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Boss Fight Studio Vitruvian HACKS Amazon Warrior

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Due to some of the manufacturing delays there were cases that we actually received repaints of figures before we received the original figures themselves.  In some cases this has created a little bit of a sense of subdued excitement for the originals.  A figure like Leonidas was one of the ones I was really looking forward to, but upon getting the Ultimate Spartan first, the anticipation of that figure was at least somewhat reduced.  


I think the same holds true for the Amazon Warrior.  I remember the excitement of the Kickstarter campaign and how thrilled backers were when the Amazon was unveiled.  We were all greatly looking forward to it and now that we received the Amazon Elite Warrior exclusive (from Kokomo Toys and All the Cool Stuff) first it sort of feels like we’ve gotten this figure already.


But you know what?  Much to my surprise, I still feel like this is something pretty new and exciting.  By changing the skin color and armor hue, the Elite Warrior repaint becomes something pretty different, and I find myself unexpectedly thrilled at this rendition of the Amazon.  Structurally, the figure is the same as the exclusive, though the head sculpt looks as if it might be slightly tweaked.  Her build is slender and extremely well articulated from the ball joint neck to the very nice rocker ankles.  Because she has the sandal feet, those ankle joints do not inhibit her standing on the foot peg either.


The standard Amazon has a much brighter paint scheme, with the bronze/gold armor and brown leather skirt rather than the silver and black.  Ultimately I think I might like the silver/black combination a little better, but the more vibrant shade of silver makes her feel like the “elite” warrior that she is.  Paint deco tattoos are the same as the elite version, too, but the different skin color nicely separates the two and makes them feel like two truly unique versions of each other.  I continue to be exceedingly impressed at how Boss Fight Studio handles female action figures, balancing durability, aesthetics and articulation to near perfection.  Rarely in an action figure line (I’d almost be willing to say never) have females played such a large role, and it’s fantastic to see the figures produces so exceptionally well.

Speaking as someone with two daughters, I love this mentality, and so do my kids.



The Amazon comes with some familiar gear, including the spear and two different length swords.  She has the Spartan helmet with the tail at the back and the same deco shield that came with her Elite counterpart, only in gold trim instead of silver.  Of course accessories are rounded off with two extra hands and the foot peg.


Even though we’ve essentially received this figure before as a store exclusive, I can’t help but find a lot to love with this version as well.  Hopefully there are even more Amazons on the horizon, or if not, I may end up buying a couple more of this one to compliment my Elite and help the Spartans fight against the ever increasing Gorgon Horde.

Check out the video review below!

Amazon Warrior
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One of the most fearsome warriors on the planet, the Amazons bring a great new element to the HACKS universe and compliment the exclusive Amazon Elite Warriors to perfection. The gold armor and brown leather balance out the silver and black, and add just the right variety, while still building the army to a small degree. She’s got great weapons and intricate paint deco. A great addition to the already nice HACKS roster of human soldiers.

Boss Fight Studio Vitruvian HACKS Eurayle

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As I looked through images of the Vitruvian HACKS figures throughout the Kickstarter and with every update that Boss Fight Studio, I had visions of which figure I thought would be my favorite.  At first it was Leonidas, the ruler of the Spartan army with his identifiable visage, arsenal of weapons, and great armor.  Then I thought it would probably be one of the Gorgons with Medusa and Black Racer edging their way up towards the top.


From a character perspective, I latched onto the Myrmidon Warrior as a great looking mercenary, and of course my own personal favorite Stonefist.  As the new engineering and gear became more visible, I found myself looking past figures that seemed more… I don’t know… ordinary?  Someone like Eurayle, who looked fine, but was essentially a female figure in some kind of ceremonial two piece.  She looked fine, but didn’t knock my socks off.


Well, I got her in hand, and much to my own surprise, she rocketed straight to the top of my favorites list.  I can’t even explain it.  The construction of the figure just feels perfect.  The weight, the durability, the articulation, it all comes together and feels about as right as a 4” action figure can feel.  Each joint is the perfect tightness, her secondaries look great, but don’t restrict movement at all, and the sculpt of her pulled back snake hair simply looks fantastic.  She’s slender, but looks exceedingly strong, a powerful figure in the Gorgon mythology.


