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Pursuit of Cobra Guest Reviews posted – Beachhead and Elite Ice-Viper

Just in case anyone is wondering about the “slow news days” at GeneralsJoes the past few days, I’m out of town doing some pretty heavy Cisco training for my “real life” job which has taken up pretty much every single free minute of my time since Sunday.  Today, we got out of class a bit early, and I find myself with a little break between topics, so I’m hoping to flood the site with some updates this evening, so stay tuned!
To start off with, GeneralsJoes regular Hawkwinter has been a fixture in the comments section for quite a while, often going at odds with me over my Rise of Cobra opinions (and 25th Anniversary opinions, and IDW opinions, and…. ) but one thing we agree on is that the Pursuit of Cobra might be the best thing to happen to G.I. Joe in toy form in a long, long time.
So, he volunteered to do some guest reviews for me, and knowing I was going to be out of town, I took him up on it!  Any time I can get some content on the site that I don’t have to work for it’s all good with me!  It helps that he takes some nice pictures and has some well thought-out opinions to boot.
Anyway, over in the Pursuit of Cobra Reviews Page, there are now links to City Strike Beachhead and Elite Ice-Viper.
A huge thanks to Hawkwinter for cashing in and getting these done for me.  Thanks, man.

Pursuit of Cobra and Resolute floodgates starting to brim

August is only a couple of short months away, and we all know what that means in regards to the Asian market.  Over the past few days quite a number of products have started showing up across the web, and while I’ll refrain from linking to specific auctions, I did want to mirror the updated images and point out that these all come courtesy of The Terror Drome.  To date, we’ve got some nice pictures of Pursuit of Cobra City Strike Beachhead, Jungle Assault Duke, Desert Battle Storm Shadow, and G.I. Joe: Resolute Scarlett and Baroness.
In the past I’ve jumped on some of these auctions pretty quickly, to be totally honest.  But so far, I’m holding myself back on this initial batch.  I grabbed Spirit pretty quickly when he appeared a couple of weeks back, but I’m just having a hard time pulling the trigger on $20 a pop when they should be hitting retail in about 6 – 8 weeks.  The really weird thing is, for the Rise of Cobra figures, which were pretty inferior, all told, I was jumping on them pretty quick.  But for these much better figures, I can’t bring myself to do it, at least not yet.  Is it because of the price jump, which is admittedly, pretty small?  Or is it my strong, iron clad moral core?  Yeah, definitely not that.
Check out some of the images mirrored below.

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Another flurry of Pursuit of Cobra images – PoC Beachhead

Taking no break since JoeCon, Gyre-Viper continues his Pursuit of Cobra onslaught, this time paying some attention to the incredible Pursuit of Cobra Beachhead.  Even as an unpainted test shot, the detail is amazing, and the accessories are simply mind-blowing.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for this excellent looking figure.  Check out the mirrored images below.

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Sideshow Collectibles 12" Beachhead Pre-Order is UP!

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been eagerly anticipating this one.  Beachhead is a guy that Sideshow can really go all out on without worry about fan repercussions.  As long as he has his balaclava (which he does), and a basic military flak vest and camo, I really think Sideshow can pull out a lot of stops and pack him full of awesome military gear.
Well, here’s your chance to grab everyone’s (second?) favorite G.I. Joe Army Ranger.  Click below to snag one before it’s too late!  Loving the unmasked head…classic!
Sideshow Exclusive – Unmasked head and Beret!
Regular Release
Beachhead 12-inch Figure