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G.I. Joe: The Pursuit of Cobra Wave 4 Pre-Orders at Past Generation Toys

Hot of the heels of the Diamond announcement, Past Generation Toys has announced pre-orders for the upcoming 4th wave of G.I. Joe: The Pursuit of Cobra.  These figures should be hitting very early 2011.  The announcement can be read below!
Past Generation Toys has listed GI Joe Pursuit of Cobra Wave 4 as PreOrders. It’s due to be released in late January of 2011 and includes Destro v3, Low Light v1, Sky Dive v1 and the highly anticipated Shadow Tracker v1.

Release date information and awesome character art for PoC Wave 4

Damn.  We should get crap like this more often.  I’ve been really enjoying the character art on the packages of the Pursuit of Cobra toys, but a lot of it is obscured by the packaging itself, or just shot from the waist up.  Well, Diamond Distributors has given us some updated information about a release timeline for the fourth wave of Pursuit of Cobra figures, and included with that some bad ass full body character art.

This is the text of the Diamond release details:

For over twenty-five years G.I. Joe has been defending America and the cause of freedom from the evils of Cobra! Characters like Destro (Version 3), Low Light, Skydive, and Shadow Tracker enter the fight for the fate of the world as these 3 3/4″ figures! Blister card packaging.
Estimated ship date: 1/26/11″

With a ship date this early for the fourth wave of product, I would be shocked if we didn’t see something else hit next spring…perhaps an additional wave or something?  Hopefully we’ll get more information soon!  Thanks to SNAKE EYES from and The Terror Drome for this information.

Potential release timeline for Pursuit of Cobra Wave 3

With thanks to SNAKE EYES from, we know that Diamond Publications has a listing for G.I. Joe: The Pursuit of Cobra Wave 3, and Diamond has a release date for Wave 3 listed for December 29th.
It’s been widely believed that Wave 3 (which is technically “Wave 1” for 2011) would hit retail prior to the end of the year, though this seems a bit close to 2011.  It should be noted, though, that many times these things hit brick and mortar retail before Diamond’s listed release date.
To see the full rundown of Wave 3, check out my Pursuit of Cobra SuperPage.

Kick Ass Custom – Rise of Cobra Low Light!

A Kick Ass custom doesn’t necessarily mean a lot of effort.  Sometimes it’s just identifying just the right combination of parts and pieces…and friend of GeneralsJoes, Magnum6Delta has done that!
A character that many fans have been clammoring for ever since the Anniversary was fading is Low Light!  Now, simply using a Toys “R” Us Firefly, the vest from an Anniversary Mutt, and the head from the upcoming Pursuit of Cobra Zartan, we have a fantastic Low Light that is updated slightly, yet still retains that very classic look.  Just the right amount of red paint on the vest and the goggles, and the rest just comes together.
Thanks to m6d for sending these images along!

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