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It’s become a regular event… a landmark occasion…  a national treasure.

Okay, maybe that’s going a bit too far.  But let’s face it, folks seem to enjoy our Convention announcement special editions, and we work hard to try and provide as much information as humanly possible.  This episode should be especially enjoyable, what with the 60 minutes of Gary bitching and moaning and all.

Seriously…the 2013 Convention is in his home town and he complains?  Chump.

But there’s stuff in here for everyone else as well… what should you expect at the Con?  How much money is it going to cost?  What the heck is there to do in Indianapolis?  We answer it all right here!  Check out our Podbean page or the embedded player below, and Show Notes are after the jump.



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Call him what you want… A snob, an elitist, selfish, whatever, but Gary REALLY likes his get aways. Imagine his surprise, after years of discouraging the club from placing the Con in his hometown (an event that would make any other Hoosier collector REALLY happy), that his efforts were in vain. Yes folks, JoeCon hits the lower midwest in the first time since…well, EVER. As much as Gary didn’t want the con in Indianapolis, he is proud of his state and city. Along with Mike, who is also a former resident of the Indianapolis metro area, they run down what to see, do and eat around the 2013 convention site, the brand spanking new JW Marriott! We also answer some commonly asked questions by convention n00bs and even do a little blind speculation of the figures which we think might be in the set. So, even if Gary doesn’t welcome you to Indianapolis, we still invite you to have a listen. 2013 has the potential to be something special!

G.I. Joe Convention Resources