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G.I. Joe: Retaliation FULL FOUR MINUTE Ninja Battle sequence is online!

So remember a while ago when G.I. Joe: Retaliation was featuring that four minute extended clip from the ninja cliffside battle before Hansel & Gretel?  If you missed it, do not fear, Comic Book Movie to the rescue!  Over on the CBM YouTube page, they have posted the full four minute cliffside battle sequence, which is… wow.  Impressive.

Check it out on the CBM YouTube channel, or embedded below.

Only 11 days left, and reason #11 why G.I. Joe: Retaliation will be great!

Happy Monday, and we’re going to brighten your Monday lunch with an invasion of a mute ninja commando celebrating reason #11 why G.I. Joe: Retaliation will be great!  Twitziller brings the lumber this time, going right to the meat of the G.I. Joe mythology.


As much as G.I. Joe fans are probably sick of the Snake Eyes infusion, he is a central part of the G.I. Joe mythology, like it or not.  If you enjoy G.I. Joe, you will be inundated with Snake Eyes and those folks associated with Snake Eyes.  Certainly he played a big role in the Rise of Cobra, and had some very cool scenes as well.  I still geek out hard when he jumps on the roof of the vehicle in the Paris Pursuit chase scene…  I mean, seriously, who doesn’t love this:

Still, as cool as that sequence was, the whole cliffside battle sequence looks like it could redefine the character.  His uniform is 100% better than the first film, and the presence of the Blind Master, Jinx, and Storm Shadow only proves that this character gets some serious focus this time around.  As the most popular G.I. Joe character, it only makes sense.

Follow Twitziller on Twitter to continue to the TOP TEN, or keep it right here on GeneralsJoes.  Previous entries can be seen below.

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