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Getting down to the wire…reason 7 why G.I. Joe: Retaliation will… Rock?

No pun intended in the title…  ah, who am I kidding?  Pun definitely intended.  It’s a Friday, which means Twitziller is focusing on a major factor today, and that factor is one that many of us can probably guess, especially based on my horrible pun up above.



I know I’ve mentioned in the past how humorous it is that only ten years ago, Hasbro could barely even keep the copyright active for Roadblock, and here we are with the character the focal point of the entire film franchise.  I think the character is a great choice, and the actor is equally great for this role.  So why does Roadblock make sense for the film?  He’s a larger than life character, with a lot of personality.  He’s someone who still has some open ends in his history, yet he’s familiar enough with fans to resonate.  He was a focal point in the cartoon, and had some very key roles in the comics as well, and was one of the few characters who could transcend both.

Follow Twitziller on Twitter for the latest updates, or stick here on GeneralsJoes. Previous entries can be seen below.

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Almost two dozen new high res images for G.I. Joe: Retaliation

Big thanks to Collider for posting a great, monstrous gallery of high resolution images in celebration of next week’s G.I. Joe: Retaliation launch!  There are plenty of images here that we’ve seen before, but there are also some great new ones as well.  Check out Collider, and I’ve also mirrored the images below.

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Dwayne Johnson to appear on Jay Leno tonight

I haven’t seen it advertised myself, but GeneralsJoes reader Mike I. is telling me that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is slated to appear on the Jay Leno show tonight, likely to promote both G.I. Joe: Retaliation and WWE Wrestlemania.

They often show clips from the films actors are there to promote, so Joe fans may want to keep an eye on this one tonight.

Thanks to Mike for the information.

TV Spots continue to hurtle at us unabated for G.I. Joe: Retaliation

We’re counting down to the final week, so it only makes sense for these TV spots to keep coming!  For folks who are concerned about seeing too much of the film before the film’s release, though, don’t worry…there isn’t much new footage here, but just enough to make things interesting.  One TV Spot has Snake Eyes running down some stairs, rattling off gunfire, while another has a great shot of Cobra Commander’s helicopter.  Check out these three new TV spots embedded below.