by generalsjoes | Sep 17, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary
A big thanks to Mysterious Stranger for pointing this out to me via my Twitter feed! Dave Perillo has posted a couple of very interesting pieces of art on his site, Montygog’s Art-O-Rama, featuring very stylistic G.I. Joe and COBRA caricatures. I’m loving ’em! Check out the G.I. Joe one here, and the COBRA one right here.
by generalsjoes | Sep 15, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Not two minutes after I ranted heavily about the upcoming Alpha vehicles, I read over on JoeBattleLines that madmac41 got his mits on the Leatherneck that is slated to come with the Tiger Claw ATV. And even though I focused almost an entire paragraph on ranting about this figure specifically, I do appreciate a neat looking figure, even if it’s not the vintage homage so many folks were hoping for, and even if he uses Gung Ho’s clunky head sculpt and Buzzer’s downright bizarre webgear.
At least it’s a Leatherneck that can jungle crawl, though, instead of one stuck in the desert. Check out the great images below!
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by generalsjoes | Sep 15, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Awash with repaints and retools, the next wave of Alpha Vehicles consists of a mostly blech repaint of a mostly blech vehicle, the Lava Pod, however, the Volcano-Viper looks all sorts of kick ass. Pretty funny how he uses the same tooling as the arctic Ice-Viper, yet the ultra-hot weather specialist still looks right at home. A bad ass head sculpt and mask don’t hurt.
The Rockslide is no great shakes either, but the digicam Dusty looks pretty nasty as a great modern update for the familiar old favorite. Hopefully the final version comes with his head scarf, I can’t recall if we saw it during the various convention photo shoots. My least favorite of this underwhelming trio is the TigerClaw, a haphazard repaint and retool of the already haphazard Snake Trax w/ Scrap Iron. But what really bums me out here is the vehicle driver. If they’re going to give us a Leatherneck in green camouflage, couldn’t they at least have made it a pure homage to the ’86 version, rather than this strange dark forest camo? At least that way they’d make the old school folks happy…instead, we get a bizarrly kitbashed version that is unchanged from the original other than a different camouflage scheme that still doesn’t look like the right camouflage scheme. The figure isn’t really a bad one, I guess…he does have some neat military elements, but I can hear those complaints coming a mile away.
Ah, well, at least he’s got the fixed Duke arms. Check out the images below.
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by generalsjoes | Sep 15, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Extreme, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Resolute, G.I. Joe: The Movie, Pursuit of COBRA
Mere days after the unreleased Training Snake Eyes was shown on JoeIntel, test shot maestro Gyre-Viper at has shown some pictures of the unreleased “Iron Klaw Trooper” that was initially slated to come with another wave of Comic Packs before the line shifted to a movie theme. Check out the mirrored images below.
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This… is awesome. From what I’ve seen there hasn’t been much unreleased stuff that has really made me sad that it won’t make it to retail. Resolute stuff aside of course (which looks to be coming in a boxed set in 2010). But this Iron Klaw Trooper? Damn, man. I love it. I was a big fan of the Extreme universe, but the figures were horrible, it’s freaking great to see those characters worked into the Anniversary line, even with just a new head, beret, weapon, and webgear. The base figure looks to be an Iron Grenadier Destro. Regardless of all this, the figure is very cool, and I hope Hasbro finds some way to work this tooling into the Pursuit of COBRA line. I really love the face sculpt and skull-themed webgear. Very cool figure.
He also showcased some images from the upcoming Pursuit of COBRA Arctic Destro, which is another pretty neat one. Those ice-cased accessories are pretty cool and the sculpt is great. Check out those images below.
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by generalsjoes | Sep 11, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, Miscellaneous Reviews
#1 – Read the review! :shifty:
I mean, folks had to know it was coming, right? Along with the contest to win a copy of the Ultimate Guide to G.I. Joe (2nd Edition), I’ve also posted a fairly exhaustive review of the book as well, with a ton of pictures and details about the improvements and the contents.
Trust me, it’s worth your Joefan money. Check out the review, and if you’re so inclined, pick up a copy at
by generalsjoes | Sep 10, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
The Terror Drome has dug up an image of some Anniversary themed troop builder packs, one of them that we’ve seen before, but one of them we definitely haven’t. The real question is, are these upcoming items, or merely packaged images of packs that have since been cancelled?

I’ve seen some hypothesis in various places that packaged pictures automatically means we’ll be seeing these items in the future. I’m not so sure. We know the Viper Troop Builder pack was marketed prior to the end of the 25th Anniversary line, but Hasbro has stated in past Q & A’s that the Viper troop builder pack was canceled. It’s quite possible that packaged samples were put together before that cancellation (heck, we’ve seen packaged versions of Wave 14 figures, and those are definitely canned). I personally wouldn’t bet the house that these items are coming out this year or at all.
Personally, it doesn’t really bother me either way. I’ve got enough BATs to last a life time, and the non-dirtied Resolute version is nothing special. None of those Vipers are the “fixed” versions, so I couldn’t care less about any of them, even with a poorly cobbled together Mercer figure. So yeah, I wouldn’t expect to see these at retail any time soon, and personally, that doesn’t bug me in the least. I’d rather Hasbro invest their time and money into cool Rise of COBRA product, or Resolute stuff, and leave this substandard troop builder stuff in the past.