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The first Rotten Tomatoes rating is in and so far so good for G.I. Joe: Retaliation

Well, to be fair, there are only 8 reviews so far.

And to be fair, when Rise of Cobra launched, it had great Rotten Tomatoes ratings after a few days as well.  So trying not to get hopes up too much, but currently, after 8 reviews, the Rotten Tomatoes rating for G.I. Joe: Retaliation is at 88% with reviews being by and large quite glowing and positive.  I do fully expect this to change over the coming days, but so far out of the gate, I like what I see.

Check out the latest Rotten Tomatoes ratings right here.

Video interview with DJ Cotrona about Flint and G.I. Joe: Retaliation

I swear, I’m making efforts to try and not post every one of these things that I see but I’m really looking forward to seeing Cotrona’s portrayal of Flint in the new G.I. Joe: Retaliation film, so I do feel compelled to at least post this video interview from I Am Rogue.  It’s a pretty decent and blunt one-on-one with the actor.

Check it out embedded below.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation Week! Revisiting past analysis – 10 Questions/Answers

In celebration of G.I. Joe: Retaliation striking theaters THIS WEEK not only is GeneralsJoes bringing a wealth of new content to the table, but I’m also pulling out some of the older content that had been drawn up in anticipation of the original release way too long ago.

Just after the trailer launched, I took a blow-by-blow analysis of the trailer and generated a 10 Questions/Answers Revealed article.  The original article can be found right here, but I’ve also mirrored it after the jump.  I think it’s really fun to revisit some of these older articles and see how things have changed, or if they’ve changed throughout the past several months.

Believe it or not, this original article was written December 13, 2011.  Wow.  Suddenly I feel old.  Check it out:


We are down to five days! Reason #5 G.I. Joe: Retaliation will rock!

Twitziller has been pulling weekend duty on these for the past couple of weeks now, but this is the last time!  Take next weekend off, you’ve earned it.  😉

Today we discuss a key part of film making, and something that can be often overlooked.  So much attention is paid to acting chops, dialogue, and staging the shot, but Twitziller covers something oft overlooked in today’s entry.


I have to admit, I am an absolute sucker for effective motion in films or animation.  Sometimes it’s the little thing… in the Rise of Cobra there was a sequence where Storm Shadow dropped from a roof and grabbed the edge of the Cobra Gunship.  It was a very short, very small sequence, yet the sense of motion was amazing.  The feel of him dropping like a rock, then grabbing the edge and being swept up.  It was pretty thrilling.  I think Twitziller picked a fantastic shot up there, because one of the things that really thrills me about what I’ve seen with this film is Flint and his use of Parkour.  I can only think back to the excellent Bourne trilogy and the way their shot staging and motion directing impacts the flow of any scene, and I’ve seen many indications that it will be similar in G.I. Joe: Retaliation.  Flint’s slide underneath, his hop over, and even his seamless jump through a small window to tackle a Cobra Trooper all have a fantastic sense of quick and realistic motion.  I love it.

Follow Twitziller on Twitter, or keep it here on GeneralsJoes for the latest updates.  Previous entries, as always, are below.

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Trading card play packs for G.I. Joe: Retaliation

If you’re a…  ahem…  thirty-something G.I. Joe fan like myself, you likely remember a time when it seemed like everything had trading cards attached to it.  I think I still have tons of them kicking around from the ’89 Batman film here somewhere.

Over the years, this tradition has faded away somewhat, or I just haven’t been paying enough attention.  But I guess it’s time to pay attention again!  Enterplay has G.I. Joe: Retaliation Trading Card Packs up for sale!  They look to be sold in packs of 6, with a total of 48 to collect.

I’m not sure if they’ll specifically be scenes from the film or other stuff, but I’ve got a few packs coming, so I’ll find out soon enough.  Thanks to Skinny Joe Fan for the info.  Check out Enterplay to pick up your packs!

Screen Team Media video interviews of the cast of G.I. Joe: Retaliation

These YouTube clips keep hitting, though these particular ones don’t feature any real footage, just some insight from the cast.  But the main characters aren’t the only ones getting video interviewed, and just showing what a large, ensemble cast this is, we have what look to be our first video interviews of Ray Park, Jonathon Pryce, and RZA from Scream Team Media, courtesy of Skinny Joe Fan!

Because there are so many interviews, check them out after the jump.
