by generalsjoes | Oct 21, 2010 | 5 Page Previews, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Yes, the issue hit comic shops yesterday…what can I tell you, we’re a little behind the times. Nevertheless, here’s a five page preview for G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #159, which already promises to keep up the crazed pace of the previous few issues.
Gotta tell you, believe it or not, the art is really growing on me. At first I wasn’t sure about Padilla’s work, but the more I see of it, the more it really pays awesome homage to the 90’s style, and the more it really blends with the previous universe. I’m digging it. Check out the five page preview below.
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #159
Larry Hama (w) • Agustin Padilla (a) • Padilla, Rod Whigham (c)
After a surprise strike that catches COBRA off guard, the hastily re-formed G.I. JOE team takes back the initiative and launches its full counter-offensive against COBRA. And Dr. Venom’s plot from beyond the grave finally begins to unfold!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #159
Larry Hama (w) • Agustin Padilla (a) • Padilla, Rod Whigham (c)
After a surprise strike that catches COBRA off guard, the hastily re-formed G.I. JOE team takes back the initiative and launches its full counter-offensive against COBRA. And Dr. Venom’s plot from beyond the grave finally begins to unfold!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
by generalsjoes | Oct 12, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Now that NYCC has wrapped up, we’re starting to finally get some good, nicely detailed reports about all of the panels and events that went on in the Big Apple this past weekend. Among those reports was one from Comic Book Resources which focused on IDW and Hasbro’s joint panel and what to expect from their licensed titles over the next several months. I will try and outline the various news items below.
- G.I. Joe: Origins #23 is the final issue. Editor Andy Schmidt revealed that G.I. Joe: Origins would end with the 23rd issue. I’m not sure if this is sales related or that they simply had no more stories to tell, but regardless, after just wrapping issue #19, we’ve got about 4 more issues to go.
- Christos Gage is leaving G.I. Joe: Cobra after issue #13. I reported this during NYCC, but IDW confirmed it, also reporting that Mike Costa would handle the writing duties solo from then on.
- G.I. Joe #27 will wrap up “Season One” of the main Joe title. In April of 2011, G.I. Joe will begin “Season Two”, starting over from issue #0 and kicking off with a Cobra Civil War. Schmidt also says that in April, the only Joe title taking place in IDW continuity that month released would be G.I. Joe #0. Dixon will still be writing the title, but Javier Saltares will be tackling the art chores.
Schmidt also talked a bit about Infestation and how it ties into the G.I. Joe realm, and remarked that Joe fans did not seem very “chill” to the idea…at least not to the level of Transformers fans.
Some interesting news, to be sure. I could have sworn that at one point I read that this latest issue of G.I. Joe was going to be the end of “Season One” but apparently that’s being pushed off a bit. Chuck Dixon has been hit or miss for me throughout his G.I. Joe run, and honestly I’m not sure what I think of Saltares on the title. Loved his stuff with Moon Knight, and his Ghost Rider work was pretty cool as well, but those are both very supernatural, dark, and gritty worlds. I think G.I. Joe can be gritty (just see the Cobra title) but I’m not sure Saltares’ exaggerated style works real well in a pseudo-realistic military setting. I’ll certainly give it a shot, though.
You can read the entire article right here, and thanks to The Terror Drome for the heads up!

by generalsjoes | Oct 9, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
I gotta be honest here. I truly do not understand the whole zombie phenomenon. I really don’t.
I mean, I’ve read World War Z. I’ve seen 28 Days Later, and even 28 Weeks Later, and I enjoyed the hell out of Zombieland. Hell, the upcoming Walking Dead TV series looks pretty bad ass, too. But I haven’t read any of the Marvel Zombie books, I’m really not a fan of George Romero, and I really do not comprehend this whole zombie subculture.
At this point, though, the popularity of zombies simply cannot be denied, and I see it going strong in G.I. Joe circles. Every week I see other zombie customs, or other fanfiction written from the standpoint of the zombie apocolypse, and while it’s not my cup of tea, they certainly have their place in popular culture…so I guess it only makes sense that IDW capitalize on this with a huge crossover event, bridging several of their licensed titles across one “Infestation” banner.
It was revealed at NYCC this weekend, that IDW: Infestation will be a zombie-related storyline that crosses between G.I. Joe, Transformers, Star Trek, and Ghostbusters, and you can find some more details at as well as Comic Book Resources.
The full press release and a trio of images can be read after the break.
by generalsjoes | Oct 9, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW, Marvel Media
Part of the news in New York ComicCon is the information that G.I. Joe: Cobra co-writer Christos Gage has received an exclusive contract from Marvel Comics, which means he will be moving on from the fantastic IDW title. His co-writer Mike Costa will remain on the book.
Announcing it via his Twitter feed, he expressed regret that he had to leave the book, but confidence that Costa can continue on fine in his stead.
As a humongous fan of G.I. Joe: Cobra, I’m sure Mr. Gage’s influence will be missed, but I wish him the best of luck, and a huge congrats on the Marvel deal! Part of the Marvel deal is also doing the writing for the upcoming Captain America: Super Soldier video game from Sega (to launch in conjunction with the film) so I know we’ll all be sure to check that out!
by generalsjoes | Oct 7, 2010 | 5 Page Previews, Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
From early indications, things look like they’re ramping up in the main G.I. Joe title with issue #23. Rumored to introduce Storm Shadow (something the cover certainly seems to back up) and also featuring Agent Helix for the first time in the mainstream title.
Well, the five-page preview confirms the Helix angle, but we have yet to see where Storm Shadow factors in. I’ve made it clear how much I love the way Helix looks in action figure form, and I find her backstory to be very interesting…but I will admit this five-page preview has me a bit put off. She’s definitely got a “Mary Sue” vibe going on here that I’m not crazy about. Her first appearance, and she’s instantly humiliating the biggest bad ass on the Joe team? Uhhh… anyway.
Check out the five page preview below, I’ll definitely give Dixon a chance to win me over here, I do love Helix, and I hope they can do some cool things with her without making her too indestructible. Personally, I’m looking more forward to the Stalker angle here than others.
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G.I. Joe #23
Chuck Dixon (w) • Robert Atkins (a & c)
M.A.S.S. DESTRUCTION, Part 1: Helix arrives in the Pit to join the Joes’ struggle against the threat known as COBRA, and proves she’s tough enough in combat with the deadliest Joe. Also, Stalker and his team go mano a mano in a fight to the death with a COBRA strike team.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
by generalsjoes | Oct 4, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comic Reviews, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Reviews, IDW
Even after reading just the first issue of G.I. Joe: Cobra way back when, I knew we were in for something special. A very gritty take on the G.I. Joe universe, it presented heroes and villains with the lines of their morality completely blurred and had Chuckles going way into the dark in order to get the job done.
When it was announced that G.I. Joe: Cobra would be an ongoing series starting this year, I will admit, I was a bit conflicted. Would the series really be able to keep its legs as a monthly title? How could the universe retain its darkness and complexity of personalities going month-to-month? Well, to answer those questions…no, it can’t quite maintain the same level of darkness, but that doesn’t mean it gets any worse. To read the full review hit the jump below. Spoilers abound.