by generalsjoes | Sep 14, 2015 | Boss Fight Studio, Other Toys
We’re down to just about 12 hours left in the Marauder Task Force Valkyries Kickstarter event, so if you’re going to support this great endeavor now is the time!
Yes, the project is fully funded, but there are a number of great stretch goals that are looking just a bit out of reach, so here’s hoping folks can come together and get them back IN reach. I’m looking at the Stedi-Cam Gunner and the Spec Ops Valkyrie, both of which are figures I’d love to add to my existing Task Force team.
Check out some of the great new images of test shots and digitally printed figures and get your pledge in! There won’t be a second chance.
by generalsjoes | Sep 8, 2015 | Boss Fight Studio, Other Toys
When it comes to these Kickstarter campaigns, it can be a tight rope, walking the line between needing funding to start production, and actually having items at some level of production so backers know what they’re getting.
With Marauder Task Force, we had a pretty good idea, as the digital sculpt and 3D printed mock up were revealed right away, but not so much with the Valkyries. Well, we’re less than a week to go, and now we have something to look at!
Marauder revealed the 3D Printed sculpts for their upcoming Valkyrie toy line and, as one might expect, they look amazing. The digital sculpts translate to near perfection to the three dimensional form, and these are impressive to say the least.
Hopefully some folks were just waiting in the wings to see some physical samples, and now that they’ve been revealed, we can see some good movement on this thing again. We’ve got a ways to go to start unlocking more of those stretch goals. Check out the Marauder Valkyrie Kickstarter, and throw some support its way! We need to prove that not only can independent toy makers do this stuff, but we need to prove that there’s a market for female figures as well. Let’s do this!
by generalsjoes | Aug 4, 2015 | Other Toys
Our first glimpse of these great looking new figures came via concept art from the New Jersey Collectors Con, and now the Kickstarter is officially live!
At the moment, we still just have that great Boss Fight Studio artwork to go by, but the folks at Marauder promise that they will be posting images of prototype figures and paint masters as the campaign goes on! You can bet we’ll be reporting on any new information as this progresses.
The Kickstarter fired off at just before midnight last night and as of this writing already has 43% of its main funding in the bag! WOW! That’s great news, too, because there are some amazing stretch goals here.
Check out the Marauder Task Force Valkyrie Kickstarter and throw them some support. If the first run of Marauder Task Force is any indication, these will be some great additions to your 1:18 scale action figure collection.
by generalsjoes | Aug 2, 2015 | Boss Fight Studio
The Valkyries have been getting teased for a short while, although until now, nobody really knew what the Valkyrie project was. Since Valkyries are legendary female warriors, I think most folks figured it would be a female buck for the Marauder Task Force line, and it looks like most folks were right!
Today at New Jersey Collectors Con, Boss Fight Studio and Marauder themselves are in attendance (so stop reading this and GO TO CHERRY HILL, NJ!) and they have revealed the first concept art of the Valkyrie project! Pretty exciting stuff.’s Facebook Page has posted the first images, and I’m pretty excited. Not only are there some new female bucks, but there are plenty of great new weapons that will work for all figures, and there looks to be a new male figure as well. The male figure has rolled up sleeves, a great looking armored torso and what appear to be different legs.
Keep in mind this is all concept art, so things could certainly change, but we’re definitely off on the right track here. Check out the mirrored images below, and if you’re anywhere near Cherry Hill, NJ, make your way to NJCC. I’ve been there before, and it’s a blast.
by generalsjoes | Jun 12, 2015 | Marauder "Gun Runners", review-no-frontpage, Toy Reviews
Ever since the Kickstarter launched I’ve been dreaming of getting my sweaty palms on these fun looking figures. That day has come, and I hope you’re prepared for a mammoth review of the much anticipated Marauder “Task Force”!