by generalsjoes | May 7, 2012 | 30th Anniversary Reviews, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Reviews
It’s four reviews in one!
To say I was excited to receive the Amazon Exclusive G.I. Joe: Renegades 4-Pack in the mail last week would be a massive understatement. Ever since I heard the animated style tooling was being pushed aside for more “realistic” figures, I’ve had a clamoring to see what these animated figures would have looked like…and now I have that chance!
It’s a somewhat funny dichotomy, though, because honestly I don’t see much “G.I. Joe: Renegades” in the Storm Shadow figure, even in the animated design. Just read my thoughts below if you’re interested!
The reviews are all hosted in the G.I. Joe: Renegades/30th Anniversary Review Page as well. Next up… G.I. Joe: Retaliation figures (finally)! Coming this week.
by generalsjoes | May 2, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Renegades
Oh wow! Oh WOW! Look at these figures.
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m a bit bitter that Hasbro scrapped G.I. Joe: Renegades without hardly even giving it a chance, and a part of my complaint lies within the fact that they ditched the animated aesthetic due to fandom outcry.
Now a big part of me doesn’t blame them one bit. I don’t have any false ideas that animated style figures would fly off the shelves…I have my doubts. Hasbro could have potentially shrugged off their long standing fans, and not drawn in any new ones, and the entire line could have gone straight down the crapper. I’m not sure G.I. Joe as a brand is quite strong enough for Hasbro to totally overhaul the realistic styling and still come out swinging. So, I don’t blame them, even though the animated figures were items I really wanted to see.
So comes through in a big way, offering a Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow figure that apparently use this discarded tooling to great success. Keep in mind I don’t yet have these figures in hand, and I will fully admit those hip joints immediately make me scared. I hate those hips on the Marvel figures, so I really, desperately hope the Joe design team has found a way to make those joints work better than the Marvel folks have been able to.
Aside from that, the angular sculpting of the figures, the articulation…everything else looks very cool, and I’m really digging the animated look. Part of me hopes we get a more normal Snake Eyes in this format, too. I don’t have any aspirations that they’ll do an entire Renegades run in this style, but I’ll take what I can get. Check out the original post by G.I. Joe: Renegades fan edhellman over at, and I’ve mirrored the images below.
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by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Because why not? We’ve only got 4 new trailers over the past two days, why not a new image as well to go along with it?
Thanks to for the intel, and the image is mirrored below.

by generalsjoes | Apr 25, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe: The Movie
One of my most popular posts directly after the posting of the original G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer were my 10 questions or answers revealed from the trailer. It seemed to be a very well-trafficed post and I got some great feedback on it, so I figured I would revisit the idea now that we not only have a new theatrical trailer, but we also have some awesome, spoilery details revealed from some early footage screenings.
I will endeavor to write this post keeping spoilers to a minimum, but folks trying to keep 100% pure from potential revelations may want to avoid it. Really, though, I’m just using my own perspective, not much inside knowledge. So, upon these new details and trailers, what do we know now and what is still to find out?
Click the Read the Rest of the Story link below to read my thoughts.
by generalsjoes | Apr 23, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
Oh boy. Gyre-Viper took the world by storm last week when he broke the news about the Dollar Store exclusive figures with a great vintage aesthetic. Well, he’s about the blow the doors off again on
Apparently these Dollar Store exclusive figures won’t just be appearing in one paint scheme… check out this amazing new gallery below of fully repainted variant figures for the exclusive line! We’ve got what almost looks like a T’Ginzu repaint Storm Shadow, a dark gray Duke, black Cobra Commander, comic deco Cobra Troopers, a green Shipwreck, and a pseudo Heavy Artillery Snake Eyes (from an old school Toys “R” Us Exclusive set).
Mind. Blown.
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And hey…look at those last few pictures. Looks like ole Gyre-Viper has something else in the wings for us. And if it’s in that stage of completion, I’d say release is almost guaranteed.
Ohhhhh yeeeeeeaah.
It’s official. This is the week of G.I. Joe.