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The Cobra Special Forces invade the web and Facebook!

As an unexpected special surprise along with the huge trailer launch tonight, we were directed to a website for Cobra Special Forces.  This interactive site presented us with a couple of simple tests that you could take to determine your ranking.

The site then gives you a rank and redirects you to a Facebook page where you can “await your next assignment”…  hmmm… sounds like something more is coming.  But what?  Guess we’ll have to find out!

The new G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer is LIVE

With thanks to Machinima, we have a brand spanking new G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer!  Boo YA!

We knew it was coming, we were ready for it…but could we really be totally prepared for the awesomeness it would bestow upon us?  HISS Tanks rolling upon Washington, DC?  Firefly, Cobra Commander, Roadblock, and Snake Eyes oozing awesomeness from every pore?

June 29th, I’m ready and waiting for you!  Let’s do this.

What’s on Joe Mind Special Edition #11 – G.I. Joe: Retaliation footage report!

As you may have guessed from the flood of content all hitting simultaneously, there have been some G.I. Joe: Retaliation footage screening events over the past couple of weeks, and I’ve been fortunate enough to be in contact with a few people who got a chance to attend these events.  The only hitch?  Any talking about these events was embargoed until 8:00am Greenwich Mean Time.  That’s 3:00am Eastern and 12:00 midnight Pacific to us over here in the United States.

Now not only did the always awesome Russ Sheath and Dave Tree write up some very detailed and very extensive reports on these screenings, but Dave also stayed up until all hours of the UK night to talk to us on What’s on Joe Mind about what he saw!  He gets into full details, and lets us interrogate him in true What’s on Joe Mind fashion to get to the bottom of G.I. Joe: Retaliation as we come within two months of the film’s release.

Gary, being the consummate professional that he is, got the editing turned around in lightning fast time and we have a very Special Edition of the What’s on Joe Mind podcast in the can and ready to go!  Check it out as always on our Podbean page, or hit up the embedded player below.

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EXCLUSIVE – Another awesome G.I. Joe Retaliation screening report!

I absolutely cannot say enough for my site visitors.  I have a couple of guys in the UK who absolutely went above and beyond to bring us these reports.  Dave Tree talked about the footage he saw a little over a week ago, and now Russ Sheath has taken considerable time and effort to do this write up for GeneralsJoes as well.  They get no payment for this, they do it because they enjoy the site and they want G.I. Joe fans to get an idea of what to expect when June 29th comes.

I feel extremely honored that they would choose GeneralsJoes as a place to post this information, and cannot thank them enough.  Fantastic, fantastic coverage.

Russ is a regular contributor to Aint it Cool News, and he sent them one screening report, and then wrote up a specific post geared towards Joe fans for GeneralsJoes as well.  Awesome.  Russ and Dave, you guys are both awesome.

This screening report encompasses about 10 minutes of footage, and could be considered rich spoiler material, so tread forward with caution.  There is a LOT of detail here, and Russ went through a ton of work, so hopefully folks can read it through, enjoy it, and get a good idea of what to expect come June 29th.  I know I am extremely excited.

The full post is after the jump.


EXCLUSIVE – G.I. Joe: Retaliation Early Screening Footage Report

Good morning, G.I. Joe fans!  Well for folks who are eager to know what all the little details are for the upcoming G.I. Joe: Retaliation film, I have got a treat for you today.  Paramount did some footage screening for some very select individuals over the past week or two, and GeneralsJoes is lucky enough to have a few reports of that footage for you today!

A big friend of GeneralsJoes and the What’s on Joe Mind podcast Dave Tree from Roll Out Roll Call got to see this footage live and in person, and he did some fantastic work getting this intel dissected and reported to us.

Please keep in mind that some of the footage descriptions you read below could be considered spoilers!  If you are looking to go into the film clean and pure, you may want to avoid reading this post.  If you want to know as much as humanly possible, click the Read the Rest of the Story link below to read the full details!