Her characterization in the bio card is great as well, the youngest Gorgon sister who seems to have her own hidden agenda as she hypnotizes a private army of Disciples who are willing to do anything for her.  I was so captivated by the figure and the character, that I was thrilled that I had a few extra Disciples, and just feeling how great Eurayle was actually made me even more thrilled about the Precurse Medusa, who is built on the same framework.

Everything comes together here.  A great character, a nicely poseable figure, nearly perfect construction.  She may not have the state of the art engineering of the poseable tail or the layers of body armor and armory of weapons, but everything about her just feels right.  She may be one of the best 4” female action figures I’ve ever held in my hand.


If I have any complaint it’s that due to the bare feet of the figure and the rocker ankles, she has some trouble standing on the foot stand.  This is an ongoing issue that we’ve seen many times before, and while Boss Fight managed to get around that with the sandled feet and the booted feet, the bare feet don’t fare quite so well.  Knowing Boss Fight Studio like I do, I suspect they have some plans to resolve this in some way or another going forward.



Eurayle comes with some great weapons as well.  Two sets of ornate bladed weapons of varying lengths manage to look regal and lethal all at once.  My favorite is probably the longer of the solid blade weapons, though a truly love the look of the interwoven snake-handled knives as well.


Along with this, she comes with arm and leg bands, which at first I thought would be a real pain, but they’re exceedingly flexible and manage to stay in place fairly well, even when moving the figure all around.  I was quite surprised at how nicely they compliment her and do not negatively impact the figure as a whole.


Eurayle wasn’t even really on my radar during the Kickstarter, and actually I probably only own her because she was part of the All In package, but good grief I’m glad I got her.  Far and away one of the nicest 4” action figures I’ve ever held, she manages to stand out amongst an already crowded field of fantastic Vitruvian HACKS figures which is really saying something.

Check out the video review below!

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The younger sister of Medusa is also the best Gorgon sister of them all. Flawless construction, understated, yet perfect paint applications, and just the right assortment of cool accessories gives us one of the finest Vitruvian HACKS figures I’ve seen to date and one of my favorite female action figures ever. Stellar, stellar work to all involved. This one is an absolute winner.

Boss Fight Studio Vitruvian HACKS Leonidas

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Pre-Order at BossFightShop!

At this point, mostly thanks to the Zack Snyder film, 300, the character of Leonidas is one that is relatively well known in popular culture.  One would assume, with the decision to focus on Spartans with their first series, that Boss Fight Studio would endeavor to produce a figure of Sparta’s most notorious leader, and they did.


The majority of this figure is the same as what we’ve seen in previous figures, at least from a structural standpoint.  He’s got the same greatly articulated base figure, with the easily swapping parts, nearly flawless sculpting, and impressive articulation.  From a long range aesthetic, he fits very nicely with the rest of the Spartan figures, but there are some subtle changes that differentiate him just enough.


First of all, his bearded head sculpt is different than the one released with the standard Spartan Warrior, though it’s the same one we see on the NJCC exclusive Ultimate Spartan.  It’s a really well done sculpt, with great detail on the beard, and very nice paint applications.  With all of the Vitruvian HACKS figures I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing so far, I haven’t noticed many issues with sloppy paint apps on the face, and the eyes in particular have been really nicely done.  Considering how tricky that is for even large scale toy factories, it bears mention here.


Leonidas’ skin tone is closer to the standard Spartan than the Ultimate and he isn’t caked with mud, dirt, and blood like the Ultimate version.  His armor is nice and polished bronze, and he’s got some great dark trim on his skirting that differentiates him from the more standard Spartan soldiers.  The color scheme is similar enough to jive with the rest, but just enough differences to help him stand out.  Just when I forget how great these basic figures are, I crack open one that doesn’t have a whole lot of bells and whistles, but the core figure is just so good that it makes me remember what a foundation Boss Fight Studio has built here.



Leonidas comes with a really nice assortment of accessories, though after seeing a figure like the Ultimate Spartan, it can feel a little less impressive.  From the perspective of a normal release carded figure, however, I’m extremely impressed by the sheer amount of weapons he comes with.


Leonidas has a helmet, spear, four swords, a sheath as well as his trusty Spartan shield along with the standard swappable hands and foot stand.  It’s a veritable arsenal of gear, and I think it suits him quite well.

