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G.I. Joe fans – Keep an eye out for the Death of Captain America Novel

I’m sure most of us have heard that the new Captain America 2: Winter Soldier film is coming out next April, and to celebrate the film’s release, Marvel is also releasing a prose novel following the landmark “Death of Captain America” comic book arc.

The original comic arc followed Captain America’s assassination as well as spiraled into the machinations of the Winter Soldier following his debut in the comic arc previous to it. It’s an interesting way to tie the film in with comic history, but even more interesting to G.I. Joe fans is the person writing the novel.

Marvel has tapped none other than Larry Hama to write this novel, and in a great interview with Newsarama he talks about the process of writing this exciting adventure, which interestingly enough was the first time he really dealt with Captain America himself as a central character.

Part of what led to this work was Hama’s terrific original novel trilogy The Stranger, which is available on and is a book that I strongly recommend to folks who enjoy a good story in the familiar Hama style. Check out the full interview at

Thanks to Facebook from Eduardo for the heads up!

Pre-Order this book at!


Upcoming Transformers and G.I. Joe writer Scioli breaks down classic G.I. Joe comics

It was announced a short while ago that Tom Scioli, a long time comics writer and artist, would be tackling the first ever G.I. Joe and Transformers crossover from IDW Publishing.

To prepare for this event, Mr. Scioli has been doing copious amounts of research on the classic Marvel Comics G.I. Joe series, and he has written a fantastic long form essay over on Comics Alliance breaking down some of his thoughts and perspective from this research. It’s a great look back in time at some of the early events of the Marvel series, and refreshing to see someone embrace and appreciate the quality of the Marvel Comics series back in the day.

Check out Comics Alliance to see this great article, it’s an awesome read, and the fact that Mr. Scioli is going to this length makes me feel pretty great about the upcoming series.


Preview for IDW Publishing G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #9

Well, this is it.  The very last issue of Mike Costa’s amazing take on the modern G.I. Joe universe.  A twisted tale of intrigue, drama, and deep characterization, the Cobra (and thus, the Cobra Files) have helped redefine how the G.I. Joe universe as a whole is conceived.

Bug kudos to Costa, Gage, and Antonio Fuso who helped steer this ship from the very beginning.  The preview for this landmark issue is below.  Be sure to pick it up at comic shops tomorrow and see how it all ends.

G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #9

Mike Costa (w) • Antonio Fuso (a & c)

THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS – PART 2! TOMAX and CHAMELEON meet face-to-face amid the chaos that the Crimson Twin has unleashed on G.I. JOE’s covert facility. Who will walk away alive? Will either of them? DON’T MISS THE EXPLOSIVE CONCLUSION TO G.I. JOE: THE COBRA FILES!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • Variant cover by Riley Rossmo!

IDW Publishing G.I. Joe Solicitations for March, 2014

The day has finally come… we see our first solicitations from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #200, which promises big changes and a new direction for the Marvel title. Larry Hama and SL Gallant have been cranking it up a notch with recent issues, and I’m really looking forward to seeing this storyline resolve itself. Check out the full list of solicitations for March, 2014.


Previews for IDW Publishing G.I. Joe #11 and Special Missions #10

Tomorrow caps of Fred Van Lente’s run on the G.I. Joe comic for IDW Publishing, and he goes out in style with some awesome Sigma 6 homage work in the first group of pages.  Thumbs up from me on that one.

Check out the previews for G.I. Joe #11 and G.I. Joe: Special Missions #10 below.

G.I. Joe #11

Fred Van Lente (w) • Steve Kurth (a & c)

THE ORIGIN OF ROADBLOCK! How did a humble army chef become the man-mountain we know and love? (Hint: It wasn’t through home cooking!)

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • A powerful tale of one of the most popular G.I. Joe team members!
  • Variant cover by Ryan Dunlavey!

G.I. Joe: Special Missions #10

Chuck Dixon (w) • Paul Gulacy (a) • Gulacy, Will Rosado (c)

DESTRO MUST DIE—PART ONE! The Special Missions team recruits Copperback from a Supermax prison to lead them to her former employer: Laird DESTRO. COBRA’s favorite weapons maker is in G.I. JOE’s crosshairs. But only if they can survive their alliance with the deadly and duplicitous Copperback.

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • Paul Gulacy returns for another action-packed arc!
  • Variant cover by S L Gallant!

Unofficial poll – which version of Billy would you want as an action figure?

His name comes up all the time on most fans “most wanted” lists, and unlike a figure like Pythona, you would think Billy could be done relatively easily with many existing parts.  So what’s stopping someone like the G.I. Joe Collectors Club from doing it?

According to the Q & A at last year’s JoeCon (and it seems like every year’s JoeCon) the Club doesn’t know what version of Billy the fans might want.  The Boy Scout assassin version (no thanks)?  Storm Shadow’s ninja apprentice?  A Devils Due-esque version in military gear and long hair?  Where do you stand?

Well, if you’re a member of the G.I. Joe Collectors Club, skinny has put up an unofficial poll to gather some fan consensus about what version of Billy we might want to see.  It’s pretty well known that the Club pays attention to fan requests, especially at their site or on their forums, so you should definitely check out the forums, and place your vote.

You never know, you might help shape FSS 3.0 or 4.0!