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Toy Fair Update – First Picture Push

I’m on a tight timeline, so you’ll have to excuse the rushed nature of these images, I promise I will take time to refine, crop, and organize them better as the weekend goes on (when I’m not running close to the wire for catching a train back home).
Until then… here’s what I got.
Resolute Figures
Not much was show on the presentation floor, and we don’t have official press pics yet.  Here are Flint, Zartan, and Scarlett:

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Pursuit of Cobra Figures
Not everything was on the floor, but here’s what I’ve got for them, too, scatters of both Wave 1 and Wave 2:

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Pursuit of Cobra Vehicles
Also, scatters of Wave 1 and Wave 2 for Alphas and Bravos:

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Pursuit of Cobra Mech Suits
Scattered images of the the Joe and Cobra Mechs:

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Quick review of Operation: HISS Webisode #1

Heh…in the last post I mentioned a month was a long time to wait for a follow up to a 5 minute webisode.  Turns out, the action itself only took just over 3 minutes.  Overall impression?  About what you’d expect for a direct-to-website feature catered to kids.  It’s done in CGI animation, purely computer models, and they looked like they were pulled from the cut scenes of the console game (which isn’t necessarily a good thing).  Some choppy animation, some stilted voice acting, and nothing that will really make the long time fans go crazy.  Definitely not G.I. Joe’s best side.
I still kinda dig seeing the movie universe further explored (especially since it would appear it’s vanishing entirely from store shelves with this G.I. Joe “reboot” this fall), but the end result did not blow my skirt up, which is really saying something when coming from this fanboy.  Regardless, I’ll be waiting the first Friday of every month just to see what’s next.
On the positive side, we did get some cool intel when the credits rolled!  I’ve mirrored some screen shots below, including a shot of the voice credits, which indicate that some other characters will be appearing in the series like Recondo, Helix, and Snow Job!  I’ll check out further installments just for that.
A fun way to spend a few minutes, but don’t expect Beast Wars or Starship Troopers…  the gallery is below.

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Channing Tatum talks G.I. Joe Sequel & the "honor" of the Razzies

Channing Tatum has been doing the rounds promoting his latest film, Dear John, and of course, as expected, has been getting numerous questions regarding G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, the potential sequel, and even the Razzie nominations that the film earned.
In a short interview with New York Magazine, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra’s “Duke” had the following to say:

Is it hard to show your face here at the iconic Chinese Theater to shill your new film on the same day your last film was bestowed with the shame of six Razzie nods?
Whoa. Cool. Did G.I. Joe win any? Was I nominated for Worst Actor?
Afraid not. You were locked out by a bunch of aging comics and the Jonas Brothers.
That was probably a close one, but it’s hard to compete with those heartthrobs.
Your co-stars Sienna Miller and Marlon Wayans were not so lucky.
Marlon’s Razzie for Little Man is his most prized trophy. I kid you not. He’s probably thrilled. Besides, when you do a movie like [G.I. Joe], you aren’t trying to break any ground. You just want kids and grown-ups who remember the cartoon to go see it, love it, and have a good time watching shit get blown up. And we did good business anyway. There is talk of a sequel. I know they hired a writer, so I’m crossing fingers”

Along with print interviews, he also sat down in front of a camera for and showed some enthusiasm for the upcoming sequel and even made mention of Cobra Island!  Check out that video below:

Resolute 7-pack characters revealed on DeviantArt?

If there was one thing about the G.I. Joe: America’s Elite comic that I came away loving, it was Mike Bear’s art.  For whatever reason, I absolutely loved his drawing style, his action, and even the coloring…even as World War III sort of stumbled through it’s climax, the art shone through…and evidently Hasbro feels the same way, as they’ve enlisted in Mike Bear’s assistance for package art is recent years.
Apparently that’s continuing on in 2010, as Mike Bear’s DeviantArt page reveals some very cool looking package art for upcoming Hasbro products…including what appears to be the G.I. Joe: Resolute Boxed Sets!  Only three pieces are evident so far, Arctic Duke, Zartan, and Firefly, but good Lord do they look great.  Knowing Hasbro’s formula with the Cobra Island packs, I am officially ecstatic waiting for these 7-packs.  I’m not sure anyone saw Zartan coming….  this really opens the door for what else we might be getting.  A huge thanks to the Terror Drome for digging up this link!

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Sure, there’s another Duke, and there will probably be another Snake Eyes, too, but seeing Zartan really makes me think our chances are pretty good for guys like Flint, Stalker, and Beachhead, who were all pretty central to the animation.  Bring it on, Hasbro!