I’ve already stated in another review that I much prefer the raw armored look of the Spartans over the slightly more decorative Athenians, Myrmidons, etc… and Leonidas is no exception.  He’s got the terrific base body, but is a more central character in the mythology and the darker trim distinguishes him from his peers.  A great figure as part of a great series.

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Everything there is to love about the Spartans, all in one awesome package. A unique, well known character with a great new head sculpt, the same excellent base Spartan figure with accessories, plus some nice, different gear. Leonidas seems to be a potential lynchpin to this conflict, and it’s awesome to get him included in the line up. I’ve been waiting for this guy!

Boss Fight Studio Vitruvian HACKS Myrmidon Warrior

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Pre-Order at BossFightShop!

The Myrmidon Warriors have a storied place in the history of Greek Mythology.  Legends say this team of highly trained soldiers was led by Achilles after Zeus created them from a colony of ants.  Throughout Homer’s Iliad they fought alongside Achilles in the Trojan War, and it’s pretty awesome to see that history twisted somewhat and see them in combat against the Gorgons.  Part of the joy of the Vitruvian HACKS toy line has been doing some further research into the depths of Greek Mythology and finding where some of this inspiration was drawn and trying to see how that might shape future installments.  I’m not sure how many more figures within the realm of the Greek theme Boss Fight Studio might produce but for every moment of research I do, the possibilities continue to emerge.  The great thing about the HACKS format is that even if Boss Fight doesn’t make your favorite hero (or army) it’s not at all difficult to just do it yourself!


Looking past history and just at the Myrmidon himself, we find an excellent figure to supplement your Spartan armies.  Described as a mercenary on the bio card or a “Soldier of Fortune” on the package itself, the Myrmidons appear to be soldiers for hire who the Spartans bring in to assist in battle with the Horde. The dark skinned Myrmidons have fantastic layered armor (the same we originally saw with Talos) which has some fantastic texture and sculpting throughout.


The color of the armor is very dark, an almost black hue trimmed with bright, vibrant gold.  It’s an excellent combination of colors brought to life in just the right way.  The gold is a perfect compliment that doesn’t overwhelm the darker armor and does just what it’s supposed to do in bringing some nice color out without sacrificing the stealth natures of the darkness.

His helmet and shin guards are the more ornate decorative ones, with each curved line brushed in the gold trim and the effect is excellent.  As with each HACKS figure, the base articulation is terrific and I really love the bald head sculpt used here, too.



With the thick, layered chest and leg armor, the Myrmidon Warrior looks like a force to be reckoned with. He comes with a great helmet, sheath, sword and fairly ordinary shield.  He’s not burdened with a ton of gear, which actually makes sense given his needs for being mobile and fast moving, depending on where the next payday comes from.  I really love the scorpion emblem on the shield, it adds a nice flair to the accessories for sure.


This is another figure I was pleasantly surprised by.  During the Kickstarter it felt as if the Spartans themselves and the Gorgons were the highlight, while a lot of stuff was sprinkled in as filler for each side of the conflict, but I gotta say, the Myrmidon is another key piece of the HACKS collection and a terrific accentuation of the Spartan troops.

For the video review, look below.

Myrmidon Warrior
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Another great addition to the human army, the Myrmidon Warrior is a group with a storied past in Greek Mythology. Their place in the Trojan War is the stuff of legends, and I’m exceedingly excited to see where their inclusion in the HACKS line leads. The figure itself is well done with some really rich and interesting color combinations, great parts selections, and a nice, if somewhat small, set of accessories. Not the showcase of the line, but a great supporting member, and I love their mercenary backdrop.

Boss Fight Studio Vitruvian HACKS Green Mamba Gorgon

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Pre-Order from BossFightShop!

The latest in a long line of Gorgons, the Green Mamba uses the same parts formula as the Black Racer, but in my opinion, executes it 100% better.  During the initial Kickstarter campaign, I fell in love with the Black Racer and considered it the top of the Gorgon heap, but for whatever reason, getting it in hand, I lamented somewhat the lack of interesting deco.  The Green Mamba takes what I love about the Black Racer, (most notably the awesome rage-induced fang-filled scream face) and convert it into a fantastic green and yellow deco reminiscent of an actual Green Mamba itself.


