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Exciting JoeCon news for Marauder Task Force!

Over on their Facebook Page, the folks behind Marauder “Gun Runners” have posted an exciting announcement about the upcoming G.I. Joe Convention in Loveland, Colorado!

Hey Folks!

We hope to see you ALL in a couple weeks at the upcoming Joe convention in Colorado! At the con, we will have:

-A huge 3 booth Marauder “Gun-Runner” display

-The MTF Valkyries figures & gear from the production tools on display

-NEW & UNANNOUNCED MTF accessories & gear on display that are ALSO getting released this summer

-Special con pricing on MTF items & MGR weapons,

-UNVEIL our upcoming and ALREADY IN THE WORKS Marauder Task Force 2017 projects

-3 (THREE), never before released, MTF Convention EXCLUSIVE figure styles: Range-Ops, Assault-Ops and Havoc-Ops (details and images to come!)

-Ryan Lord, the artist responsible for the MTF cardart illustrations & MTF skull/knife design, will be at the booth with a wide variety of artwork & custom items.

Again, would love to see you all at show! Please stop by, check out the booth and say “Hi” to your “Gun-Runners!”

Sounds pretty exciting!  Everyone make sure you check out the Marauder booth at JoeCon, I’ve hit it in year’s past and it’s always a highlight of the Convention!


FREE Marauder Task Force Action Figure Event!

The latest Marauder Newsletter brings some exciting news!


Order $35 or more of MGR items and get your choice of 1 (ONE) Gray Tech Ops, Orange Hazard Ops, Yellow Shock-Ops OR Brown Terra-Ops Marauder Task Force figure with vest, headgear & head  for FREE!*

For even MORE value….get ANOTHER FREE geared up MTF figure (body, vest, headgear & head) of YOUR CHOICE for EVERY $35 ordered!  The number of FREE figures received is up to you!
Example 1: order over $70 worth of items (2 x $35), get 2 (TWO) Gray Tech Ops, Orange Hazard Ops, Yellow Shock-Ops OR Brown Terra-Ops Marauder Task Force figures for FREE.  Also, each figure gets your choice of vest, headgear & head for FREE! *

Example 2: order over $105 worth of items (3 x $35), get 3 (THREE) Gray Tech Ops, Orange Hazard Ops, Yellow Shock Ops OR Brown Terra Ops Marauder Task Force figures for FREE.  Also, each figure gets your choice of vest, headgear & head for FREE!*
-No special code to enter for the free figure promo.
-Sale ends Sunday night 5/8 at 11:59PM EST.

*Free MTF figure choices must be Brown (Terra Ops), Gray (Tech Ops), Yellow (Shock Ops) or Orange (Hazard Ops).  FREE MTF vest, headgear & head choices must be Brown (Terra Ops), Gray (Tech Ops), Black (Shock Ops) or Orange (Hazard Ops).  Unmasked head selection can be ANY skin tone, any hair color and with or without facial hair.  Note: weapaons & modular accessories (pouches, pockets, holsters, etc) are NOT included and available separately.  Items selected can be any combination of figures, any combination of gear and any combination of colors but ONLY within the eligible colors & styles.

Thanks again for your support!
MJ & Team
Marauder “Gun-Runners”

New items in stock at the Marauder “Gun Runners” store

Talk about a pleasant Monday surprise! Marauder “Gun Runners” revealed last night that they have stocked some brand new, unexpected items in their online store from Marauder Task Force!

First, they revealed a new unmasked head template, with white hair. There is a clean shaven version, a version with a goatee, and a version with a full beard. Check out some images below, and pick it up at!

But even better, they also revealed several new color combinations for Task Force figures! Several new black figures were revealed with different color highlights, as well as blue with black and white with black. The added colors for the gauntlets makes a HUGE difference and really breaks up the colors of the figures nicely. Great looking stuff. Check out the images below, and stock up that shopping cart at!

Marauder “Gun Runners” reveals test shot of Stedi-Cam Gunner

Okay, I think I’m in love.

Alongside their latest Kickstarter for the Marauder Task Force Valkyries, Marauder “Gun Runners” also included  a great stretch goal for the “stedi-cam gunner” an excellent looking tweaked version of the Marauder Task Force figure with rolled up sleeves, different lower legs, a fantastic new helmet, webgear, and really cool looking new stedi-cam heavy weapon.

Today over on the Marauder Gun Runners Facebook page we get a first look at an early test shot of this set and frankly, it looks amazing.  Even better than I thought it might.  The same fantastic design work that we’ve come to expect from Boss Fight Studio, all working flawlessly within the Marauder customizable figure system.  Really great stuff.  Check out the mirrored images below.

Marauder Task Force new colors available on the web store

During the Kickstarter for the Marauder Task Force Valkyries figures, we were all pleasantly surprised by the appearance of more deco choices for the existing Marauder Task Force figures.  Many folks took advantage of the Kickstarter to buy these new colors, and now those new colors are available in the Marauder store!

The following email communication comes from the folks at Marauder “Gun Runners”:

Hey 814 Valtaskers!

The remaining Orange Hazard Ops, Brown Terra Ops, Yellow Shock Ops, Gray Tech Ops and Yellow/Green Strike Ops figures and accessories are NOW live on We received several questions about when the new deco figures and new colored gear would be available…so wanted to let you all know!

Thanks again for your support!

MJ & Team