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Less than a week left! Reason #6 why G.I. Joe: Retaliation will be great!

Coming down the home stretch, and we’re officially less than a week from the film’s launch, but Twitziller is still going strong, breaking down reason #6 to go see G.I. Joe: Retaliation.


Twitziller covered Cobra Commander in an earlier entry, but as Rise of Cobra clearly showed, Cobra Commander can exist without his battle helmet…  but he’s not nearly as damn cool.  I could almost hear the collective geek out across the entire Joe fandom when this version of Cobra Commander was revealed for the first time in a trailer so many months ago.  Ever since, G.I. Joe fans have clung on every small appearance in a trailer, image, TV spot or character profile.  This battle helmet is a big reason why.

Follow Twitziller on Twitter or stick here on GeneralsJoes for the latest updates.  Previous entries can be seen below.

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Getting down to the wire…reason 7 why G.I. Joe: Retaliation will… Rock?

No pun intended in the title…  ah, who am I kidding?  Pun definitely intended.  It’s a Friday, which means Twitziller is focusing on a major factor today, and that factor is one that many of us can probably guess, especially based on my horrible pun up above.



I know I’ve mentioned in the past how humorous it is that only ten years ago, Hasbro could barely even keep the copyright active for Roadblock, and here we are with the character the focal point of the entire film franchise.  I think the character is a great choice, and the actor is equally great for this role.  So why does Roadblock make sense for the film?  He’s a larger than life character, with a lot of personality.  He’s someone who still has some open ends in his history, yet he’s familiar enough with fans to resonate.  He was a focal point in the cartoon, and had some very key roles in the comics as well, and was one of the few characters who could transcend both.

Follow Twitziller on Twitter for the latest updates, or stick here on GeneralsJoes. Previous entries can be seen below.

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Eight days until G.I. Joe: Retaliation and reason 8 why it’ll be great!

I’m sure Twitziller along with myself, realizes that the release date for Retaliation has shifted, but sticking with the theme is the only way to do this thing…see it all the way through to the end.  And speaking of the end, I think we all realize one of the climactic battles of the film will involve the Ripsaw tank and HISS Tanks going at it, and this is what Twitziller talks about today!


How awesome is that shot?  I’ve seen every teaser, every TV spot, and every trailer so far, and seen them multiple times, but I never really picked that particular scene out.  I’m glad Twitziller did.  Holy crap if that  doesn’t accentuate the cool factor of vehicle battle in this film, I don’t know what does.

State of the art vehicular technology, rolling over land, hurling raw power at each other.  Yeah, that looks amazing, and it’s truly an overlooked piece of the G.I. Joe mythology.  This scene looks like it’s going to be a blast!

Follow Twitziller on Twitter or stick on GeneralsJoes for the latest updates, and previous entries can be seen below.

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Nine thrilling days to go, and reason 9 that G.I. Joe: Retaliation is going to ROCK

The news is coming fast and furious… premieres across the world, movie scores being released.  Posters, movie clips, interviews.  It’s crazy!  Who would have thought nine months ago that the excitement and enthusiasm would be right back up at maximum with G.I. Joe: Retaliation making it’s big return.

Twitziller focuses his attention today on the reason for the delay, which has caused some controversy among the fandom and among audiences across the country.  Will the change be worth it?  Only time will tell.  Thankfully, not much time to wait!


Before I go into the whole 3D conflict and conundrum…  look at that picture up there.  Do you see those Cobra logos in the throwing stars?  How freaking AWESOME is that?  Kudos to Twitziller for picking up on that, I haven’t seen anyone else mention it.

As for 3D itself… is it a fad?  Yeah, maybe.  But it’s a fad that’s been going on 50 years now, and has made a resurgence in recent years.  And apparently it is huge Internationally.  Judging by the world wide scope of the press tour and premiere schedule, the folks promoting G.I. Joe: Retaliation are paying a lot of attention to the International market.  That’s smart.  Yes, I know G.I. Joe is “A Real American Hero” and I think that’s a big part of it’s appeal, but if promoting it this heavily worldwide can earn the film an extra few hundred million dollars, I’m willing to make some concessions on that fact.

Jon Chu’s vast experience with 3D production enabled the film crew to take existing footage and engineer it better for 3D, especially with some of the focal point fight scenes, like the ninja mountain battle.  Ultimately the success or failure of the 3D conversion and the financial gain from it may not even be measurable, but let’s all hope it makes enough impact to make G.I. Joe a viable brand again going forward.

Keep following Twitziller on Twitter and keep it here on GeneralsJoes for the latest updates, and check out previous entries below.

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The TOP TEN. Within 10 days of G.I. Joe: Retaliation and reason #10 to see it

Holy wow.  The TOP TEN.  We have broken 10 days, G.I. Joe fans.  The film looms above us coming up at the end of March, and it’s tough to believe that we’re already only 10 days away.  Twitziller keeps the momentum going with one of the key scenes from the first trailer.


It’s amazing how spot on Twitziller is with some of these things and how you don’t really think about it until he mentions it.  Not just that, but it’s equally amazing that the film makers were able to latch on to key elements of the G.I. Joe mythology and technology this way.  Because he’s exactly right, motorcycles have always played a huge role in the G.I. Joe mystique throughout the years.  From the RAM to the Silver Mirage, and all the way up to the Venom and Ninja Cycles from Valor Vs. Venom.  Even if motorcycles don’t get much use in a “real world” military setting, they are simply too cool to ignore, and fun as heck to play with.

Firefly’s Cobra motorcyle is a bit unique of course, and by the looks of things can only be used once in its explosive capacity.  That sort of crazy, out of the box thinking is what makes the Cobra technology so cool.

“Hey Destro… make me a $100,000 motorcycle that turns into missiles and EXPLODESSSS!”

“Yes, Cobra Commander…”


Follow Twitziller on Twitter and stay here on GeneralsJoes to see the latest installments, and check out previous entries below.

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