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Hall of Heroes figures debuting today!

Expect to see most if not all of the 10 “Hall of Heroes” figures being showcased today on various fansites. has already posted Crimson Guard and Firefly, and I would fully expect to see sites like JBL, YoJoe, and others start showing their own pics as well.  Looks like Hasbro is going for a serious “V.1” theme with these figs…very accurate color schemes and very cool packaging, to boot.

New close up pics of the Resolute Boxed Set

The gentlemen over at ToyNewsInternational have debuted close up press pictures of the new Resolute boxed set!  When this was first announced, just the listing of the name made me shake my head a bit.  Honestly?  Another Duke?  Another COBRA Commander and COBRA Trooper?  The idea of the COBRA Officer at least had me excited…

When pictures were first shown, I was very disappointed.  Not much in the way of new tooling, and we weren’t even getting a standard Officer, just some red-garbed guy who looked a lot like the red-garbed Trooper in the same set.  What the heck was this?


New classic 5-Packs in stock at BBTS

HissTank is reporting that online retailer (and GeneralsJoes sponsor :shifty: ) BigBadToyStore now has the new classic-themed 5-packs in stock.  Priced at $29.99, the G.I. Joe 5-Pack features Hawk, Snake Eyes, Lady Jaye, Flint, and Shipwreck all heavily inspired by their cartoon looks, with a nice allotment of new tooling and new accessories!  The COBRA 5-Pack has COBRA Commander, the Baroness, Storm Shadow, Zartan, and the COBRA Viper with the same dose of new gear and new parts.

Most notable in these packs are the fixed tooling on the COBRA Viper arms, the significantly improved Baroness figure, a short-sleeved old-school accurate Flint, plus many other long overdue changes.  Great looking new figures from Hasbro!

TRU Viper 5-Pack with Mercer goodness!

So most folks have probably seen the lackluster pictures of the possible upcoming COBRA Viper Squad 5-Pack that’s slated to be a Toys “R” Us exclusive.  This info was leaked by a regional board called the Coil, and now that same board has an update!

We all saw that one of the Vipers had a swappable head (no that is NOT a removable helmet) and many folks hypothosized that it was Mercer.  Well, the Coil comes through again with filecard pics!

Check ’em out.

While I’m very bummed out that this set has the same unfortunate flaws that the original Vipers had, the inclusion of Mercer is very cool, and if they HAD fixed the arms, this would have been a “can’t miss” set.  Instead it’s a sub-standard offering with the highlight of including Mercer.  That’s such a nice touch that it almost makes it MORE disappointing that the figures themselves still have those same structural problems.

2008 – A Year in Review

First of all, I have to thank Scott from the JBL Forums for kind of putting this spark in my head.  I’ve wanted to do “years in review” for a while now, but just never really got around to it.  Decided to finally change that this year.

I’m going to do a rundown of the year in G.I. Joe, and throw some lists up of my “top moments/top toys” of the year.  In this particular year, there were a LOT to choose from.  Wow.
