.  I love the Whirlwind, and it looks bad ass in these Cobra colors…but what makes this set is the Range-Viper!  My favorite figure from the Defense of Cobra Island was awesome enough, even in bright blue and yellow.  Seeing it in muted grays and blacks is only more bad ass than it was before.  Gorgeous.  I cannot wait to get this set in hand.
  • Glider w/ Capt. Ace; Ehhh…  no thanks.  Basically a Slipstream repaint in strange urban camouflage with the same Glider we’ve seen several times already.  This one is a definite miss, but it’s the only one in this assortment that I’m not crazy about.

For mirrored images check below.  Very excited for this wave!

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High Res Images of upcoming Toys “R” Us 5-Packs

The Terror Drome has scored some nice high resolution pictures of the soon-to-be-released COBRA and G.I. Joe 5-Packs coming to a Toys “R” Us store near you.  The COBRA one leaves me very cold, being pretty much a pack full of straight-reissue troop builders.  The G.I. Joe pack, however, rocks my world.  I’m not a fan of desert figures in the least, but the wealth of new characters, the very unique reuse of parts, and the impressive paint apps all come together to make one slick looking set.  Dial Tone, Law, Footloose, and Repeater are all very cool additions to the growing cast of characters, even if two of them look somewhat out of place compared to their vintage look (and one of them even had an operation…  :shifty: ).

I love the female Dial Tone concept, and this figure looks great.  Footlose, I think, looks absolutely awesome, even in the desert colors.  Ironically, Repeater is probably the closest to his vintage look uniform-wise, but apparently had a race change along the way.  Oh, those Hasbro designers, how they love to drive the vintage purists crazy…

Check out the images below.

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Toys “R” Us COBRA 5-Pack images online

Rulz over on got his hands on the upcoming Toys “R” Us Exclusive COBRA 5-Pack (to go along with his G.I. Joe 5-Pack) and has posted images here, which I’m also mirroring below.

As cool as the G.I. Joe 5-Pack is, I find the COBRA pack pretty underwhelming.  Sure, it’s great for army builders, since there are few changes to any of the troopers within (save for Elite-Viper’s COBRA symbol), but I’m not crazy about those two MARS Trooper/Officer figures, and I certainly don’t need a sixth Neo-Viper necessarily.  I wouldn’t mind another Elite-Viper, and that infiltration Duke is completely bad ass, but I don’t see myself paying $20 just for those two figures.  I’ll probably crawl eBay and see who’s dumping that Duke and keeping the troopers.

Interesting that the Joe set seems full of creative thinking and new characters, while the COBRA set just seems to be rehash central.  But again, for an army builder pack, maybe that’s what folks want in a COBRA set…we’ve already got plenty of Skittle-Vipers as it is.  :shifty:

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Great pictorial reviews for the Senior Ranking Officer 3-Packs

The guys at The Terror Drome are continuing their great “Pictorial Reviews” this time tackling the very recently released Senior Ranking Officer 3-Packs, exclusive to Toys “R” Us.  These sets each have their own unique identity with some pluses and minuses…personally, I really like the green camouflage redeco of Sgt. Stone, and I like Speed Metal as well, even if he is just a minor repaint and head swap.  Love the Destro in the COBRA pack as well, very reminiscent of his video game appearence, which is great.

Anyway, you can check out the Joe review here, and the COBRA one here.  Images are hosted below.

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