by generalsjoes | Jun 11, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
HissTank forum member “BILL” has received the full compliment of Joes from the Assault on COBRA Island 7-Pack and posted images as well as a quick mini-review over on Check out the thread and review here, and I’ve also mirrored the images below. Very cool!
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by generalsjoes | Jun 10, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Sorry for the influx of G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club related news, but I’ve had some time to dig through the site, so I’m uncovering a few things… I’ve seen many questions all over the ‘net regarding the Joe Con, so I just wanted to remind folks to check out the FAQ Page for updates to all your questions and concerns.
Also, “The Commander” has posted some answers to a few questions on the GIJCC Message boards as well:
“1) No fuchsia colors
2) Viper has version 2 “fixed” arms
3) Hasbro limited our 25A mold usage and several of your suggested figure options were “In Production” at the time.”
So…it sounds like using the 25A tooling was a Hasbro dictation? I know it’s easy to cast stones (I certainly have cast my share this year) but I guess we should remember there are several legal and production hoops that the Club has to weave through during the Convention planning process that none of us have any idea about.
I still stand by my opinion on the Con Exclusives this year, but it is at least some food for thought.
by generalsjoes | Jun 10, 2009 | 25th Anniversary Reviews, 25th Battle Pack Reviews, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Reviews

More big thanks to Big Bad Toy Store for sponsoring another Flashback Review, this time, for the second G.I. Joe Five-Pack featuring General Hawk, Flint, Lady Jaye, Shipwreck, and Snake Eyes! As an added bonus, BBTS has these for sale now for 20% off!
While a couple of these figures became somewhat redundant with the Hall of Heroes set, there is still a lot to love for a pretty reasonable price. Check out the full review right here!
by generalsjoes | Jun 10, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
Roadblock Recall from the Terror Drome has uploaded some nice pics and did a review for the so-far unreleased Scarlett done up in an homage to the Action Force Quarrel figure. Check out the full review here, and I’ve mirrored some pictures below.
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by generalsjoes | Jun 9, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
After debuting the images in the last two issues of the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club newsletter, the GIJCC has now posted images of the convention exclusive Crimson Strike Team Baroness, Tomax, Xamot, and COBRA Vipers. While I’m not a fan of the conception, I do have to admit, these figures do look really, really nice. Check the following links for nice, close up images from all angles.
Hopefully we start to at least hear some details on the attendee exclusives going forward, but time will tell.
by generalsjoes | Jun 9, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
HasbroToyShop has updated their stock with some interesting “Troop Builder 8-Packs”, retailing for $49.99. Check out the links below for the various offerings: