by generalsjoes | Oct 26, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Reviews, G.I. Joe Toys, Miscellaneous Reviews, Pursuit of COBRA
So, yeah, those 25th Anniversary stands are cool and all, with the names plastered on ’em. But how useful are they really? With that funky tiered shape, and a pretty small area for actual feet to be placed, I’ve had my share of frustration with them. But SmallJoes is to the rescue!
With a couple of decades of experience with figure stands, the SmallJoes guys have engineered a nicely sized, well balanced, and 4-pegged figure stand (in black and clear!) to use with most modern era action figures, including G.I. Joe, Star Wars, Marvel, and others. They were kind enough to send me a nice sampling, and I have reviewed them right here.
Short answer? They’re great. They’re the same size and overall shape as the G.I. Joe ones, yet manage to cram in a lot more flexibility and functionality. Can’t go wrong.

by generalsjoes | May 17, 2010 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, Miscellaneous Reviews, Sideshow, Sideshow Reviews
Due to monetary reasons, I really haven’t been able to stay on top of the Sideshow releases, but thankfully I’ve been able to get my hands on the Cobra Trooper. This figure was initially released quite a while ago, so this review isn’t exactly a current event, but the figure is cool enough that I figured it was worth covering anyway.
Check out the review right here!

by generalsjoes | Apr 26, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Reviews, Miscellaneous Reviews, Sunbow
Yes, Shout! did release the full series of Sunbow cartoons last year, but for many folks, this will be the first time the full compliment of Season 2 episodes is available, and release day is tomorrow, April 27th!
Released in a twin slip-cover format with plently of awesome retro Sunbow-style art, the full second season of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero will be available everywhere for the very first time.
Shout! Factory was kind enough to slip me a copy early so I had some time to shove it in my DVD player and review it…just in time for release day. Check out the review right here.
I’m absolutely not a Sunbow guy, but watching these episodes really brought me back… and yes, the purists will be pleased to know that it made me sad to realize that Hasbro had left the Anniversary behind. Yes, even I am capable of wanting a vintage style Low Light, Lifeline, Leatherneck, Sci-Fi, and even Zarana. Who would have thought I’d ever want a freaking Zarana?
Regardless, these episodes really tripped my nostalgia trigger, and it’s good timing, too, as I head down to JoeCon in just a few days. Hopefully I can satisfy my need for nostalgia at the dealer tables. 😉
by generalsjoes | Sep 11, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, Miscellaneous Reviews
#1 – Read the review! :shifty:
I mean, folks had to know it was coming, right? Along with the contest to win a copy of the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Edition), I’ve also posted a fairly exhaustive review of the book as well, with a ton of pictures and details about the improvements and the contents.
Trust me, it’s worth your Joefan money. Check out the review, and if you’re so inclined, pick up a copy at
by generalsjoes | Sep 9, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Reviews, Marauder "Gun Runners", Miscellaneous Reviews
A scant few years ago, Marauder “Gun Runners” redefined the accessory world for 1:18th scale action figures. Weapons, distribution of M & C diorama accessories, and reaching out to the fans for ideas are things that other companies just hadn’t grasped. I would even argue that Marauder’s excellent weapon alternatives has pushed Hasbro harder to reinvent their own concepts for accesorization and has made the toy world better as a whole.
Now, a few years later, Marauder has done it again, this time with Battle Stands. Hasbro obviously understands the appeal of these items, including them with nearly every single Anniversary figure and Rise of COBRA figure out there, but it took Marauder to do them right. With an absolutely amazingly simple, yet effective design scheme, and some real world collector sensibility behind it, the IDS Battle Stands were born.
Read the review right here!
by generalsjoes | Aug 10, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Reviews, G.I. Joe Video Game, Miscellaneous Reviews
I’ve had my mitts on this game for over a week now, but haven’t had more than an hour or two per night to hack at it…wanting to wait until I got through a solid chunk of it, I’m just getting to the review today.
I know video game websites have been slamming this game left and right, but trust me when I say, I think Joe fans will find a LOT to love, especially folks who enjoyed the Rise of COBRA. Characters from the film are pulled directly to your video game screen, plus a ton of cameos for characters that didn’t even get a sniff of screen time. Recondo, Snow Job, Dusty, Stalker, Dataframe, Wild Bill, Lift Ticket, Shipwreck, Kamakura, Flash, Helix, the list goes on and on. Firefly makes an appearence on the COBRA side, along with Night Creepers, Red Ninjas and other assorted baddies. I honestly think that folks who are into G.I. Joe: The Rise of COBRA will really enjoy this game, in spite of some questionable graphics and sketchy game play.
Not sure I’d recommend dropping sixty bucks on it, but it’s a very fun game, regardless. Check out the full review here.