by generalsjoes | Jan 24, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
I think many of us were expecting the SAW Viper to be the last reveal, but the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club surprised us,showcasing the last two members of the Cobra Demolition Team! Not just the SAW Viper trooper that will come three deep, but also the new Crimson Asp character.
Interestingly enough, “Crimson” Asp isn’t all that Crimson, but she is clearly aligned with Letal and the Frag-Vipers based on the uniform color and the nice grenade launcher she sports. With a mixture of 25th Anniversary Baroness, Scarlett, and Resolute Scarlett (not to mention a new head sculpt) the Crimson Asp looks like a very interesting addition to the South American Cobra hierarchy.
Meanwhile the SAW Vipers heavily borrow from City Strike Destro and Iron Grenadier, using what appears to be the upper body, the arms, and the body armor. The awesome thing about the body armor is they fill in the holes with knives (and sheaths) and a radio instead of the shoulder armor and gun rig. Very nice touch. The DTC helmet is a bit of a surprise (and it’s likely the unreleased Law & Order balaclava head sculpt underneath) and the color scheme is just a touch monotone, but still a very cool combination.
The Cobras are plenty colorful, which is awesome in my eyes, and this set is shaping up VERY nicely. Bring on Repeater, Spearhead, and HIT & FREAKING RUN. Check out or the mirrored images below.
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by generalsjoes | Jan 23, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
The Night Force love continues here at GeneralsJoes and over at! Following up their first Night Force reveal with Charbroil yesterday, we have Muskrat and Psyche Out unleashed on us today. With some terrific parts, excellent call outs to the originals, and some awesome Toys “R” Us Exclusive accurate paint deco, both Muskrat and Psyche Out are awesome characters and look terrific in their new Night Force battle togs.
I grow more impressed every day…and if this stays like this, when I finally see Hit & Run? Yeesh. If I don’t post about it, call the authorities, I might just be passed out and convulsing next to my computer.
Check out the images at and also mirrored below.
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by generalsjoes | Jan 22, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
And this just might be a figure that is better than his previous version. Far, far better.
Charbroil was always somewhat of a second rate Blowtorch in my opinion, and even though his Night Force version did add some nice credibility to the character (I really hated the brown, yellow, and silver look) he still wasn’t really high on my list of knock out characters. Of course, appearing in the same assortment as Hit & Run, one might expect he got a little overshadowed.
The Collectors Club has revealed their version of Night Force Charbroil now, and it is pretty nice. Using what appears to be the G.I. Joe: Retaliation Joe Trooper body from neck to toe (which I have ZERO issues with, as demonstrated by my Best Toys of 2012 article), he’s got a newly tooled helmet and backpack and even without a ton of detail work, the figure looks really nice. Love the combination of gray and blue here.
Check out the latest update at, and I’ve mirrored the image below.

by generalsjoes | Jan 21, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
Well what do you know?
The brochure has just barely hit mailboxes, and we have our first look at the 2013 G.I. Joe Convention Exclusives. And…well… wow. So far, so friggen GOOD. has fired up their Convention Exclusives section and we now have a look at Cobra Mortal, Cobra Letal, and the Frag-Viper! All I can say is hoooooly wow. They NAILED that Frag-Viper. Absolutely nailed it. The most amazing thing that I can see is that apparently the Collectors’ Club is getting access to some state of the art tooling here!
Check out that Frag-Viper and Letal. Eagle-eyed collectors will not that they use the body of the upcoming G.I. Joe: Retaliation Wave 4 “Ultimate” Snake Eyes! The texture on the chest, and the body suit itself is a dead give away. Wow…this is pretty unprecedented for the Club to have access to this tooling so quickly. Kudos to them and to Hasbro for making this happen.
In another nice touch, while the Club is revisiting the Cobra Mortal character, they elected to go with the only recently revealed “White Mortal” an extremely rare collectible that makes for one heck of a nice homage.
Take a peek at these incredible images on, and I’ve mirrored them below as well.
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Keep your eyes peeled here and at for more reveals throughout the week!
by generalsjoes | Jan 18, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
We’ve been waiting patiently…and here we go! The Convention Brochure for the 2013 G.I. Joe Convention is now online! And with the announcement of the Brochure, we now know some of the characters in the G.I. Joe “Nocturnal Fire” Convention Set.
And… oh wow. Ohhhh boy. This is… yeah. I’m smiling right now. Check out the snippet from the brochure below:
“Nocturnal Fire
G.I. JOE: Night Force is a covert unit specializing in nighttime
surveillance and defensive operations. Each team member has
been selected for their enhanced skills, sophisticated hardware
and advanced technology to surprise and vanquish any enemy!
This fan favorite and highly requested team contains several
of the classic Night Force members and some new additions
available for the first time in the modern era 25A style.
Our special edition Nocturnal Fire squad includes: Charbroil, Hit
& Run, Muskrat, Psyche-Out, Repeater and Spearhead with Max
(NEW Bobcat).
The Cobra Demolitions Team is ready to take on any obstacle
that gets in their path of destruction. Led by the mysterious Cobra
Mortal, he employs Cobra Letal and the deadly saboteur Crimson
Asp (NEW female character). Their specialized troopers include:
Cobra Frag-Vipers x 3, Cobra S.A.W.-Vipers x 3.”
Did everyone see that? Did they see that?!? HIT & RUN!!! Woo hoo!!!! By and large, I love what the Club does figure-design wise, and they’re doing my favorite G.I. Joe figure ever? Sign me UP and let the speculation begin… could this possibly be the Concept Case 30th Anniversary Hit & Run we were all drooling over last year? Or was all of that drool mine?
Repeater?? Psyche Out!? Muskrat and Charbroil? Awwww, hell yeah… these are all awesome characters, and yeah, while I’m sure many fans are hoping to get them in “normal” uniforms eventually, most of them look pretty boss in their Night Force togs as well. Good stuff. Not to mention a brand new Crimson ASP female character, Frag-Vipers AND SAW Vipers!? Cobra Letal is the logical choice to lead the Frag-Viper team as well. As for Cobra Mortal, interesting choice. Let’s see how they pretty him up for the modern era.
Hit up to keep up with the latest intel and the Convention Brochure with full details can be found right here.
I’m gonna be smiling for the next 2 months. Bring on April!
by generalsjoes | Dec 26, 2012 | 12" Scale, 30th Anniversary, Comics and Cartoons, Dollar Store, Film, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, G.I. Joe: Renegades, G.I. Joe: The Movie, IDW, JoeCon 2012, Other Toys, Podcasts, Pursuit of COBRA, Roll Out Roll Call, Show and Convention Coverage, Sideshow, Sigma 6 (8" Scale), Sunbow, What's on Joe Mind
So did you think 2012 was a slow year for G.I. Joe? While the fine folks behind the What’s on Joe Mind Podcast did drop down their recording schedule a bit to accommodate a slow trickle of Joe news, there were still many exciting G.I. Joe events to talk about.
From animated voice actors to movie news and toy reports, What’s on Joe Mind covered the gamut of G.I. Joe news and events for the year.
Even with a much slower recording schedule in the back half of 2012, it was tough to pick out 12 isolated episodes, but with Gary and Mike’s help, somehow I made due.
Click the Read the Rest of the Story link below for the full list!