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Desert Battle Ripcord as Desert Battle General Hawk…

A few weeks ago when I posted my review of the Pursuit of Cobra Ripcord, commentor neon-viper requested some images of Hawk all decked out in Ripcord’s battle gear…well, I’ve been shamelessly lax in getting pics taken, but here they are, by request.  I actually like this look a lot!  The colors are quite reminiscent of General Hawk’s color schemes from the good old days, too.  It’s a cool look.  Check it out below.

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Wal-Mart Battle Station Images galore

Not content with merely providing a crappy cell phone pic, Scott “madmac41” from JoeBattleLines has put his camera to use, grabbing a nice allotment of boxed images of the fresh from the retail womb Wal-Mart Battle Station sets!  Retailing for a very appealing $14.96 (in the same ballpark as the Wal-Mart 2-Pack figures, only with a whole bunch of added Battle Station goodness… WTF?) these are some very cool sets that initially left me somewhat cold, but are now leaving me a lot less cold.  Still a bit cool, though.  I’m not wild about ’em…

Frustrating thing is, there are some very cool things about each set, but none of the sets really blow me away.  I love the Heatseek Missile, but I really don’t care for that Scrap Iron, and I’ve got like 47 Neo-Vipers already.  The COBRA Surveillance port is awesome, but I really don’t need another cruddy MARS Trooper, and that Tele-Viper don’t look right.

On the Joe side, I dig the Resolute Roadblock (he looks a lot better in these pictures, for sure), but Tripwire is just bizarre, and I’m not sold on the Outpost Defender itself.  The Laser Artillary Weapon is a bit underwhelming, but that Hawk kicks all sorts of ass.  I dunno…maybe I’ll think different if I see them at retail.  There are some pretty awesome aspects to them, but not enough warranting sixty of my dollars, at least not at this point.  I know other fans are riled up about ’em, though, so enjoy the mirrored pics.

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Latest Rise of Cobra 12″ figures spotted at retail

I haven’t really been a fan of recent 12″ Hasbro figures, but the Rise of Cobra ones are actually drawing me in, if only a little bit.  I’ve seen Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Duke, Cobra Commander, and Ripcord, and they all have some sort of limited appeal which I cannot really describe.  They still have the silly, scrawny body types, sculpted uniforms, and general goofiness, but for whatever reason, I still think they’re kind of neat.  Not nearly neat enough to drop $16 on ’em, of course.

Regardless, for those folks who are into them, apparently the latest wave has started hitting retail according jroosa030 on HissTank.  He just scored the Destro and General Hawk, and I’ve mirrored images below.  I think both of these figures look pretty neat and fit into the RoC aesthetic remarkably well.  I dig ’em.

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Some Catch Up work – A look at some recent “Alexx Shorts”

JoeBattleLines and JoeSightings member Alexx  always has a really unique look at the Rise of COBRA figures as they hit, and gives us some really neat images to go along with it, and his enthusiasm hasn’t slowed one bit since the line hit!  In fact, he’s been so enthusiastic that I haven’t been able to keep up with his frenetic posting.  He’s a machine.

However, I do feel like I should at least take some time and focus on a few of his more recent entries because they’re so awesome.  His stuff can be found on, as well as the Mission Debriefing section of JoeBattleLines.  Anyone who isn’t checking that stuff out is missing out on some really neat perspective and insight.

Enough butt kissing…

General Hawk (Single Pack)

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This figure is so freaking cool.  So understated and very underrated, but one of my favorite figures in the line.  It’s perfect in its simplicity, with a great accessory compliment and some very nice, basic design work.  I really, REALLY love this figure.  I love it a lot.

Grand Slam w/ Air Assault Glider

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You know, I pretty much wrote off these Target Exclusives, but for some reason it didn’t occur to me that Grand Slam had the new lower legs.  Not only that, but the Ace headsculpt is a very nice difference compared to the Flash one.  Sure, it’s reused, but at least in the Original 13 group shots he’ll still stand out.  I think I have to pick this one up now.  Thanks a lot, Alexx.  :shifty:

The Doctor

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I don’t think I need to tell anyone how bad ass this figure is.  I thought the figure was pretty neat as it was, but the awesomely campy performance by Joseph Gordon-Levitt only further cemented the character (and figure) in my mind.  A “must have” for the Rise of COBRA, no doubt.  Even you vintage purists should find a way to work him into the line as a deranged scientist who works alongside Dr. Mindbender.

Paris Pursuit Baroness

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From the minute I saw this figure, I knew I’d dig her more than the regular one, and I was right.  Just got mine in the mail today from HasbroToyShop, so haven’t had a chance to do the full blown review, but expect good words.  Very nice figure.  Very nice.

Pit Commando

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This figure is currently the bane of my existence.  One of the only Rise of COBRA figures I have yet to hold in my hands.  I have two on the way from HasbroToyShop (finally!) but beyond that I haven’t had the pleasure of messing with this figure yet.  I plan on doing a crazy intensive review once I can.  I know the base figure is just Dusty, but I am just antsy as can be waiting for all that awesome looking gear.  What a fantastic way to do a “Accessory Set” without actually doing one.  Kudos to Hasbro on this guy, I love him and I don’t even have one yet.

One-18th “Review a Day” continues with Single Pack General Hawk!

He’s been fairly elusive the first few days of release, but the single pack version of General Hawk is out there, and Smokescreen from has him!  Not only does he have him, but he posted a kick ass review of the figure as well, with all sorts of awesome images.  You can check out the review at his site, and I’ve hosted a few of his images below.  More can be found directly at the source.

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