In what was one of the most unexpected turns in recent G.I. Joe animation news, Shout! Factory has revealed that the much maligned Sunbow production of G.I. Joe: The Movie will see release in High Definition Blu-Ray Disc format!
While there are plenty of things to not like about the movie, I still think it was a lot of fun for what it was, and greatly look forward to seeing it again in great quality. The information comes from the Twitter Feed of Shout! Factory rep Brian Ward.
In celebration, embedded below are some of the great parts from G.I. Joe: The Movie…the rest are posted after the jump.
Making their worldwide debut at the G.I. Joe Convention in April, the 3 3/4″ Adventure Team is promising to make a splash with Joe collectors of every era. So far we haven’t heard a whole lot about the specifics of the sets, but there is finally some information to share, and even a look at all the card art for the terrific looking figures! Straight from
“The Adventure Team is almost here! The GIJCC will initially be offering THREE different 3 3/4-inch Adventure Team figure sets, all utilizing 25th Anniversary sculpts! Each figure comes packaged with a special accessory (vehicle, etc.) inside an “AT Mission Crate” package. Once you open the “AT Mission Crate”, you’ll find each figure on its own individual blister card. The first three sets are: ATAir Adventurer & Helicopter; AT Land Adventurer & 6-wheel ATV; Dr. “Venom” & AT Commander with giant man-eating plant. And now, we are thrilled to preview all FOUR Adventure Team backing cards! Click the thumbnail to see the full preview.”
Out of all of the Toy Fair news, the thing that caught many long time Joefan’s eye was the news of a Sgt. Slaughter SDCC exclusive. While Hasbro did tell us he would have all new tooling, we didn’t have anything else to go on…until now! GeekWeek has posted some very nice images of the upcoming SDCC Sgt. Slaughter, and he’s looking pretty sharp. Included are both versions, the standard release (with the Mail Away deco) and the variant release, with the TTT driver deco. The main release will come with a championship belt! The more military variant release will come with a machine gun and pistol.
Very cool looking figure and an awesome tribute to ole Sarge. Check out the mirrored images below.
Okay, I’m a fringe Marvel Universe fan at best. The last time I read comics on a regular basis was the 90’s and while I survived Rob Liefield’s path of destruction through the medium as we know it, I did sorta lose track during the Spider-Man clone fiasco, and haven’t really looked back. Sure, I poked my head in on the Ultimate universe, the death of Captain America, and am sort of checking out Siege here and there, but that’s really about it.
Thankfully, for those unusual folks like me, there are the movies and the cartoons to keep me engaged. While most toy geeks lament the fact that the movies and animated series aren’t faithful to the comic roots, those funky nerds like me who don’t really care about the stories and care more about the core characters are able to be kept in the loop without having to worry about the past four pesky decades of continuity. The first Iron Man movie, to me, was the best in class for this recent outcropping of comics flicks (yes, I even rate it above The Dark Knight, heresy on the internetz, I know), and the sequel looks like it will be more of the same.
Even better, the toys for the sequel look to match the quality of Paramount’s tour de force as well. I’m sure the initial toys were probably just dandy as well, but they were six inches tall, which doesn’t fit into my current collection philosophy, which is the smaller the better because I have no space to store crap. Amazingly enough, Hasbro looks to have taken the detail from the six inch figures and squished them down into a 3 3/4″ scale…these figures are smaller, but damn do they look freaking amazing. has revealed a nice batch of these figures, accurate to the film, and while most of them look totally bad ass, the one I’m really focusing my love on is Samuel “Nick Fury” Jackson in some 3 3/4″ glory. Sure, we’ve all got enough Mace Windu’s to choke a stable of horses, but this Jackson actually uses some G.I. Joe parts! And he has a bad ass trench coat.
It’s pretty much the best 3 3/4″ figure ever made…
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I know this is barely G.I. Joe related, but news is a bit slow these days…gotta take some toy joy where I can get it., well known for their 24 hour limited edition specialty t-shirts has posted a shirt featuring Cobra Commander! Retailing for a very reasonable $9.00, check it out at! If you want it, grab it now, it’s only available for 24 hours. I’ve also mirrored some images of the design below…
So I haven’t really jumped all over the Past and Present idea…I mean, I absolutely love the concept, but there’s only so much Hasbro can do with it, and honestly, I didn’t think they started off very strongly with the Rockslide 2-pack. I’ve already got two Rise of Cobra Rockslides, and I’ve got plenty of vintage Snow Jobs and Battle Bears, with no real desire to drop money for more.
Thankfully, GeneralsJoes contributor Mysterious Stranger doesn’t agree, he picked up a set, and was awesome enough to submit a review! You can check it out on the Rise of Cobra Reviews Page, or just hit it directly right here.
Just another one I owe him…