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RUMOR ALERT – Early screening of G.I. Joe: Retaliation yields potential review?

Okay, take this with a watermelon-sized grain of salt…  but movie site Nuke The Fridge has received a message from someone who reports that they saw an early screening of G.I. Joe: Retaliation, and they provided a very positive early review of the film.

This review involves a few spoilers, so I will post the review itself after the jump.

As for the validity of this?  Well, normally I wouldn’t put much stock in it, especially considering the fact that the “spoilers” the reviewer reveals are mostly things that could be ascertained from the trailers, and if they’re not, they good just be their own hypothesis based on what we know so far.  But combine this report with the rumors that two endings are being screened and it gets just a bit more credible.

Then there’s John Chu’s mysterious Tweet that came through over night as this news was breaking.  Yes, it’s practically nothing, but he posted a Tweet that simply said “Soooo0….”.  On it’s own, this is totally innocuous, but combined with all of these early screening rumors…I don’t know.  Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but seems like there could be some meat there.

Now there are also some reasons to be very dubious of this.  Even though the news is just “getting out there” now, this review was posted on Nuke The Fridge on April 6th.  Jon Chu has Tweeted on April 11th that he is still “making important editing decisions” and he Tweeted on April 10th that he was working with Jackman on the score.  So obviously the film isn’t yet in a finished state.  I know these early screenings are often done with unfinished films, so perhaps that is meaningless, but something to think about at any rate.

Of course it could also be that Chu is making some changes based on reactions they got at the screening…anyway, take it all for what it’s worth, and check out the review text itself after the jump.


Two potential endings for G.I. Joe: Retaliation being test screened?

Thanks to GeneralsJoes Twitter buddy and host of the General Geekery podcast NFC JD for passing along word that apparently there are two working endings for G.I. Joe: Retaliation being test-screened for select crowds.

It is currently unknown what is the difference between the two endings, but Nuke the Fridge reports that this is indeed occurring.

There were also rumors of a similar thing happening in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra…  in fact, I believe Steven Sommers mentioned in the director’s commentary that a few elements were changed at the last minute with the first film.  At one point, Storm Shadow admitted to Snake Eyes that he didn’t kill the Hard Master just before Snake Eyes stabbed him and dropped him into below zero arctic waters…apparently that scene was determined to be too extreme, considering Snake Eyes was a “good guy” and the dialogue was dropped.

Secondly, there were rumors that both Cobra Commander and Destro were supposed to escape, but test audience reaction was so strong that the film was reshot to show the two Cobra leaders indeed being captured.  It would be interesting to know what the difference in the two endings might be this time around. Check out the information on Nuke the Fridge.

My only question is, who is being invited to these things and how the hell do I get on that list?

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Roadblock uniform on display at Wrestlemania

I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere yet, so figured it was too cool to pass up.

Big thanks to reader Carlos who sends along a photograph of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Roadblock uniform from G.I. Joe: Retaliation!  Featuring some great camouflage and the familiar “Battle Kata” vest we now recognize, this is a pretty neat close up look of the uniform he’ll be wearing in parts of the film.

Check out the image below, and huge kudos to Carlos for the image!

What’s on Joe Mind Episode 49 with Robert Atkins is now online

IDW superstar Robert Atkins comes back to the show to talk about his time at Roll Out Roll Call 3, and we have a terrific conversation about the recent crackdown on 3rd Party vendors and artist’s alley at Botcon.  Great to talk to someone directly impacted by those events!

We also cover the latest news and intel going on in the G.I. Joe world, and Beachhead Mike actually makes it through the entire episode without ralphing.  It’s an Easter miracle!  Listen to the episode at our Podbean page, or hit up the embedded player below.  Show notes are after the jump.


New G.I. Joe: Retaliation image creates more questions about Storm Shadow

All right!  Sure, I would much prefer some more footage these days, but I’ll take another press image as well, especially when it’s a very cool action shot of the one and only Storm Shadow!

Seen below in a strange white uniform (obviously reminiscent of previous images of him and what looks like Cobra Commander emerging from a laboratory) the Cobra Ninja is evidently overpowering a guard and preparing for his escape.

Escape from what?  That’s the question.  It would certainly appear that perhaps his body was retrieved by someone and kept in some sort of stasis, allowing him to survive…but how does that jive with Cobra Commander and the word that this Commander is a totally new character than what we saw in Rise of Cobra?

Verrrry interesting.  Cannot WAIT to find out all the answers June 29th!  Check out the mirrored image below and a big thanks to Twitter follower toycollector962 for the information.

Image courtesy of the Daily Blam.