I find the texture of the surface of the tail works a lot better with the brighter colors and more elaborate patterns on the skin, and the more I look at these gorgons the more ecstatic I get about these figures.


At this point, the Green Mamba is like the fourth or fifth Gorgon that I’ve opened and I never get tired of them.  The various poses allowed due to the flexibility of the tail, the structure of the female tooling, the various accessories, it all adds up to build a veritable legion (or horde if you will) of figures that are exciting to display, pose, and play, even after you’ve amassed a small group of them.


The paint work on the Green Mamba is spectacular as well.  The bright green surface is offset nicely by the yellow underbelly, and the patterns along the back is really great.  There are some minor layered paint differences throughout the body of the snake that look excellent. The gold armor (and helmet) is vibrant and exceptionally shiny, making the Green Mamba really stand out against the more subdued armor of the Black Racer.



Like the other Gorgons, the Green Mamba is outfitted with stone deco weaponry, but instead of a sword, she comes equipped with the bad ass two battle axes (along with the standard shield).  As if the bright colors and awesome deco weren’t enough, the two axes put this figure even further ahead.


Yes, it’s another Gorgon, and no there aren’t any dynamic new structural elements that make this figure great.  However, I absolutely love the build of these gorgons, and the colors here really rock.  Add that to the fact that she comes with nearly perfect accessories, and you have a gorgon that rests at the peak.  She is my favorite gorgon horde member to date, and I suspect I’ll be getting a few more down the line.

Green Mamba
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The familiar Gorgon structure with a fantastic new patterned snake motif, the Green Mamba has quickly become my favorite member of the Gorgon Horde. That screaming head looks fantastic in green, I love the deco pattern on the tail, and her accessory compliment is a nice shift from the more standard deployment of sword and sheath. The highlight of Wave 2.

Boss Fight Studio Vitruvian HACKS Underworld Warrior

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Available for Pre-Order from BossFightShop!

It certainly seems like Hades is a pretty big player in this little Gorgon war.  Along with the Undead Warrior, the Tartarus Guard, and the purple skeleton, this Underworld Warrior can be added to list of Hades’ minions.

This particular figure comes with a pretty neat twist, however.


Reading the bio on the back of the package, you see that the Underworld Warrior isn’t just a soldier for Hades army, he’s actually the result of cursed Spartans being reanimated and crafted as defense against the Gorgon horde.  Looking at the Cursed Spartan figure next to the Underworld Warrior, you can see many similarities, almost as if Hades walked up to that figure and used his magic to bring it to life.  There are some accessory differences, but the essence is there.

The Underworld Warrior is a much darker stone deco than the Cursed Spartan, interwoven with some really nicely done magma kind of paint applications.  The effect is very cool, looking almost as if the hapless stone Spartan is splitting under the raw power of Hades’ energy, being forced to life and into battle.  The slightly different shades of red, orange and yellow create a really neat decorative effect that not only looks nice, but also creates a really great story.


Colors are pretty basic and not exceptionally varied here, but they look interesting and I really like how the bio card takes the Cursed Spartan into consideration, which leaves some room for interesting story telling behind the scenes.



The Underworld Warrior is built much like the Cursed Spartan with the same armor, helmet, and sheath.  He’s got two swords, the spear and a more standardized stone shield.  That appears to be the main difference, where the Cursed Spartan has that stone Medusa themed shield, the Underworld Warrior’s looks more straight stone without that unique look.


On the surface, the concept of the Underworld Warrior is neat, and I enjoy how it builds upon the Cursed Spartan.  I much prefer the Tartarus Guard and Undead Warrior, but at a certain point, complimenting those troops with mindless stone automatons is a really cool concept.

Underworld Warrior
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Hades continues to unleash his minions against the Gorgon Horde, and I couldn’t be more excited. The Underworld Warrior takes a different track than some of the other Hades oriented folks we’ve seen so far, but I love the idea of him reanimating the stone-crusted corpses of men who have fallen before Medusa. It’s a really neat concept and the magma like deco looks pretty awesome. Some purple elements would have been cool to tie this guy in with some of the others, but I can see how that might not make much functional sense considering where these guys are coming from.