by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
GeneralsJoes visitor alvarobm sent me a link yesterday (I believe) about a Brazilian website that had posted a report on the early footage screening for G.I. Joe: Retaliation. He seemed to indicate there was some information there that hadn’t been discussed in other reports.
The only problem…the site is in Portuguese. I did the whole Google translate business, but it wasn’t really giving me what I was looking for. But then alvarobm stepped in and offered to translate it for me! I can’t thank him enough for the offer, and sure it’s not a perfect word-for-word translation, but I think it works well enough.
For any potential spoiler information I am putting the report after the jump, and if you want to check out the original site, click here.
Again a huge thanks to alvarobm for the translation!
by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
I know this could be considered grasping at straws, but I honestly think that there’s a valid point here, too. By now we’ve all seen this new trailer footage a few dozen times (at least) and one of the most striking scenes is the scene where Zartan (disguised as the president) slices his face open, and it heals up behind the blade. We get a cool blue skin homage that only lasts a couple of seconds.
Well, GeneralsJoes reader ghost man decided he might have seen something…so he did some screen capture comparisons and sent them along. Check out the image below.

Now, I’ve already been accused of dissecting this film footage way too much on the site by someone, but I thought this was just a fun note to point out. Take a look at the second-to-last image, and look at Vosloo right next to it. I’ll be damned if that’s not a close match. The shape of the jawbone, the narrow smile…even the eyes. Sure, it may just be a computer generated fabrication, but if nothing else, it indicates that possibly Zartan can change back, and perhaps we’ll see Vosloo somewhere along the way.
A very interesting comparison, and a big thanks to ghost man for sending it along. Yes, I fully admit I am way too invested in this film and this property, but it’s not like a blockbuster summer film comes along every day. I will happily take apart every single second of it.
UPDATE – Some folks have been reminding me that IMDB has Arnold Vosloo listed as a cast member. Please keep in mind that IMDB does allow user-edited content (like WikiPedia) and isn’t always accurate. After all, as of a couple of weeks ago, they had “Zandar” listed as a character in the film as well. He very well might be, but for some reason I’m not betting on it.
by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Because why not? We’ve only got 4 new trailers over the past two days, why not a new image as well to go along with it?
Thanks to for the intel, and the image is mirrored below.

by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Over the past couple of days I’ve mentioned a number of times that it was somewhat unclear where Storm Shadow’s head was going to be in the G.I. Joe: Retaliation film and which side he would be fighting on.
Well, the Korea times interviewed Lee Byung-Hun and he reveals some details behind the motivations of Storm Shadow and what prompted him to return for the sequel to tackle this character. The most interesting line in the interview is probably the following:
“His character is an independent combatant who fights for neither good nor evil in the story. Lee said that his status as a loner was the role’s biggest attraction and claimed he would not want to play anyone else, even if he were given a chance.”
This quote certainly seems to indicate that Storm Shadow won’t necessarily be devoted to either Cobra or G.I. Joe in the film sequel, and that he will sort of remain on his own side, so to speak. Interesting…
Thanks to GeneralsJoes commentor Skywarppro for the information!
by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
One of my most popular posts directly after the posting of the original G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer were my 10 questions or answers revealed from the trailer. It seemed to be a very well-trafficed post and I got some great feedback on it, so I figured I would revisit the idea now that we not only have a new theatrical trailer, but we also have some awesome, spoilery details revealed from some early footage screenings.
I will endeavor to write this post keeping spoilers to a minimum, but folks trying to keep 100% pure from potential revelations may want to avoid it. Really, though, I’m just using my own perspective, not much inside knowledge. So, upon these new details and trailers, what do we know now and what is still to find out?
Click the Read the Rest of the Story link below to read my thoughts.
by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
So we’ve seen a number of International trailers flying around over the past few days, so I figured I’d take some time to grab some screenshots from those to add to the ongoing library. I know I’ve noticed some very cool elements from this footage that I didn’t necessarily see over the first viewing.
To me, International Trailer “G” especially was eye opening. I believe it’s been marketed as a Korean trailer, and features a heavy element of martial arts action, focusing on Storm Shadow specifically. The sequence near the end where it appears as if Joe Colton is talking to Storm Shadow in a friendly way is especially interesting, leading to some speculation that Arashikage may be joining the good guys this time around.
We also get a very nice look at the Cobra helicopter and a front view of the HISS Tank. Check out the screen grabs below.
International Trailer G (Korean Trailer?)
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There have also been assorted other International trailers, and I’ve tried to grab some new screen shots from those as well, which you can see below
Other International Trailers
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To see the trailers themselves click here for embedded videos of each. I will also be adding all of this to the G.I. Joe: Retaliation SuperPage on an ongoing basis!