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Enough already!

If I had the time and energy for such things, I’d go back over all the G.I. Joe message boards for the last year and a half, just to see how many fans clamored for the release of a red-emblemed COBRA Trooper, and then compare that to the number of supposed “fans” that are screaming bloody murder about how they’re being released now.

Are you guys kidding me?  Hasbro gives you exactly what you say you want, and you complain anyway?

Crazy.  Well, that’s the kind term for it, anyway.

Look, I want to see the likes of Airtight, Recondo, Footloose, Dr. Mindbender, Ripcord and the like in the 25th Anniversary line as much as the next guy, but don’t you think that the Big H deserves a little slack on this one?  Every fourth wave is a repaint wave, and they’re putting out what’s probably been the most asked-for repaint in it.  I can see getting upset about the neon-green Ninja Viper, or the far-too-faithful recreation of the Python Patrol Crimson Guardsman, but the Trooper?  Really?

Looks like a win on the surface.  I suppose that’s just me.

Something I’m really looking forward to: Wave 7

As I look back through some posts I’ve made here, I come across the realization that if you just read this blog, you might thinkthat I hate the Anniversary figures!  Oye…how did that happen?

Like a lot of other folks, I’ve gotten a bit tired of the endless repaints and re-releases, and am getting somewhat stumped as to why we haven’t at least seen some sign of Recondo, Ripcord, Dr. Mindbender, Wet Suit and a handful of other characters that would be easy to do with exisiting parts and seem like no-brainers.  But when it comes to the Anniversary stuff I can certainly appreciate the quality of the toys themselves, and I am greatly looking forward to the upcoming Wave 7 single packs.


Breaking in the camera

Well, got my camera yesterday after work, and took a couple of hours getting familiar with the features and “breaking it in” a bit.  A very, VERY cool piece of equipment.  A much better zoom, higher resolution, manual aperture and shutter speed settings…this should work very well, even though I’m still learning a bit about shooting indoors with low light (as you’ll see in some collection pics).
