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A little insight to some future Sideshow Collectible G.I. Joe offerings?

Sideshow Collectibles has been giving us their “Ask Sideshow” Q & A’s for a while now, but it appears they’ve moved their operations to Facebook.  In a post put up on Saturday, Sideshow reflects on an interesting G.I. Joe related question and an equally interesting answer:‎

“Question: When can we expect to see Great Joes like Snow Job, Mutt w/Junkyard,and Gung-Ho?

Answer: Of the Joes that we would like to tackle next, you’ve named two of our favorite four. Shipwreck is missing from your list, but who has the other slot? Hmmm…

So it certainly sounds like Shipwreck is on deck, and likely one other of the three above figures listed.  Any thoughts or opinions?  Check out the Sideshow Collectibles Facebook page and hit ’em up with a “Like” to stay up to date on all Sideshow news and info.

G.I. Joe: Renegades April airdates and episode titles confirmed

Well, as much as can be expected, anyway.  I will admit, though, the episode shuffling has been very minor, and the online resources seem to be mostly correct when it comes to the episode lineup, so I’m considering this relatively official.
MSN TV has just posted a run of April listings for G.I. Joe: Renegades, and this is what we’ve got:

  • Shipwrecked – April 15
  • Castle Destro – April 22
  • Union of the Snake – April 29

Some very intriguing episode titles, I must say.  A pretty obvious guest star for the 15th, and I love the sounds of diving deeper into Destro’s back story.  Some real potential.  In fact, over the next run of 6 episodes, it sounds like things could really be picking up!  Storm Shadow, Shadow-Vipers, Zartan’s return, the Crimson Twins, Snow Job, Shipwreck, and more Destro details?  Sign me up!  I know I’m ready for G.I. Joe: Renegades to come back.  Who’s with me?

GeneralsJoes Reviews Rise of Cobra TRU Doc and Shipwreck

It seems only appropriate as August 1st looms tomorrow, and I’ve officially lived out my promise for one review per day until the “official” Pursuit of Cobra launch, that I do a review of two figures that were walking the line between Cobra “Rising” and the  Joes “Pursuing”.
While the fifth wave of single pack figures for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra officially kicked off the whole “pursuit” theme, both Doc and Shipwreck from the Toys “R” Us Headquarters for Heroes subline carried that torch as well.  Both sporting “Arctic Assault” tags on their packaging, and both quite obviously designed to chase Destro through the snow and ice.
So as these figures bridged that gap between The Rise of Cobra and the Pursuit of Cobra, I figure it’s apt that I use them to bridge the gap here as well.
Gap?  Did I say gap?  Yeah, right.  I’ve currently got about 125 images taken for upcoming Pursuit of Cobra product already, and while I certainly cannot promise the one review per day quota will continue to be met past August 1st, you have no worries, reviews will still be coming fast and furious.  I’ve got both new Mechs in the wings as well as the two Wave 1 Alpha vehicles, and I still hope to finish off the Wave 1 Single Packs before too long.
The things I do for you people.
Anyway.  Hit up the G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Review Page or just check out the Doc and Shipwreck reviews directly.  Enjoy.

Triple Play of TRU reviews posted at

The TRU Exclusives are indeed hitting hot and heavy over the past few weeks, and the Terror Drome is staying right on top of it, with three reviews posted for Arctic Threat Doc, Arctic Threat Shipwreck, and the Sting Raider w/ Copperhead and Swamp-Viper.  I will be posting my own review (courtesy of Mysterious Stranger) later today of the Sting Raider, but here are some mirrored images for the excellent reviews I linked above.
TRU “Arctic Threat” Doc

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TRU “Arctic Threat” Shipwreck

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TRU Sting Raider w/ Copperhead & Swamp Viper

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