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Not content with merely providing a crappy cell phone pic, Scott “madmac41” from JoeBattleLines has put his camera to use, grabbing a nice allotment of boxed images of the fresh from the retail womb Wal-Mart Battle Station sets!  Retailing for a very appealing $14.96 (in the same ballpark as the Wal-Mart 2-Pack figures, only with a whole bunch of added Battle Station goodness… WTF?) these are some very cool sets that initially left me somewhat cold, but are now leaving me a lot less cold.  Still a bit cool, though.  I’m not wild about ’em…

Frustrating thing is, there are some very cool things about each set, but none of the sets really blow me away.  I love the Heatseek Missile, but I really don’t care for that Scrap Iron, and I’ve got like 47 Neo-Vipers already.  The COBRA Surveillance port is awesome, but I really don’t need another cruddy MARS Trooper, and that Tele-Viper don’t look right.

On the Joe side, I dig the Resolute Roadblock (he looks a lot better in these pictures, for sure), but Tripwire is just bizarre, and I’m not sold on the Outpost Defender itself.  The Laser Artillary Weapon is a bit underwhelming, but that Hawk kicks all sorts of ass.  I dunno…maybe I’ll think different if I see them at retail.  There are some pretty awesome aspects to them, but not enough warranting sixty of my dollars, at least not at this point.  I know other fans are riled up about ’em, though, so enjoy the mirrored pics.

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