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IDW is pulling me back in to the G.I. Joe comic universe

I’ve been somewhat hesitant to accept the IDW G.I. Joe universe for a variety of reasons, but with the release of G.I. Joe # 15, they’ve finally started pulling me in, at least to a degree.  Even with Dixon’s slow pace, this issue kicked it up a notch.  We got some early seeds of discontent between Mindbender, Destro, and the Cobra cabal.  We got one of the world’s top scientists joining Cobra of his own free will, upon seeing the level of their resources and funding.  We got  the death of a Joe character that has been accused of being a punching bag, but at least it was handled in this issue with some sort of respect.
But, really, it comes down to the character designs.  Old Joe pal Fred from JoeBattleLines really summed it up nicely when he pointed out to me in a private email…  there were just a few frames in the issue.  Flint, Beachhead, and Cover Girl ready to bust down the door.  The Cobra Vipers emerging from the MASS Device teleportation.  To me, it’s always been about the toys, and these designs would make for some awesome toys.  Hell, if the movie could find a way to work designs like these into it, it would have been much more appreciated, I think, even with the same story and subject matter.
It’s the little things…and as we get deeper into the G.I. Joe: COBRA II series, and has the mainstream title picks up some steam, I’m finding myself more and more drawn in, which is something I never expected.  Good job, IDW.
EDIT – Spoilerific image replaced with non-spoilerific image.  Woops!

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Sideshow Collectibles Update from the latest Newsletter

Sideshow Collectibles has posted their latest newsletter, with all sorts of G.I. Joe related information.  Items of note are as follows:

  • Snake Eyes vs. The Red Ninjas Backstage Pass – Check out this great video showing the minds behind the design and creation of this incredible looking statue.  Yeah, I think most Joe fans are really fired up about the 12″ figures, but this looks very impressive as well, and it’s always neat to get the inside scoop straight from the source!
  • Sideshow Teaser for the next 12″ Joe – A nice shadowed image featuring the familiar profiles of Duke, Flint, Snake Eyes, and…  hmmmm?  I think most folks can probably make an educated guess based on what we know, and to me it looks like a certain masked Army Ranger.  Man, it kills me every time these are shown.  I love the looks of these figures, but just can’t swing the cash at the moment.  If that is Beachhead, it’ll be another knife in the gut, as I’m sure the figure looks amazing.

  • Sideshow Exclusive 12″ Flint – Sideshow reveals that the 12″ Flint is now limited to 650 pieces…but is already sold out.  For folks dying to get their hands on this version of the Joe Warrant Officer, hop on the wait list or you can also pre-order the normal version right here.
  • Cobra Sniper 12″ Figure – Last, but not least, the Cobra Sniper is on the verge of a sell out, with only 8 pieces left in stock.  He comes with a ton of great accessories and is a nice compliment to your slowly budding Cobra army.  Grab it now!

Alexx Shorts update – The Snarler w/ Beachhead and Rollbar

Look, I love reading Alexx’s stuff…but I especially love reading his stuff on items that I don’t yet own.  For whatever reason I don’t have the Snarler motorcycle yet.  I haven’t seen it at retail, and it’s not quite worth the shipping costs to me, but I plan on snagging it if I find it in stores.  Until then, I’ll simply live vicariously through Alexx, as usual.  Great pics!  See the original thread on JBL here.

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IDW 5-Page Previews for G.I. Joe #14 and Origins #11

It must be new comics day coming up, because we’ve got 5-page previews of upcoming issues of G.I. Joe #14 as well as G.I. Joe: Origins #11.  Both issues prove to be interesting additions to the continuity with the first appearance of the Hard Master and a focus on Beachhead’s memory loss…hopefully filling in some of the blanks.
Check out the 5-page previews below!
G.I. Joe #14

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G.I. Joe Origins #11

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Army Rangers and SWAT Specialists revealed at the Sideshow Q & A!

Sideshow has been breaking it open the past week, with an awesome reveal of the 12″ Firefly (though my opinion seems to be in the minority on that one) and now, the latest installment of the Sideshow Q & A have revealed some awesome information about upcoming G.I. Joe offerings from the high end collectible company.

Is Sideshow going to make a Beach Head or Shock Wave G.I. Joe 12-inch figure?

Yes, Beachhead is development and will be unveiled in early 2010. Shock Wave has just recently graduated to a spot on our line list, but we have yet to begin development.

Sounds like some great stuff in the wings. To me, the coolest thing is that Sideshow seems to be eschewing the same ole same ole typical cast, and is making some efforts to produce figures that would really work in their 12″ format. Some great military specialties, and the potential for some incredible new looks. Can’t wait to see Beachhead next year, and I’m hopeful about Shockwave, too.  I’ll admit, I really want to see what they can do with familiar classics like Destro and Zartan, but if they’re going to do G.I. Joe in a military format, they might as well focus on specialties that will look terrific in that larger, more intricate scale.  Thumbs up.

Also, don’t forget that Firefly is still on pre-order…check out the banner below to check it out.

Firefly 12

Thanks to Mysterious Stranger for the information!