by generalsjoes | Jun 30, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe Video Game, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
I’m between seminars at the moment, but wanted to at least get the slideshow images posted from the 2013 Product demonstration. Many of these items will be in the display and I will get those images posted throughout the day as well, but wanted to get this AWESOME stuff up first. Highlights:
- Micro Force Quarter-Sized collectible figures in blind bags. Over 80 figures to collect and trade. Foot holes are compatible with normal vehicle foot pegs for display!
- Alpha sized Night Landing vehicle with Cobra Eel. Cobra Eel figure is the canceled Rise of Cobra Ripcord which is extremely detailed, highly accessorized and uses the figure design that was sculpted to resemble the Sigma 6 Sigma Suits
- Night Viper is moved up to Wave 3
- Very movie accurate “Ultimate Firefly” with mini-HISS in Wave 3
- Very movie accurate “Cobra Trooper” (Cobra Combat Ninja) in Wave 3
- Movie accurate “Ultimate Duke” (with Data-Viper Predator Drone) in Wave 3
- Comic accurate/toy accurate Snake Eyes ’85 w/ Timber totally newly tooled in Wave 4
- Crimson Guard in Wave 5 with customizable label sheet
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More details as they emerge! Follow me on Twitter for up-to-the-minute Tweets and posts from the SyFy panel and the GIJCC panel later today.
by generalsjoes | Jun 29, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Pursuit of COBRA, Show and Convention Coverage
I think most fans seem to be having the same sentiment in regards to the concept shelf, and the same feeling of mixed emotions. While I personally love to see pre-production items, unproduced items, and things in various stages of design and production, having a full blown glass case of figures that are currently not due for release is a real blow to the gut.
That’s not to say I don’t want to see them and I want Hasbro to not show this stuff…I absolutely love it and eat this up, but it does fill me with some serious mixed emotions. Obviously the G.I. Joe: Renegades shelf hit me hard with very nice, crisp pre-production Coyote and Flint’s Jeep concepts. Scrap Iron was a beauty as well. But for many folks, it was likely the 30th Anniversary shelf that was particularly devastating.
An awesome Flint update with his classic look, accompanied by Lady Jaye. Beachhead, HEAT-Viper, Snow Serpent, Laser-Viper, Tele-Viper…and Hit & Run. Oh good God that Hit & Run. This figure is something I’ve been dreaming about with the character for years. It reeked of Hit & Run perfection…but apparently it is not to be. Twist that knife a little deeper, Hasbro.
In all seriousness, I cannot stop commending the Hasbro designers for what they’re able to do. This case was loaded with a ton of great looking figures that were by and large cobbled together from existing parts, and the fact that they could get updated designs to come out as strong and flawless as they did without doing too much new tooling is quite simply astounding. Applause, Hasbro designers… now, how do we convince the bean counters to let this stuff get to retail?
Check out some images below, as organized as I can make them. I will refine this all into a SuperPage at some point very soon, but for now, let’s just get the images up there.
G.I. Joe: Renegades
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G.I. Joe: 30th Anniversary and the Pursuit of Cobra
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G.I. Joe: Legend of the Arashikage Ninja
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G.I. Joe: Zombie Attack
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G.I. Joe Vehicle Concepts
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Items of note… the guy with the hockey mask is a “Dreadnok Trooper”. The Howler and the Diver were both shown in Providence. The diver figure has the familiar “Sigma 6” ports on his uniform, so that wounds me like a gunshot. The bearded guy behind the Dreadnok Trooper is an unreleased PoC Clutch.
In talking with John Warden and Derryl, they were certain to point out that these are all definitely concepts and not to expect release on anything shown here, however, they were very interested to hear in our favorites. They strongly encouraged communication with Hasbro to express our interest in some of these offerings.
I plan on rolling out some polls and top ten lists perhaps next week once Con hysteria slows down to try and form up some sort of consistent message that can hopefully be relayed about how much we want to see some of these items released. I would imagine stuff like the G.I. Joe: Renegades items are pretty much off the table, just because of the nature of the brand at this point, but I would imagine there might be other possibilities if we can express our opinions intelligently and constructively.
As I said, I will get this better organized in a SuperPage format going forward, but I wanted to at least get the images out there, I know they are spreading like wildfire already as it is. Interesting note in my opinion was that all of the G.I. Joe: Retaliation product shown had shelf tags leading up to 4/12/2013, but nothing beyond. That shows to me there is still a lot planned for next year, so it will be interesting to see what ends up being revealed tomorrow at the Hasbro seminar.
Fingers crossed!
More coverage to come, I promise. Sorry for the delay on this stuff. Crazy day as you can imagine.
by generalsjoes | Jun 29, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
I know my updates have been a bit sparse over the past 24 hours, but there hasn’t been a whole lot to discuss beyond the sales floor crush last night. I did get a chance to participate in the 2012 Convention Para Drop this morning, and received my complete Cobra Stealth ParaTrooper. Check out the images below. This figure is a G.I. Joe: Retaliation Cobra Trooper in black with gold goggles and Cobra emblem.
