by generalsjoes | Mar 2, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Wondercon was held this weekend, with IDW in attendance, and they spoke a bit about their G.I. Joe titles. Newsrama was there as well and gives us a full report here. Some items of note were as follows:
- There will be a 4-issue “prequel” mini-series leading up to the film, written by Chuck Dixon and with art by SL Gallant
- Each issue will focus on a different character: Duke, Destro, Baroness, and Snake Eyes
- The mini-series will start in March and go through June
- After the film a Snake Eyes “follow up” is planned, co-written by the actor playing Snake Eyes in the film, Ray Park. The other co-writer is Kevin Van Hook, and SL Gallant will be doing the art chores for that issue as well.
I’m actually very excited about this…beginning this month we could be getting some interesting insight into the movie universe. Pretty cool! Thanks to Shin Densetsu of HissTank for the info!
by generalsjoes | Feb 27, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe: Resolute, G.I. Joe: The Movie, IDW
With two months in the books and a certain-to-be-exciting remaining 10 months in the year, 2009 is already shaping up to be a seminal year in G.I. Joe history. Regardless of your opinion on the movie, we can all agree it is a critical juncture in G.I. Joe history and something that could change the brand’s identity for a long time. Let’s all face it, G.I. Joe hasn’t had a ton of street cred since the 90’s, and this is a chance for it to become a focused, viable brand again, which is great news for all fans, even folks who aren’t wild about the look of the upcoming film.
With all of this excitement on the horizon, I took some time to talk to the G.I. Joe “godfather”, Larry Hama to find out what his thoughts are as the year goes on and The Rise of COBRA looms in the future.
by generalsjoes | Feb 24, 2009 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Thanks to WildWeasel from The Terror Drome for this info…here are the G.I. Joe-themed comics slated to be released by IDW in May, highlighted by G.I. Joe #5, G.I. Joe Origins #4, and G.I. Joe: COBRA #3.
G.I. JOE #5
Written by: Chuck Dixon,
Art by: Robert Atkins
Cover(s) by: Dave Johnson & Robert Atkins (2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.)
32 pages, Full Color • Cover Price $3.99 • Available May 2009
The battle in The Pit becomes a chase across the Nevada desert. Only one of Destro’s mechanized killers is left and it’s the most dangerous. Meanwhile, Flint is figuring out Where in The World is Castle Destro. And in Manila, Snake Eyes shows up as Stalker is closing in on a runaway arms dealer but on whose side?
by generalsjoes | Feb 19, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
I’ve posted my review for G.I. Joe Origins #1 by Larry Hama and Tom Feister/Mike Hawthorne. Check it out here!
by generalsjoes | Feb 19, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Any fan of the G.I. Joe comics, or even fans of comics in general need to bookmark this link.
It’s a sub-forum on Phil Kost’s site, and it’s called the “Atkins Sketch Blog”. Essentially it’s a spot for G.I. Joe comic artist Robert Atkins to show and talk about his pencils and the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into producing the art for the monthly book. There is some awesome insight, some terrific pencils, and a fantastic peek “inside the head” of the current artist on the monthly G.I. Joe book. With each issue (and each post in the above forum) I’m becoming a bigger and bigger Robert Atkins fan, so check out that link and keep going back, there’s always something cool in there to see.
Below is a little highlight of the cover art for Issue #4, and it’s only a tiny sample of the great stuff posted on the forums. Check it out.

by generalsjoes | Feb 17, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
IDW keeps the G.I. Joe truck driving along with Larry Hama’s illustrious return to the G.I. Joe universe in G.I. Joe: Origins! Issue #1 comes out tomorrow, and as usual, Phil from JoeReloaded has posted a number of pages on his forum here.
Chris Ryall also posted the covers to all five issues on his Ryall Time blog: