by generalsjoes | Jan 22, 2014 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2014, Show and Convention Coverage
They didn’t announce it would be coming today, but here’s a nice surprise! The G.I. Joe Collectors Club has debuted another figure from the 2014 Convention boxed set, and this time it’s the E.C.O. Force Leader, Flint! Sporting a rocking new head sculpt and new helmet, this figure looks pretty spectacular. I love the green and yellow paint scheme, and using the Resolute shotgun shells gauntlet for him is pretty inspired.
The integration of the 30th Anniversary parts and the Retaliation torso is an awesome move. Love the base figure here, it’s really, really nice looking.

Parts breakdown is:
Head – New
Torso – Retaliation Cobra Trooper
Arms – Ultimate Cobra Commander
Legs – 30th Anniversary Airtight
Helmet – A new sculpt, which according to Boss Fight Studios (the designers of it) is a “hybrid” of Flint’s and Ozone’s.
I love the shade of green… excellent, excellent work right here. Check out the full details at
by generalsjoes | Dec 26, 2013 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, G.I. Joe: The Movie, JoeCon 2014, Podcasts, Show and Convention Coverage, What's on Joe Mind
Yes, we know the episodes have been a little more sporadic lately, but hopefully this four hour marathon makes up for it. We spend a healthy two hours talking to resident toy expert Mark Bellomo about G.I. Joe and the toy industry in general, and complement that great interview with some looks at recent G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club announcements, plus a look back at 2013 and a look ahead to next year.
Check out our Podbean page to listen to this latest episode, or just use the embedded player below, and take a peek at the show notes after the jump.
by generalsjoes | Dec 17, 2013 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2014, Show and Convention Coverage, Sunbow
In the Convention brochure that was released a couple of days ago, the G.I. Joe Collectors Club revealed that the original voice actress for Scarlett BJ Ward would be attending the G.I. Joe convention in 2014. Well, the Collectors Club revealed today that Scarlett will have Duke by her side in Dallas, Texas!
That’s right, the immortal Michael Bell will be joining BJ Ward as a special guest of the 2014 G.I. Joe Convention in Dallas. Considering how awesome the voice actor reading was last year between Bill Ratner and Mary MacDonald-Lewis, I can only imagine what it will be like this year.
Make sure you keep checking for all of the latest information from the G.I. Joe Convention!

by generalsjoes | Dec 16, 2013 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, JoeCon 2014, Show and Convention Coverage
With the release of the 2014 G.I. Joe Convention Brochure yesterday, many fans immediately latched on to a little detail in the text of the 12″ Convention Set which indicated that there would be an exclusive 4″ Joe Colton figure contained within that set. This immediately created a firestorm across the community, who (rightly so) felt a bit bothered that they might be expected to plunk down an additional $345 for the 12″ set, merely to acquire this exclusive Colton figure.
Well, rejoice! The Collectors Club announced on their Facebook page today that they will be releasing this exclusive Joe Colton figure separately at the Convention on an exclusive cardback! Specifically the response was as follows:
“Yes! We will be carding a number of these same figures (no display stand or backdrop) for our 3 3/4” attendees to have access to this figure.
This was left out of the brochure accidentally. We hope that answers everyone’s questions.”
Granted, this means the figure does not come with the backdrop or display stand, but I think most folks were concerned about the figure itself anyway. Now the fans an go ahead and celebrate the neon greatness from E.C.O. Force like I will be for the next several months! W00t!

by generalsjoes | Mar 28, 2013 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Kre-O, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
This press release hit my email box this morning, with the G.I. Joe Collectors Club officially announcing the parachute drop for the 2013 G.I. Joe Convention in Indianapolis! One key surprise was immediately evident. The parachute figure this year will be a KRE-ON.
For those of us who are into Kre-O sets and figures this is a pretty cool twist, although I will say part of me was looking forward to a typical 4″ G.I. Joe parachute figure as well. Regardless, it will be very interesting to see what the Collectors’ Club has up their sleeve for Kre-O at JoeCon this year.
Click the “Read the Rest of the Story” link below for the full release.
by generalsjoes | Mar 21, 2013 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
Need to plan your convention experience? Well, the G.I. Joe Collectors Club has just made it a whole lot easier. They’ve posted the schedule for the 2013 G.I. Joe Convention right here. Featuring a lot of the great panels you’ve come to expect from Hasbro, the voice actors, Larry Hama and Kirk Bozigian, this year they’ve also branched out some.
Dave Tree is travelling over from the UK to do a Palitoy Action Force seminar and there’s What’s on Joe Mind Live–…
Wait. What?
Dammit Godsoe, you never tell me anything!
Check out the full Convention Schedule right here.