The folks who grabbed these parachute figures on the ground didn’t get all of the accessories, but I believe the Club will supply you with the accessories if you approach them.
Check out the pictures below.
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by generalsjoes | Jun 28, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Special Ops, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe Video Game, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, G.I. Joe: The Movie, IDW, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
Granted I haven’t been paying a lot of attention online over the past 24 hours, but to my knowledge these further details about Convention seminars haven’t really been discussed. Starting on Friday and running through Sunday, the various seminars and panels have been a destination for Convention goers every year. Looks like this year is no different. In fact, it looks like we have some VERY exciting news coming up for the Hasbro panels with two special announcements and reveals! Excellent.
Be sure to stay tuned to for the latest and greatest.
Here are some details on the seminars we’ll be seeing, according to the write up in the 2012 Convention Comic:
Behind-the scenes of G.I. Joe: Retaliation – Hasbro (Saturday 10:00 – 10:50am)
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of G.I. Joe: Retaliation! Hasbro GI Joe designer, Logan Lubera, will share his experience of being embedded directly on the set of the new movie! Find the inside scoop on how Logan and Hasbro partnered with Paramount Pictures, director Jon Chu, and actors Dwayne Johnson and Bruce Willis to bring an authentic GI Joe experience to life on the big screen. From script development to costume, vehicle, and weapon design, Logan will share his ultimate G.I. Joe adventure and answer your questions about the making of the movie!
Insider’s Guide t0 the G.I. Joe 2013 Product Line…including a special SNEAK PEEK! – Hasbro (Saturday 11:00am – 11:50am)
Join Hasbro’s lead G.I. Joe designer John Warden and Global Marketing Leader Derryl DePriest in a roundtable discussion where they will answer your questions about the 2013 line and give first hand insight into what is going on with the brand both present and future. Be the first to hear not one, but TWO exciting new announcements for the G.I. Joe product line. You won’t want to miss this exciting reveal!
G.I. Joe Collectors Club (Saturday 3:00pm – 3:50pm)
Join the Club staff as they answer your burning questions about the club, figure creation, manufacturing and the announcement of future exclusives! Panel hosts – Brian Savage, Lanny Lathem, David S. Lane, and Pete Sinclair.
IDW’s G.I. Joe: Real American Heroes (Saturday 4:00pm – 4:50pm)
What’s coming up on IDW’s G.I. Joe, and G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero titles? Editor Carlos Guzman will discuss new storylines in store for the G.I. Joe books and the return of fan-favorite characters. There’ll be some new surprises as well…after all, Oktober is Coming!
GIJCC Magazine and Comic Q & A (Friday 12:00pm – 12:50pm)
For the latest scoop on the GIJCC Magazine and an inside look at this year’s Convention comic “G.I. Joe VS Cobra Issue 5: Operation Bear Trap”, be sure to check out this panel hosted by David S. Lane.
G.I. Joe: Special Ops – Bringing the battle between G.I. JOE and COBRA Online (SyFy Games/Hasbro) (Saturday 1:00pm – 1:50pm)
Get an inside look at the conception, creation and development of the G.I. JOE: Special Ops game. Learn about how the SyFy Games (publisher), Artplant (developer) and Hasbro teams joined forces to create the first-ever multiplayer online game for G.I. JOE. Hear how the characters were selected and created for a 3D digital world as well as which characters will be added to the game next!
Of course, there are also many other great seminars being shown, like the 1982 panel from Kirk Bozigian, the Costume Play panel from Cobra’s Finest, Operation: Shooting Star! which showcases how some of the awesome 90’s era themed brands came about. There are also the voice actor panels, Mark Bellomo’s informative presentation, and the Art of G.I. Joe with Rod Whigham and Larry Selman. The full schedule of events for the Convention weekend and the seminars can be found at right here.
by generalsjoes | Jun 28, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
Had a few moments of down time today, so figured I would take some of the trademark “Con Hotel” pictures of the 15 figure boxed set and talk a little bit more about the details of some of the figures within (good and bad).
First and foremost, we have the Iron Grenadiers. By and large, I’m actually more impressed with the IG figures in person than I was online. There is much less contrast between the brown legs and the rest of the figure than there was in the official images we saw from the Collectors’ Club. The yellow is also a lot more subdued, looking a lot more gold here, which is a good thing. I’m going to spend the rest of this post talking specifically figure by figure, so click the Read the Rest of the Story link below to see all of my initial, early thoughts.
by generalsjoes | Jun 28, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, JoeCon 2012, Show and Convention Coverage
A small error in the production of JoeCustoms member bithomas’ figure set has revealed that Darklon is most assuredly one of the as-yet-to-be-revealed G.I. Joe Convention exclusive figures, most likely part of the IG Ground Assault 2-Pack.
JoeCustoms member bithomas accidentally received the filecard for Darklon in his 15 figure boxed set. If these filecards were produced, then that can only prove that Darklon is certainly involved somewhere. Check out the mirrored image below, again from