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G.I. Joe: Renegades Episode Nine Reviewed and added to Episode Guide

With the family out for a Girl Scout field trip, I had a chance to get jumping right on Episode Nine of G.I. Joe: Renegades tonight, and with Zartan being the focus of the show, I was happy to be able to do that.
While a considerable departure from what we know, we get a pretty fresh, interesting, and new take on the Master of Disguise.  You can check out my review either in the Episode Guide or directly right here!

G.I. Joe fans well represented with G.I. Joe: Renegades writing team

The name popped up on the screen for a mere second or two, and a smile immediately came to my face.
For anyone who has been a part of the G.I. Joe online fandom for a long time, the name Eugene Son is immediately recognizable.  Eugene was one of the more prolific early members of the online G.I. Joe community and in fact was one of the founders of G.I. Joe super archive  Anything that YoJoe currently is, is due to the major influence that Eugene had over the site while a part of the online community.
A few years ago, Eugene faded away from the community some, and decided to pursue a career in the animation industry as a writer.  He has written for some fantastic properties over the years, including Ben10 and Marvel Superhero Squad (among many others).  Imagine my surprise, however, to see his name pop up in the credits for Episode Nine of G.I. Joe: Renegades.  Zartan and the Dreadnoks’ origin within the G.I. Joe: Renegades universe was penned by one of us.  How cool is that?
Things do have a way of coming full circle, so let me just take a moment to give Eugene a little applause, some congratulations, and here’s hoping he gets to put pen to paper for many more Renegades episodes in the future!  Yo Joe indeed.

G.I. Joe: Renegades Episode 9 Promo #2

While I was able to capture a quick promo for Episode 9 of G.I. Joe: Renegades last week, it took a little while for me to get my digital mitts on this slightly longer one.  But I think the wait was worth it!  Featuring a few spoken lines by Zartan, and quite a bit more action, this second promo has me all fired up for tomorrow night!
Check it out below.

G.I. Joe: Renegades Episode 9 Promo Video

So, thanks to a glitch in my DVR, I haven’t yet had a chance to watch Episode 8, but plan to in 30 short minutes.  I was able to get a nice promo video for Episode 9 captured, though, while I waited!  Featuring a totally reimagined Zartan and some fast-moving Dreadnoks, Episode 9 “Dreadnoks Rising” airs next Friday at 5:30pm Eastern.
Check out the embedded video below!

Keep your eyes on the Renegades SuperSite as well, as I plan on getting up a review and entry for Episode 8 as soon as I am able.  May not be until some point tomorrow, where I’ll try to balance NFL Playoffs with G.I. Joe…two of my favorite hobbies!

GeneralsJoes ubiquitous "10 Best G.I. Joe toys of 2010" List

You know, looking back at 2010, it was a pretty paltry year for G.I. Joe, quantity wise.  When you think back 12 months to the end of 2009, we had been absolutely inundated with toys, essentially from July straight through to December, non stop.  It was crazy.  Then 2010 hit, and there was a sudden lapse in the beginning of the year…a miniature flood of product in the middle of the year, then another short lapse, and we’re now in another mini flood.  It seemed to come in bursts.
However, unlike 2009 where we got absolutely drowned in product, yet much of it was the same sort of stuff regurgitated ad nauseum, 2010 gave us much smaller quantity, but a far better quality of toys.  The Pursuit of Cobra hit and hit hard, and made a LOT of Joe fans forget all about their misery over the end of the 25th Anniversary line a year ago.
So, wading through this list of toys, I decided to take some time to pick my ten favorites, which are very likely NOT your ten favorites, but hey, that’s what gets discussions started, right?
Click the “Read the Rest of this Entry” link below to check out the full list.