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Screen Grabs from G.I. Joe: Retaliation International trailers

So we’ve seen a number of International trailers flying around over the past few days, so I figured I’d take some time to grab some screenshots from those to add to the ongoing library.  I know I’ve noticed some very cool elements from this footage that I didn’t necessarily see over the first viewing.

To me, International Trailer “G” especially was eye opening.  I believe it’s been marketed as a Korean trailer, and features a heavy element of martial arts action, focusing on Storm Shadow specifically.  The sequence near the end where it appears as if Joe Colton is talking to Storm Shadow in a friendly way is especially interesting, leading to some speculation that Arashikage may be joining the good guys this time around.

We also get a very nice look at the Cobra helicopter and a front view of the HISS Tank.  Check out the screen grabs below.

International Trailer G (Korean Trailer?)

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There have also been assorted other International trailers, and I’ve tried to grab some new screen shots from those as well, which you can see below

Other International Trailers

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To see the trailers themselves click here for embedded videos of each.  I will also be adding all of this to the G.I. Joe: Retaliation SuperPage on an ongoing basis!


G.I. Joe: Retaliation footage and trailer feedback from other sources

Even though I feel very honored to have a couple GeneralsJoes fans who took the time and energy to write up reports for the site based on what they’ve seen from new footage, I also wanted to look elsewhere as well, just to get an idea about the feedback that other sites were providing as well.

You can check out the GeneralsJoes reports by Dave Tree and Russ Sheath, and also hit up the What’s on Joe Mind Special Edition, but then hit up a few of the links below.

Obviously there are a ton of other links out there, but I figured this would at least get folks started.  The short answer is there seems to be a LOT of love for this film even outside the hardcore Joe fans or hardcore geek circles.  Hopefully the positive buzz keeps roaring all the way through the end of June!

Screen grabs from the new G.I. Joe: Retaliation theatrical trailer

Oh no, I’m not done yet!  If I’m going to be up this damn early watching a trailer for G.I. Joe: Retaliation, I’m doing it whole hog.  I went through the entire trailer and pulled out as many new screen grabs as I could find.

I didn’t bother re-capturing most of the stuff we’ve already seen, I wanted to focus on the captures that were new in this particular trailer.  There were plenty!  See Firefly in his awesome balaclava…see the HISS Tanks rolling down the streets of Washington.  See Jinx in a red ninja mask for the first time!

More and more good stuff.  Check out the gallery below, but most importantly, check out the trailer!!

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The new G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer is LIVE

With thanks to Machinima, we have a brand spanking new G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer!  Boo YA!

We knew it was coming, we were ready for it…but could we really be totally prepared for the awesomeness it would bestow upon us?  HISS Tanks rolling upon Washington, DC?  Firefly, Cobra Commander, Roadblock, and Snake Eyes oozing awesomeness from every pore?

June 29th, I’m ready and waiting for you!  Let’s do this.