by generalsjoes | Sep 12, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Over at JoeBattleLines, MaxPower has stumbled across the KMart Exclusive 4-Pack at his local California K-Mart and was kind enough to snap some pictures of what can be found inside. The set comes with:
- Desert Camouflage Heavy Duty
- Duke (in MP Uniform)
- MARS Weapon Officer
- Neo-Viper
Heavy Duty is the best of the bunch, just because he comes with the best of the gear from the two previous versions! He’s got the machine gun and pistol from the Weapons Specialist (as well as the backpack w/ straps), but he’s got the heavy machine gun and grenade launcher from the Reactive Armor version.
The two COBRA’s are colored up in a strange dark brown/bronze shade which doesn’t appeal to me a whole lot, though each of them come fully equipped with their original weapons load. Duke is just kind of a toss in, I think. I’m not crazy about the MP/Zartan figure, and we’ve already got a decent desert camouflage Duke. Anyway…retail was apparently $27 or $28. Keep your eyes out if you’re interested!
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by generalsjoes | Sep 4, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Rulz over on got his hands on the upcoming Toys “R” Us Exclusive COBRA 5-Pack (to go along with his G.I. Joe 5-Pack) and has posted images here, which I’m also mirroring below.
As cool as the G.I. Joe 5-Pack is, I find the COBRA pack pretty underwhelming. Sure, it’s great for army builders, since there are few changes to any of the troopers within (save for Elite-Viper’s COBRA symbol), but I’m not crazy about those two MARS Trooper/Officer figures, and I certainly don’t need a sixth Neo-Viper necessarily. I wouldn’t mind another Elite-Viper, and that infiltration Duke is completely bad ass, but I don’t see myself paying $20 just for those two figures. I’ll probably crawl eBay and see who’s dumping that Duke and keeping the troopers.
Interesting that the Joe set seems full of creative thinking and new characters, while the COBRA set just seems to be rehash central. But again, for an army builder pack, maybe that’s what folks want in a COBRA set…we’ve already got plenty of Skittle-Vipers as it is. :shifty:
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by generalsjoes | Aug 21, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie, Pursuit of COBRA
Toy News International has posted some very nice high res images of the upcoming 5th wave of Rise of COBRA single packs. These figures look to be kicking off the “Pursuit of COBRA” theme, as they are broken up into Arctic Threat, City Strike, Desert Assault, and Jungle Battle sub teams. A lot of these figures are using existing parts, and honestly, I was pretty “meh” about this wave when I first saw it…but man, it’s growing on me. Duke, Snake Eyes, and Ripcord are especially kick ass. Storm Shadow did nothing for me at first, but closer looks makes him a bit more interesting…he’s more than just a Paris Pursuit Snake Eyes repaint, and I find myself more curious to check him out than I thought I might be originally. The line up is as follows:
- Storm Shadow (Arctic Threat)
- Duke (City Strike)
- Snake Eyes (City Strike)
- Desert-Viper (Desert Battle)
- Ripcord (Jungle Assault)
The Resolute Snake Eyes is, of course, the star of the show, by far. I really love Ripcord, too, though, and he works great as a desert version of him who fights alongside Duke at the beginning. A pretty cool line up, especially after my feelings were so mixed initially.
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by generalsjoes | Jul 31, 2009 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, Sideshow

Today at 10:00am Pacific (1:00pm Eastern) Sideshow Collectibles will be offering their Priority Pre-Order for the 12″ Sideshow Exclusive Duke figure. The Exclusive version comes with a pair of binoculars that is not available in the standard release.
Of course, the regular release is still up for pre-order as well. Click here if you don’t want to wait for the Exclusive one.