by generalsjoes | Jun 11, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe: The Movie, Operation: H.I.S.S.
Looks like Hasbro is making up for some lost time. After a few months in limbo, a couple of days ago, we got a short Scarlett spotlight, which was the first Operation: HISS update we’d gotten in quite a while. Now this morning, it would appear that even though Hasbro hasn’t posted them on their site yet, has Episodes 4 and 5 posted for the animated series that has gotten quite mixed reviews.
Well, not so mixed. Pretty much just bad. But hey! Look! It’s Agent Helix!
Seriously, this is obviously made for kids…not much money invested in it…and not a whole lot of emotion either. But it’s always cool to see Joe characters come to life on screen, and I can’t help but smile seeing Helix running around alongside Snake Eyes in animated form. Check out the episodes at the links below. These actually have a nice little helping of action…and yes, it’s quite obvious they’re simply using the video game models to make these, but hey, I guess it’s something, right?
Episode 4
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Episode 5
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by generalsjoes | Jun 8, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: The Movie
Hasbro Toy Shop has just sent notification that they are featuring a brand new “Buy One Get One Free” promotion, and included in that promotion are several G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra products as well as a handful of Hall of Heroes items as well. Highlights (at least for me) are Accelerator Suit Duke, Reactive Armor Ripcord, “City Strike” Duke, “Paris Pursuit” Baroness, and both versions of the Cobra Para-Viper.
There are plenty of other items as well, you can see them all by clicking here. Even though many folks have grabbed this stuff already, some of these figures come with some fantastic weaponry, and the army builders are always in season…
by generalsjoes | Jun 1, 2010 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Resolute, Pursuit of COBRA
August is only a couple of short months away, and we all know what that means in regards to the Asian market. Over the past few days quite a number of products have started showing up across the web, and while I’ll refrain from linking to specific auctions, I did want to mirror the updated images and point out that these all come courtesy of The Terror Drome. To date, we’ve got some nice pictures of Pursuit of Cobra City Strike Beachhead, Jungle Assault Duke, Desert Battle Storm Shadow, and G.I. Joe: Resolute Scarlett and Baroness.
In the past I’ve jumped on some of these auctions pretty quickly, to be totally honest. But so far, I’m holding myself back on this initial batch. I grabbed Spirit pretty quickly when he appeared a couple of weeks back, but I’m just having a hard time pulling the trigger on $20 a pop when they should be hitting retail in about 6 – 8 weeks. The really weird thing is, for the Rise of Cobra figures, which were pretty inferior, all told, I was jumping on them pretty quick. But for these much better figures, I can’t bring myself to do it, at least not yet. Is it because of the price jump, which is admittedly, pretty small? Or is it my strong, iron clad moral core? Yeah, definitely not that.
Check out some of the images mirrored below.
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by generalsjoes | May 19, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe: Renegades
Yes, you read that right! GeneralsJoes can now be known as…I’ve decided to devote all of the resources of the site to just finding images of Renegades Duke that are just a little bit bigger than the image I posted before. Fun, eh?
In all seriousness, I was able to dig up an actual full size image of Duke in the upcoming G.I. Joe: Renegades animated series. Imagine that? Click the picture below for a full size image.

Now, there are a lot of cool things I see about this image.
- Natural Proportions. Granted, there is a slightly animated style to the character, but all in all, he’s got realistic proportions and a very natural look.
- The colors. Often the fandom’s main complaints center around the character’s appearance in the film or series. Well, even though they’ve revamped the style a bit, Duke still has the tan shirt and green pants the fans have known him for.
- The gun. That’s one bad ass looking futuristic pistol.
As if you couldn’t tell, I’m getting excited for G.I. Joe: Renegades, and hoping things are heading on the right track. Time will tell, but at least now we’ve got a slightly better look at the first piece of concept art from the series.
by generalsjoes | May 18, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe: Renegades
I’d mirrored the image from yesterday of Duke in the upcoming Renegades cartoon. Well, upon combing through The Hub website, I found a slightly larger image, and it’s mirrored below.
Not a whole lot more detail, but every little bit helps, I suppose.