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New Pursuit of Cobra Dusty and Night Fox images

Keep in mind that I really don’t like desert figures.  I never really have.  Yet, for some reason, the figure that I was most drawn to with those unreleased Target sets was Sandstorm…for some reason I just thought he was awesome.  Whether it was the story with Zartan, or the desert camouflage and reactive armor combination…I’m not sure why, but that figure really drew me in.
And now, The Pursuit of Cobra keeps up the trend.  Dusty, coming in Wave 2, is one of the cooler Joe figures I’ve seen in recent memory.  Night Fox as well, who is slated to come with the upcoming AWE Striker, is another fantastic looking desert themed figure.  Combine that with the HISS v.5 I already have, and suddenly I have a veritable desert arsenal, and they’re all cool!
Gyre-Viper from, of course, doesn’t help much when he keeps posting great pictures…I love some of the gear swaps he shows off in this thread, and I’ve mirrored just a few of the awesome images below.

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The Alexx Shorts make a return with Pursuit of Cobra Alpha Vehicles

It’s been a while since I’ve featured any of the awesome “Alexx Shorts” here, but mostly just because there hasn’t been a whole lot of new product for him to talk about, or take pictures of.  But that has certainly changed recently…
When I saw his take on the two latest Alpha vehicles, the Ghost Hawk and the Doom Cycle, I just had to repost them here…even with a few months of down time he hasn’t lost his touch.  The original threads can be found at JoeBattleLines, I’ve also linked them below just above the image galleries.
Alexx Shorts – Ghost Hawk

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Alexx Shorts – Doom Cycle

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GeneralsJoes G.I. Joe: Resolute Reviews – BONUS!

Okay, I have a confession to make.  I love these Resolute toys.  I really, really, REALLY love these Resolute toys.  I know everyone labels me a Hasbro fanboy anyway, so that probably comes as no surprise to anyone, but my love for these Resolute toys goes beyond my normal love for the normal cool toys.
While I am fired up for the Pursuit of Cobra items and I love what I’m seeing there, too, for some reason the look and feel of G.I. Joe: Resolute just has me on cloud nine.  It’s a little bitter sweet, because I’m not sure we’ll ever see anything else from this awesome Resolute universe, but if this is it, it’s a great last stand.
Granted, there were aspects of the Resolute story that certainly were not perfect, but the big drawing point were the designs, and seeing those designs translated into 3 3/4″ plastic form is absolutely awesome.  So, of course, since I’m so ramped up, I couldn’t just stop at two reviews posted today…  here are FOUR more.  These are all linked at the G.I. Joe: Resolute Reviews Page, or you can check them out individually below:

So that’s a total of eight of the fourteen figures…  I might even get the last six posted tomorrow.  But I don’t want to shortchange my “Review-A-Rama” too much!
Anyway, check ’em out above.

G.I. Joe: The Movie hits TODAY on DVD and Blu-Ray!

A scant twenty-three years after it’s initial broadcast, the infamous G.I. Joe: The Movie hits retail shelves today on Blu-Ray or DVD.  Produced by Shout! Factory, the movie finally rounds off the long awaited process many fans have gone through waiting for the entire collection of Sunbow features to be released to mass retail on DVD.
The ’87 animated movie will forever be a point of contention and talking point among the G.I. Joe fandom, so don’t miss your chance to own this DVD today.
GeneralsJoes will be reviewing this in its entirety very shortly, but trust me when I say it’s worth a look.  It holds up surprisingly well over two decades after it initially aired.  Granted, I thought it was pretty damn cheesy back then, and these days I’ve learned to better appreciate the finer arts of Sunbow ham, but I still don’t think you’ll be disappointed.  If for nothing else, Buzz Dixon’s excellent commentary.
Pick up your copy today!