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IDW G.I. Joe Origins #17 5-Page Preview

Continuing the fascinating origin of Zartan in the IDW universe, G.I. Joe: Origins #17 hits comic shops tomorrow, and we’ve got a 5-page preview for you today.  I was pretty enthralled by the first issue, and I’m really looking forward to reading the continuing saga…expect a review to be posted tomorrow upon release!
Until then, whet your appetite with the first 5 pages of story.
Chuck Dixon (w) • Alex Cal(a) • Tom Feister, Cal (c)
The Origin of Zartan, Part 2: The twisted origin of COBRA’s man of a thousand identities continues as Zartan is trained in the ways of death and disguise by his COBRA masters. But perhaps he knows far more than they. A deadly game begins; a game where only Zartan knows the rules. A glimpse inside COBRA and their evil schemes to manipulate world events from the shadows.
* 2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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GeneralsJoes Reviews G.I. Joe: Origins #16

G.I. Joe: Origins #16
Chuck Dixon (w) • Alex Cal (a) • Tom Feister, Cal (c)
The Origin of Zartan, Part 1: Who is Zartan? You may think you know the murderous master of disguise but you don’t know the whole story! A hired killer under the command of the Baroness is dangerously compromised. He’s offered the protection of COBRA and sent on a risky mission that ends with a scene that will have Joe fans talking for years. This one is 100% guaranteed to shock!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
To avoid revealing too many spoilers, I’ve posted the review after the jump.  Click the “Read the rest of this entry” link below to check out the review, and be warned, there ARE spoilers within!

Five-Page preview for G.I. Joe: Origins #16 – Zartan Arrives!

The IDW G.I. Joe world has been a roller coaster, and thankfully things have been on the upward trend as of late.  In that way, I’m glad it took them a little while to get to exploring the character of Zartan, because he is one of the coolest and most central characters of the G.I. Joe mythos, and I’d rather see him done right than done early.
So far we’ve got a short snippet of the G.I. Joe: Origins issue featuring his back story, and so far, so good.  A pretty fast-paced, thrilling introduction so far.
G.I. Joe: Origins #16
Chuck Dixon (w) • Alex Cal (a) • Tom Feister, Cal (c)
The Origin of Zartan, Part 1: Who is Zartan? You may think you know the murderous master of disguise but you don’t know the whole story! A hired killer under the command of the Baroness is dangerously compromised. He’s offered the protection of COBRA and sent on a risky mission that ends with a scene that will have Joe fans talking for years. This one is 100% guaranteed to shock!
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99

no images were found Revamped Comic Section rocks!

YoJoe Comic mastermind antarctica sends along an update, reporting that he’s totally  revised the YoJoe comic section, focusing on continuity and “flow” from one series to another.  Using official Hasbro terminology, he laid out the entire page with renewed organization.
As great as the YoJoe Comics Archive has been, this makes it even better.  It truly is a fantastic resource and antarctica deserves a ton of praise for the hard work he’s put in keeping it up to date, especially as IDW continues to flood the market with new books.
Great stuff!  Check it out for yourself right here.
As an addendum to this, he’s also added summaries to the section for G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #155.5 as well as the Hearts and Minds Ashcan promo, G.I. Joe #17, G.I. Joe: Cobra #4, and G.I. Joe: Origins #15.  Check out links to all of those IDW summaries right here.

At the risk of sparking the rage… G.I. Joe Origins #14 was pretty cool

I know the last time I talked about the G.I. Joe: Origins 2-parter that introduced the IDW universe’s version of Ripcord, it sparked some debate, mostly because I supported IDW’s decision to try and mesh their universe with the film version of Ripcord, who, for Marvel fans, is a pretty critical character in the G.I. Joe mythos.
However, I still stand by my stance that for a current crop of G.I. Joe fans doesn’t necessarily understand or appreciate Ripcord’s place in history (for better or worse).  So to me, it only makes some sense that a movie that earned 300 million dollars internationally at the box office and probably influenced a lot of people has some bearing on the “fringe” continuities.  I mean, after all, even G.I. Joe: Resolute featured an African American version of Ripcord, and IDW ties in to all of it.
But what really matters to me here is the story, and this was a great conclusion to the story.  Ripcord trapped in the jungle for two weeks, surviving off of bugs and reptiles, still manages to accomplish his mission just in time to be evac’ed by General Hawk and Scarlett, and then gets his introduction to the G.I. Joe team.
But the most important thing here, I think, is the way Beatty is able to write this Ripcord character to kind of cover all bases.  There is a hint of the humorous tone that Marlon Wayans carried in the film, but it’s not as overbearing as it was there.  This version of Ripcord cracks some jokes, and yes, he even casually hits on Scarlett, but the most important component of the two-part story is Ripcord’s ability as a special ops soldier and his resilience in the jungle.  All in all, it was an enjoyable story, and this new Ripcord is able to walk that line between the Rise of Cobra universe, the Resolute universe, and this new IDW storyline.  I’ve mirrored some images below, but the panels do pull from all parts of the story, so beware of minor spoilers.

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