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BigBadToyStore has PoC Bravo Wave 2 vehicles in stock!

Wow, that’s unexpected!  Even as Wave 2 of the Pursuit of Cobra figures have started trickling out into brick & mortar retail, BigBadToyStore reports that they have received the second wave of Bravo vehicles, which includes the VAMP and the Cobra Fury.  Excellent!  Click the links below.  I’ve placed my order, and I can’t tell you how psyched I am for the VAMP.  This looks like one of the coolest Joe vehicles we’ve gotten in a while.

Go get ’em!

Diamond Release dates for Pursuit of Cobra Wave 2

Thanks to SNAKE EYES of for revealing the release dates for Pursuit of Cobra Wave 2 as revealed by Diamond Distribution.  But to me, the best news is this crazy high resolution images provided.  Nice!
Good grief I’m in love with the Pursuit of Cobra.  These are all exceedingly awesome looking figures.  Every freaking one of them.  I do hope Jungle-Viper looks okay without his monstrous backpack suit thing, because I’d love to use him as a more generic Cobra jungle operative…and yes, I understand Snake Eyes has “Tornado Action” and that figure looks pretty wonky, but I love it all, anyway.
Check out the mirrored images below.

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The release information is as follows:
Pursuit Of Cobra WAVE 2: The evil schemes of Cobra are thwarted throughout the world by the noble soldiers of G.I. Joe, and their battles can be replayed time and again with the G.I. Joe action figures! Each figure stands 3 3/4″ tall and comes with accessories. Fans can choose from Zartan (Version 2)*, Recondo, Destro (Version 2), Jungle Viper, Snake Eyes (Version 2), Dusty, and many more. Blister card packaging.
Estimated ship date: 9/29/10
GI JOE BRAVO VEHICLES WAVE 2: Stage your own battles between the forces of G.I. Joe and Cobra with the all-new G.I. Joe Bravo Vehicles, scaled to the 3 3/4″ figure height! Choose from the Vamp 4×4 with Double Clutch, or the Cobra Fury with Alley Viper.
Estimated ship date: 9/29/10
GI JOE ALPHA VEHICLES WAVE 2: Take your Joe and Cobra forces into battle with these 1- and 2-man vehicles, scaled to the 3 3/4″ figure, each with its own exclusive pilot/driver! Collectors can choose from the A.W.E. Striker, which comes with Nightfox, or the Cobra Ice Cutter, which comes with Snow Serpent.
Estimated ship date: 9/29/10

Toy Fair Update – First Picture Push

I’m on a tight timeline, so you’ll have to excuse the rushed nature of these images, I promise I will take time to refine, crop, and organize them better as the weekend goes on (when I’m not running close to the wire for catching a train back home).
Until then… here’s what I got.
Resolute Figures
Not much was show on the presentation floor, and we don’t have official press pics yet.  Here are Flint, Zartan, and Scarlett:

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Pursuit of Cobra Figures
Not everything was on the floor, but here’s what I’ve got for them, too, scatters of both Wave 1 and Wave 2:

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Pursuit of Cobra Vehicles
Also, scatters of Wave 1 and Wave 2 for Alphas and Bravos:

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Pursuit of Cobra Mech Suits
Scattered images of the the Joe and Cobra Mechs:

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Another indication of future G.I. Joe packaging change?

The guys over at The Terror Drome have come across an overseas auction, which apparently features a pre-production box for the upcoming G.I. Joe vehicle line possibly appearing on store shelves this fall.

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First thing you can’t help but notice is that the logo and overall blue color scheme are very reminiscent of the Firefly packaging we saw a while ago, which lends more credence to that being something official.
Besides that, I wouldn’t take much from these images, since they are obviously so early in the production phase.  Hopefully we’ll find out more in six days at Toy Fair!

More images of upcoming Bravo class VAMP and HISS

Perhaps this mystery surrounding the whole Pursuit of Cobra thing wouldn’t be so frustrating if the toys weren’t so freaking cool.  I think what’s killing many fans out there is that these toys look so bad ass that not knowing when they’re coming is really taxing us…
So, just to rub a little more salt in the wound, HissTank has posted some more images of the upcoming VAMP and HISS bravo class vehicles, which are, frankly, just amazing.

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I mean look at those things.  Utter bad assedness.  The VAMP is amazingly cool, and so obviously built based off the Sigma 6 Night Ops VAMP (which is not a bad thing).  The angular armor, the modular gun ports, even the rotating weapons platform in the back with a very similar gatling gun.  To me, this is a GREAT thing.  I’ve long since expressed my love for the 2.5″ Sigma 6 vehicle designs, and seeing 3 3/4″ vehicles so strongly based on those looks is just a fantastic thing.
Now, if we only knew what to call the toyline…  hell, though, they can call it Mighty Morphin Power Joe if they keep producing toys like this.